Rivals Reunite! (For Weonna)

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Rivals Reunite! (For Weonna)

Unread post by Maledomfan »

Outside the gym there was a brownish woman by the name of Aubrey Maddison who was jogging around in black leggings, orange sports bra with a white slim sports jacket. As she was preparing and training herself she wondered who she was gonna face in her first ever Debut Match in L.A.W, but as she started jogging around she spots a familiar pink masked wearing wrestler. Immediately Aubrey would jog to said wrestler with a grin on her face.

"Well, well well...thought I'd see you again Lovestar."
Last edited by Maledomfan on Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Rivals Reunite! (For Weonna)

Unread post by Weonna »

Lovestar had on blue jeans, white athletic shoes, and a pink short with a heart on it. Even in public Lovestar would keep the mask on just to conceal her identity and protect her face and when she saw a familiar voice and rival come to her, the Masked Luchadora couldn't help but smile back as she gave Aubrey a welcoming hug.

"Aubrey~ it's so nice to see you again chica~ how are you? And what are you doing here in Japan!?"

Lovestar would ask as she was very excited to see Aubrey again after a couple of months.

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Re: Rivals Reunite! (For Weonna)

Unread post by Maledomfan »

Aubrey Hugs Lovestar back as she considers her to be both a friend and a rival.

"Didn't you get my text? I told you I was on my way to L.A.W. and now look at us. Wrestling in the Big Stage. Do you think you and I could be tag partners again like old time sakes?" Aubrey asked while still having Lovestar in her arms, hoping she could wrestle again with her friendly rival.

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Re: Rivals Reunite! (For Weonna)

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"Oh? Well...umm..."

Lovestar got a but uncomfortable with that question as she politely shakes her head.

"I'm sorry Aubrey but...I'm having a little to much fun by myself...but if push comes to shove and someone is bothering you I'll team up with you again...I got your back amiga."

Lovestar gently pushes away from Aubrey and flinched a bit, a little too cautious as she expects Aubrey to walk her on the top of her head like she usually does when the two had something they didn't quite agree with.

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Re: Rivals Reunite! (For Weonna)

Unread post by Maledomfan »

Aubrey sighed and shook her head. She was a bit dissapointed about Lovestar's decision to go solo for now. However another idea popped in Aubrey's head as she smiled and looked at Lovestar.

"Ok then. Well how about you be my first opponent in L.A.W. I believe we have a score to settle. Last time I check I was one win ahead of you." Aubrey laughed and placed her hands on her hips cockily looking at her friendly rival.

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Re: Rivals Reunite! (For Weonna)

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"Ummmm...excuse me? Your completely wrong. I'm the one thats ahead of you~"

Lovestar chuckled as the two went on to trash talk each other. The masked Luchadora was signed a couple weeks ago and she needed someone to have a match with, and by coincidence Aubrey was here to fulfill that wish. Lovestar would smile, nod, and say,

"But si~ I'll be happy to be your first opponent in here...and I think this match should settle the score on who the superior wrestler is~ and spoiler warning....it's me~"

The Puerto Rican would giggle and wink and Aubrey as she loves having a bit of trash talk to her friendly rival.

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Re: Rivals Reunite! (For Weonna)

Unread post by Maledomfan »

"We'll see about that. I'll see you next week." Aubrey smiled and winked back at Lovestar before departing ways and resuming her jogging. She couldn't wait for next week to meet up with her friendly rival again as it would seem like old times again.

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