Skylar vs. Sayako

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Skylar vs. Sayako

Unread post by Highfly »

Match Type: Standard

Sayako had been out of action for a while and the streamer had been enjoying her recovery while making videos that were snagging views. Turns out some people loved seeing her lose! Sayako had turned that into something she can bank on while her actual fans were always watching hoping that their streamer would return with news of a win. Really in the end in the game of publicity Sayako would win no matter what!

However, she really was tired of losing. She was in her wrestling attire ready to shake her butt and look good while stepping between the ropes again. She was up against a well known name in LAW but that didn't matter. Sayako was going to go out and do all she could to finally be victorious in the ring here in LAW!

As her music played Sayako came out all smiles while holding a little camera up, filming the crowd as well as herself as she came out. She smiled and pointed out to people as she strut down the ramp before making it to the ring. She walked up the ring steps then climbed through the ropes, spinning around to get one final shot. "Okay everyone next time I see ya I'll be filming the crowd exploding after I win!" Sayako said blowing a kiss to the camera before putting it down. She bounced around waiting for Skylar to come out so she could show the world what she could do!

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Re: Skylar vs. Sayako

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"Stop! Drop! And drag me into plaaace~!"

The music that had become closely associated with Skylar Jones hummed to life, the sea of people there to watch the show exploding in a mixed, though thunderous reaction as the Brawling Puppet strolled down the ramp, pouring a small carton of chocolate milk into her mouth, before crushing it in her hands and tossing it aside. Placing her hands in her pockets, she walked towards the ring, her head bobbing from side to side. As she passed by the fans, she'd give an occasional high five, or make some witty remark about the appearances of those who jeered her.

"Aaand her opponent, from Perry, Iowa, weighing in at 162 pounds, the Brawling Puppet, SKYLAAAAARRRRR JOOOOOONES!!!!!!!"
Climbing onto the ring apron, Skylar grabbed the top rope and jumped over it, her sneakers making a loud thud on the canvas. Her eyes were immeidately on Sayako, staring her down. "Ohhhhhh, I'm gonna eat you the fuck alive, bitch." She said with the grin of a demon. From the looks of her opponent, tonight wouldn't be memorable.

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Re: Skylar vs. Sayako

Unread post by Highfly »

Sayako saw Skylar come out to the ring and the small Chinese woman shook her head. "Ok, whatever you say weirdo." Sayako said in response to Skylar. As the bell rang Sayako was circling and moving, but she wasn't content to let Skylar make the first move. Sayako would move in and swing a hard kick across the abdomen of Skylar to open things up in the matchup!

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Re: Skylar vs. Sayako

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Skylar and Sayako stared each other down, exchanging insults as they sized each other up. When the bell rang, the streamer shot off a stiff kick right into the side of Skylar's stomach, earning a pained grunt from the brunette. Gritting her teeth, she'd return the favor, swinging her sneaker right into Sayako's stomach. If the Chinese girl doubles over from the pain, Skylar swiftly wraps her arm around her head, and gets a running start before nailing her into the ground with a Running Bulldog!
If the brutal move works, the brunette capitalizes quickly, transitioning into a bulldog choke! If she locks in the hold, she squeezes her arm around Sayako's throat tightly. She doesn't hold her tight enough to knock her out, instead opting to make that suffocating sensation last. "Now's your chance to tap! Save some money on hospital bills!" She growled, applying a bit of extra pressure.

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Re: Skylar vs. Sayako

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For a split second things were looking up for Sayako, then reality came crashing in! She was kicked hard in the abdomen, coughing as she stumbled back. Skylar had hold of her head and ran forward with the big running bulldog smashing the face of Sayako down hard to the canvas! "UGGGGHHHHHH!" Sayako moaned in pain, suddenly having her head wrapped up by the arm of Skylar! Sayako squirmed and thrashed about, stuck in the headlock and unable to do anything about it.

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Re: Skylar vs. Sayako

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

The fans in the crowd collectively flinched as Sayako's skull hit the canvas with a thud. Skylar quickly secured her dominant position, locking Sayako in a vicious bulldog choke, intent on strangling the air from her throat. "Too fuckin' easy..." She muttered, taunting her opponent. She stuck her tongue out, thrusting her hips up and down as the audience booed her for her arrogance and cruelty.

Wanting to inflict more physical pain on her foe, Skylar took her right hand, and viciously dragged her nails down the poor streamer's cheek. "How do you want me to finish you off, huh?" She asked, torturing her foe. "Do you want me to fold you into some embarrassing pin? Piledrive you till you're knocked out? Or do you wanna do the smart thing and tap out now, get it all over with?"

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Re: Skylar vs. Sayako

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Sayako screamed in pain and thrashed about as Skylar was talking to her. Sayako screamed in pain and reached up trying to rake the eyes of Skylar while she was close enough for Sayako to try something! "Let go you bitch!" Sayako screamed as she thrashed and clawed trying desperately to escape!

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