10 months and 2000 posts later

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10 months and 2000 posts later

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Looks at the post number
Jesus, when did that happen?
So in case you read it after I made more replies, this is my post number 2000, made after nearly 10 months since I joined... I honestly can't quite believe that it was only so long.
This is the part when I say I'm not good at this and insert a joke about toxic masculinity not letting me express emotions like a normal person but, I'm out of jokes and actually, I want to say at least a little, won't be tagging anyone, y'all get enough notifiers as it is I'm sure.

Well, it's been a hell of a ride, I don't think I have been a part of such a cool community ever before. I met a lot of cool people, most all people I met here, in fact, are cool (Yes, I'm looking at you specifically) and had some great fun with you all. Now before it starts sounding like a farewell, I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE. So I guess the bad news is you still got to deal with me, you managed so far, and I'm sure that won't change. And I hope we get to have even more fun in the future.

From Poland with Love

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