Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Hayasa Kondo

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Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Hayasa Kondo

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Match Type: Hentai
Victory conditions Orgasm

Alicja paced around the locker room. She got put in a hentai match, again. She understood that she showed more promise in that area than in the others but it still did not feel good. The way she felt, and the way she acted during these matches was completely unlike her, It was clear to her that that was what she needed to win, her usual anxious self had no chance, but she did not like how out of control it made her feel and how little she could influence when it actually came. she could agonise over this issue for hours, in fact, she did before coming here but the time for that was running low as she was called to start her entrance.
She emerged on stage, standing in the centre and sliding her shades forward, looking at the crowd with a very convincing illusion of a confident smile on her face. " Following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, standing at 5'8 and weighing 154 pounds, Alicja Piestrzeniewicz!" She had to admit that the announcer was getting better at pronouncing her last name at least. Then she casually made her way down the ramp, handing her shades to someone in the crowd along the way. Then she walked up the steps and slid between the ropes, stopping in the middle of the ring to briefly flex one arm before retreating to her corner and waiting for her opponent to arrive.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Hayasa Kondo

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Hayasa was nervous for her upcoming debut , but tried to hide her feelings behind her usual antics as the young woman had bin playing pranks on different people throughout the day. As the chaos her antics caused her to relax as she watched in glee at how other people tried to fix the problem as she walked into the dressing room to get ready. After an while she would walk out of it as she wore an brown leotard that exposed an lot of cleavage and showed off her stomach. Since the the other thing covering up most of the front was done by ropes as she wore wrestling boots to finish the look

After she got dressed she would make her way to the backstage area where she had just missed her opponent walking to the ring. As she heard the announcer introduce her as it would soon be here time to shine as Easy Love by Sumire Uesaka began to play. Taking an deep breath she would walk out as she gave an mischief smile as she waved at the fans as she yelled ''who wanna see me make an fool out of my opponent''as the respond she got was silence as nobody had an clue who she was as she walked down to the ring.

Trying to not show how the lack of an reaction made her feel as the announcer said ''now entering the ring for her debut match. Standing at 4,11 and weighing in at 100ibs , Hayasa Kondo'' as she muttered under her breath ''it should be prankster queen Hayasa Kondo''as she climbed into the ring , and was forced to look up at Alicja as she said ''you sure are big''

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Hayasa Kondo

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Hearing what Hayasa said after appearing on the stage, Alicja wasn't rightly sure what to think. She has certainly been made a fool of before in the ring but hearing that proclamation was odd. 'Guess that's that for a friendly match' She thought to herself.

"And you are cute" She replied with all the fake confidence she could muster before making it to the center and beckoning the other girl to join her.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Hayasa Kondo

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''Hey hey who are you calling cute. As you meant Sexy right ''retorted Hayasa as she would look at Alicja as she was trying to come up with an few pranks she could play on the other woman. Nothing to harmful , but rather humorous as she circled around the taller woman as she held her hands out as she hoped to trick the Giant to move towards her as she would move out of the way to slap her on the rear instead.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Hayasa Kondo

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"Can't it be both?" She replied, talking at least was getting her mind off of what they were here for though she knew it wouldn't do much good, not for long anyway. Then as she moved in, to grab Hayasa, the girl managed to slip past her and smack her firm rear, she would let out a gasp, bearly stopping herself from blushing. Then she would turn around, trying to grab the girl and push her against the corner until she was squeezed between it and Alicja's own body.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Hayasa Kondo

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As the two would move towards each other , Hayasa was caught off guard when the other woman would move in and slip past her defenses. As she yelped as she got slapped on the rear as she thought ''that's my trick''as she would turn around to try and smack Alicja on her behind in retaliation. Only for her opponent to grab onto her as she was shoved into the corner as she had nowhere to go as she looked at the other woman in surprise.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Hayasa Kondo

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With her opponent in the corner, it could seem like Alicja was in control but she certainly did not feel like she was. Looking at Hyasa, she would blush, push their bodies harder together, and blush even more before timidly leaning in to kiss her opponent. Hoping, this time to stay in control of herself.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Hayasa Kondo

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Hayasa was in an tough spot as she had nowhere to go , and in front of her was an giantess of an woman compared to her small stature as she knew she had to escape. So with no other options the prankster would move forward as she tried to collide with Alicja's chest as she would drive her shoulder or forehead into it as she hoped to puss her away.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Hayasa Kondo

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Distracted by the moment, Alicja did not anticipate Hayasa's escape attempt and while she could probably stop her on pure strength otherwise, this time she was pushed back, allowing her opponent to slip. Knowing her biggest advantage was her strength she would try to get a hold of her opponent once again.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Hayasa Kondo

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Hayasa was able to make an break for it as she tried to get some distance between herself and Alicja as she would get up to her feet as she looked at her opponent as she said ''hmmmm not to fast are we. Gonna try and catch me''as she attempted to goat the other woman into charging towards her

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