When she was called to a private meeting at the arena, Misa Otomura didn't quite know for sure if this was one of such illicit backroom deals. When she'd been active as long as she had in both the wrestling business and the idol industry, she was no stranger to the seedy underbelly beneath all the glitz and glamor of show business, and there was definitely something off about how this was all being conducted. It all started when she was approached by a man she didn't recognize yesterday evening after work, passing on an invitation to speak to someone who wanted an audience with her. Who that someone was, though...he wouldn't say. Nor would he give any indication as to what the meeting was about, or why she was supposed to be there. That was all for Misa to find out when the day came - and now, it had.
Even now, as she stood before the door, checking the number on the wall and comparing it with what she'd saved on her phone to double-check she had the right place, Misa bit at the inside of her cheek, wondering what might await her on the other side. She sucked in a breath, though, reminding herself that there wasn't that much that could go wrong. If this was being held under LAW's auspices, it had to be someone involved in the company - so at least it wouldn't be some random person there to extort her, or worse. Then again, she quickly reminded herself with a gulp that that couldn't be guaranteed either. If worst came to worst, at least she had pepper spray with her. Sucking in a breath, Misa stood a little straighter, and extended her hand to knock on the door...