Match Type: "Apartment Wrestling."
Win via pinfall, submission, or knockout. There are no disqualifications and any pin attempts must be counted by one of the fighters. A stand-in referee will be outside the room to ensure that no pinfall was counted too quickly.
Apartment Style Match: The match must take place in an apartment or other home/residence, and the fighters are to wrestle on top of a wrestling mat. Rules are more lenient than normal.

In an apartment complex, a raven-haired Japanese woman would walk up to the front door of one of the large residences with a marked key in hand. The woman in question was none other than the Sea Turtle, Akari Ito. Contrary to the scene, Akari was not here to inspect a future place to live, the woman already had a stable home nearby in another part of the city that she was perfectly happy with. Akari was here because this apartment was going to serve as the location of her next match.
People called it...'apartment wrestling', something that Akari only thought existed on...specific websites tailored to adult-rated content...but this was apparently a part of LAW's expansive category of match types. How intriguing...Two or more people show up at a home residence of sorts and wrestle in the gear of their choice, typically bikini, leotards, or something of the sort. Furthermore, they were to wrestle on top of standard, shock-absorbing, foam wrestling mats. The rules were more lenient than in a standard ring and a referee would be on standby in another room but only for emergencies really, the two wrestlers would be the ones counting the pins and officiating the match in a for the next hour or so, Akari would be wrestling against another woman, one-on-one on a mat until things were hot, steamy, sweaty, and sensual...while the objective was to just pin one another or make the other person tap, there was no way that this private scenario wouldn't lead to more promiscuous moments between the Sea Turtle and whoever she was facing...
She entered the residence and checked it was nicely furnished here and there. LAW really spared no expense when it came to these things. She walked over to another room and there it was. While the top of the room needed a little more polish, most of the walls and all of the floor beneath her feet were covered by a thick layer of foam wrestling mats that were all colored red, with your standard white center circle and the two line marks in the absolute center of the room. Akari bit her lip, there was so much room to move and yet, it would be so cramped and...intimate. She was liking this idea more and more as she thought about it.

"Hm, this could work..." She said to herself, moving on to go and change into her gear. She was sporting a beautiful leotard with kneepads, boots, and wristbands...all of which matched her 'Sea Turtle' color scheme and her boots had the same hexagon-shell pattern as her shinguards in her classic gear. She stretched and got ready, limbering up and getting comfy in Her tight leotard as it snugly hugged her curvy body. "Huh...did it shrink in the wash or did I just get a little thicker~? Oh well, these legs were made for kicking and choking after all...All that's left to do is wait for my opponent to show up." She said, simply waiting off to the side to hear a knock at the front door or some kind of doorbell chime...