Thea Asters vs Renee Winters

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Thea Asters vs Renee Winters

Unread post by winner3 »

Queen Of The Ring Finals Match:
Standard rules apply. Victory is to be awarded via pinfall, submission, knockout, count-out, or disqualification.
The winner win LAW's first-ever Queen of The Ring Tournament and become LAW's very first Queen of The Ring!

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Re: Thea Asters vs Renee Winters

Unread post by Bare »

This was it. The last, the final hurdle Thea would have to face on her ascension. Just one last opponent and she would finally be able to claim the crown of Queen of the Ring for herself. All that stood in her way was... Renee Winters. Probably one of the newest names to LAW in this tournament, and Thea honestly found herself chuckle as she leaned back against a wall. "A beast, a dragon, and now a mage... heheh its almost too perfect." Thea said, chuckling once more as she ran a hand through her hair. Truthfully the battles against Amy and Tiki had been long and arduous, so to compare those two to Renee the blonde almost felt... relieved? But underestimating opponents was a surefire way to lose, and while there was a part of Thea that wanted to do so, she couldn't let herself fall into that trap.

No matter what Thea would win this match, and this whole tournament, and she'd be damned if she stumbled at the last possible moment. Pushing off from the wall Thea's bangs shadowed her eyes, creating a stark contrast fro the bright, bubbly appearance she had at the start of this tournament, and as she walked she was given a wide berth by LAW's backstage hands all the way until she made it to the entrance curtains where her music would finally start.
Stepping out from the back Thea would be greeted by a maelstrom of boos and jeers directed towards her. After what she did to win in her match against Tiki any good will the blonde had was effectively gone, the fans seeing through her completely now and... Thea couldn't bother to give a damn as she tossed her hair back, throwing her arms up and taking the boos head on, a wide, egotistical smile cracking across her face. They may have hated how she did it, but Thea had fought and clawed her way to this summit and no matter how much they booed it wouldn't deter the silver clad beauty as she strutted her way down the ramp, her toned body glistening under the lights already as she approached the ring.
Climbing the steps Thea would turn and blow a mocking kiss to the fans before swinging herself over the top rope in a aggressive yet elegant display that showed her agility as she landed in the ring and approached a corner, continuing to preen and display herself proudly in spite of the outright vitriol she now received from the fans. Truth be told none of it mattered to her at this point. All that mattered... was winning.

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Re: Thea Asters vs Renee Winters

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Here she the very end of the road. Everything would come down to this. It was do-or-die time. Now-or-never. There was no time for words, thoughts, or emotions...what Renee needed to do right now...was FIGHT. Fight as if her life depended on it. After partaking in some breathing techniques to cool herself off and calm her nerves...she left for the ring...


"...And her opponent, hailing from Paris, France...bringing yet another amazing performance to the grand stage of LAW guaranteed to disrupt the seasons themselves...standing at 5'9 and weighing in at 126 lbs...give it up for Renee Winters!!! THE WINTER FANTASY!!!"


At the top of the ramp stood the beautiful silhouette of Thea's opponent. Lit up by the dazzling lights that danced all around her, the wintry idol made her entrance...Her glorious, lithe frame was complemented by a series of glitter and fake snowflakes falling all around the top of the entranceway and down the ramp. This figure would appear like something out of a dream with a mystical presentation as she struck a neutral ballet-style pose, Renee Winters would make her entrance with a wondrous display of ballet choreography, the French idol danced with a gracefulness, unlike anything the crowd had ever seen perform. And then...she stopped, striking one last pose before resetting her position...taking a more serious approach as she stared her opponent down. She walks toward the apron, focusing on Thea and Thea only. She arrives at the foot of the ring, walks along its side, approaches the stairs, and slips through the ropes before coming face-to-face with her final opponent in this hellacious tournament that has tested and failed to break the unyielding determination of the idol...would Thea be able to fare any better?

At first, tensions were thick...after all, why wouldn't they be? Of course, Renee didn't want this to be baked solely in bad blood. So after a cutesy, idol-like curtsy bow, she extends a hand forward to shake with Thea. "You' opponent, I know that. I know only one of us can win. I know we've both fought through hell to get here. Regardless of the outcome, I look forward to putting on a great match with you...may the better woman win." She said, giving Thea a gentle smile as she showed her sportsmanlike nature.
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Re: Thea Asters vs Renee Winters

Unread post by Bare »

Leaning back against the corner Thea would wait patiently until finally the music of her opponent started up along with the special announcement of her name. prompting Thea to roll her eyes. "To think they call me egotistical." Thea said to herself under her breath, this entire tournament making her patience with the act she used rather thin, slowly and surely giving way to her true colors that were becoming harder and harder to hide. That was fine though. The prize was within reach for her, all she needed was one more win and she'd be crowned queen, her greatness within this company being solidified and if the mask she wore didn't make it past this match? So be it.

Still, maybe for the last time Thea would put on her pleasant smile meant for niceties as Renee entered the ring and officially stood across from her, acknowledging her as an opponent with a curtsy before offering her hand up to shake the blonde's own hand. Smirking softly Thea would perform her own curtsy towards Renee, seemingly returning the gesture before extending her hand out to grasp Renee's and shake it. "You're right.. the best woman will win." Thea said simply in an ominous tone.. Before suddenly tugging on her opponent's arm to pull her in suddenly and aggressively while thrusting her arm forward, intending on driving her fist as deep into Renee's stomach as possible for a brutal sucker punch to knock the wind out of her opponent before the match even started!

