The Aquarium
Personal Speciality Matches
A large portion of my roster is available to do at least one, if not both, of the speciality matches listed below. The rules will be listed as well, but not everybody will be doing all of them. To check if a character will do them, please check their personal profile.
Love Potion Match
A love potion match is a variation of a hentai match but with a few twists. First and most importantly, both fighters will drink a glass of water that is laced with a form of strong aphrodisiac, which gradually increases in intensity as the match progresses. The match then proceeds as a normal verbal submission hentai match, with the loser declaring to the winner "I love you!". The match is done in a matted room with referee. Female Fighters can be in bikinis, lingerie or naked. Male fighters can be in boxers, briefs or naked.
Orgasm Challenge
An orgasm challenge works in a similar way as the contest in the same name that is being done by Evolved Fights Lez. You can see a video of such a contest HERE.
The rules will be the same. Both fighters start naked, and have to draw as many orgasms out of each other during the time limit. Whatever move that is used on fighter A must also be done to fighter B (For example, tribbing, mutual fingering, 69, etc.). Whoever has sustained the most orgasms at the end of the match will lose. If the scores are tied, the fighters agree on a position to do a tiebreaker, before staying in that position in a Next Orgasm Loses format tiebreaker. The winner is allowed to fuck the loser with a strap on. This match is not applicable for mixed matches, due to its nature.
Love Potion Match
A love potion match is a variation of a hentai match but with a few twists. First and most importantly, both fighters will drink a glass of water that is laced with a form of strong aphrodisiac, which gradually increases in intensity as the match progresses. The match then proceeds as a normal verbal submission hentai match, with the loser declaring to the winner "I love you!". The match is done in a matted room with referee. Female Fighters can be in bikinis, lingerie or naked. Male fighters can be in boxers, briefs or naked.
Orgasm Challenge
An orgasm challenge works in a similar way as the contest in the same name that is being done by Evolved Fights Lez. You can see a video of such a contest HERE.
The rules will be the same. Both fighters start naked, and have to draw as many orgasms out of each other during the time limit. Whatever move that is used on fighter A must also be done to fighter B (For example, tribbing, mutual fingering, 69, etc.). Whoever has sustained the most orgasms at the end of the match will lose. If the scores are tied, the fighters agree on a position to do a tiebreaker, before staying in that position in a Next Orgasm Loses format tiebreaker. The winner is allowed to fuck the loser with a strap on. This match is not applicable for mixed matches, due to its nature.
Makoto Kikuchi
Male wrestlers
Tag Teams