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Re: Thea Asters vs Renee Winters

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

After a warm introduction, Renee assumed that things would be going much smoother this time seemed Thea had her fair share of manners as well, returning the curtsy and handshake with a warm, friendly smile...Little did the Winter Fantasy know that this brief moment of naivety, this lack of foresight, this lapse in judgment ...would be her biggest mistake. Suddenly, the reason behind Thea's ominous tone would reveal itself in the form of a cheap shot, a hardened punch right to the midsection of the winter-themed idol. Renee's eyes widened with shock, caught off-guard by her opponent's sudden attack. With a sharp gasp and a cough, she fell to one knee, wheezing as the air in her lungs had been knocked clean out of her. The bell had not rung yet, so the dark-skinned Frenchwoman hadn't mentally prepared herself for combat yet. Her body hadn't braced for any impact, leaving her woefully unprepared for what would've been an otherwise normal attack. Given the circumstance, that punch was nothing less than a critical strike on the Winter Fantasy, giving Thea the advantage early on as the referee reprimanded her momentarily before calling for the bell to get this match started, leaving the idol on her knees before her foe...who she now understood would use any means necessary to win...
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Re: Thea Asters vs Renee Winters

Unread post by Bare »

Returning the curtsy and handshake offered by her opponent Thea would quickly abandon the seemingly polite and kind visage she had tried to keep up for so long right out of the gate! Not wasting any time Thea would use the opportunity to lay into Renee with a brutal shot across the mouth that knocked the girl right onto her knees from the force of the blow! Smirking down at her as the ref got on her case the blonde would simply hold her hand up dismissively without ever taking her eyes off the Winter Fantasy kneeling before her, the woman's hand still in Thea's from the hand shake. "Aww... you seem to have lost your footing.. Maybe you should lay down!" Thea yelled out, pulling on Renee's arm while throwing her leg forward, trying to drive her knee right into the idol's face to knock her clear over onto her back! If it worked than Thea would follow up by releasing the girl's hand and pressing her foot against her chest, effectively pinning her right out of the gate while Thea spread her arms wide as the crowd booed!

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Re: Thea Asters vs Renee Winters

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

The match hadn't started yet, and Renee was already on her knees, gasping for air. The cruel "do-whatever-it-takes" mindset of Thea was proving to be a steep mountain. This was a trial that the Frenchwoman NEEDED to overcome if she wanted so much as a CHANCE at victory. With her hand still in Thea's grasp, the Winter Fantasy was treated with a stiff knee right to her face, sending her against the canvas back-first, laid out within seconds of the match as she hit the floor with a grunt, the audience already booing Thea for her horrid actions toward the idol. Renee's fans were incredibly enraged, seeing their beloved icon take a hit directly to her face...most idols always tried to protect their face, their see Thea ruthlessly attack it left many of the winter-themed performer's followers upset. However, when Thea placed her boot against Renee's chest, the dark-skinned woman shifted her body to the side, tossing off Thea's foot with a roar as she shoved her opponent's leg away. With a gasp and a cough, Renee rose to one knee, almost stumbling as she tried to recover, her breath shaky and her vision a little blurry after that knee.
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Re: Thea Asters vs Renee Winters

Unread post by Bare »

Planting her foot squarely on Renee's chest with a diabolical grin on her face Thea wasn't shocked at all when the girl got her shoulder up almost immediately. After all it was just the start of the match, and two moves would not be enough to put away someone who clawed their way to the finals of a tournament. Watching with hands on her hips as Renee forced herself up to a kneeling position Thea would chuckle softly. "Look at that, you're already kneeling before the queen, what a good girl." Thea cooed out mockingly before lazily swinging her leg out, intending on kicking Renee in the chest to knock her on her back. If successful in doing so than Thea would bend down, grabbing Renee's leg with her hands while dropping down onto her but and reaching her legs out to wrap around the girl's leg. If successful than Thea would look to pull both limbs out while leaning back, intending on locking in a leg split submission on the idol!

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Re: Thea Asters vs Renee Winters

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Renee was already struggling amid her opponent's opening barrage. She freed herself from the lazy, disrespectful pin attempt, but she was still fighting an uphill battle with a significant disadvantage. Every chance she needed to get her bearings was taken from her, snuffed out by her cruel opponent. Thea immediately kicked the dark-skinned Frenchwoman over onto her backside, garnering a grunt from Renee as she hit the canvas again, chest heaving up and down as she continued to draw breath into her needy lungs. She wanted to respond to Thea's remarks and tell the woman off for her irritating and demeaning attitude toward her...but with no energy to spare, all she could do was wait and endure...and Thea was about to indulge while she had the idol helpless. Shortly after Renee was knocked over, Thea followed along with a brutal Leg Split Submission, instantly forcing a pained scream out of the winter-themed performer who grits her teeth, trying to keep herself in check as she writhed about. The inner parts of her thighs and her covered nether regions were on full display as Thea extended her legs further, amping up the pain with each degree she added to the overall angle of the hold.
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Anya Young:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Renee Winters:

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Re: Thea Asters vs Renee Winters

Unread post by Bare »

Everything was going to plan so far for Thea as she pulled on Renee's legs, stretching the winter idol's legs out as much as possible while exposing her crotch to the fans as well. A double dose of pain and humiliation that made Thea smirk deviously as she held on, knowing that it would have a physical and mental effect on Renee that would only serve to benefit her. With that being said though, Thea knew she just couldn't keep it locked in forever. Far too much of a risk that Renee found a way out or worse. No what Thea needed to do was keep the woman on her toes, prevent her from thinking, let alone even trying to counter attack. As such she untangled her legs from one of Renee's and moved to get her legs under her before standing up, looking to try and turn Renee over in the process while holding onto her leg. "If memory serves... Idols have a bad history with this move!" Thea called out before stepping backwards, looking to lock in a single legged boston crab, of course referring to Sakura Hagiwara's massive losing streak to the various crab hold variations, something she looked to transfer to Renee now!

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