Dasher Inoba - The Puroresu Champion

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Dasher Inoba - The Puroresu Champion

Unread post by killcarrion »

================================[Personal Information]===============================

Name : Takeshi Inoba
Alias: Dasher Inoba, The Dash, The Dashing One
Sex: M
Age: 48
Eyes: Black
Hair: Onyx Black
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 225
Nationality: Japanese

================================[Combat Information]===============================

Alignment: Puroresu Champion –  A hardened advocate for the more traditional aspects of Japanese wrestling that he feels have fallen to the wayside in the wake of the booming popularity of today's intergender wrestling and its more degrading titillation.

Entrance Music - Honō no Fighter

Strategy and Style – A seasoned practitioner of Japanese professional wrestling and aspects of MMA grappling as well, Takeshi’s uses a hard-style of fighting that could be seen as excessively aggressive and just plain mean. Despite his bloviating towards upholding the solemn tradition of honorable combat, Takeshi apparently has no qualms with the occasional low blow or headbutt. If confronted about his chicanery in the ring, he’ll simply say that the ladies squaring off with him should feel honored that they pushed him to that extreme, and should have no issue contending with underhanded maneuvers if they believe they can contend on the same level as the men.


Strikes: ★★★★★
Submissions: ★★★★
Powerhouse: ★★★★
Aerial: ★
Counters: ★★

Favored Moves : Bow and Arrow submission, Armbar, Abdominal Stretch, Sleeperhold, Meathook Clothesline, Bell clap, Palm strikes, Indian Deathlock, Low Blows, Bearhugs, Atomic Drop, Japanese Twist, Powerbomb, Octopus stretch, Mongolian Chops, Headbutts, Anaconda Vise, Figure Four, Rolling Cannonball into corner, Airplane Spin, Headbutt To Crotch.

Signature Moves :
1) Dasher Lariato!!! – Upon snatching an adversary's hair to hoist them from the ground, Dasher will swivel his other arm for several rotations as if to rev up his burly muscles. Which his adversary will become duly acquainted with as he smashes their face against his flexing bicep in a massive lariat.
2) Inoba Knuckle – After securing his opponent in a squeezing side headlock against his muscled underarm, Inoba will grind his knuckle into his prey’s head for a skull-scraping noogie. Blatantly demeaning his opponent before following up with one mighty strike from the manful grappler.
3) Inoba Leg Lock - With a downed opponent in front of him, Dasher will use his own muscled legs to separate one of his opponents while tucking their ankle underneath his armpit. Shifting his hips forward applies immense leveraged pressure on his opponent's ankle, and if escaped can still leave them hobbled.
4) SlapDash - Dasher's wound back, thunderous, and booming knife-edge chop that is infamous for flooring battle-hardened puroresu giants into quivering sniffles with a hand-sized imprint on their pectoralis.
5) Dasher Comet – With his opponent laying down on the canvas, Dasher will stand over them and spread her legs wide and far apart before collapsing downward and ramming his bowl-cut haired skull right into her crotch.
Finishing Moves :
1) Inoba Armbar – A seated armbar variation applied with his opponent laying on their side followed up by before resting his weight on top of them followed up by twisting her arm in an unnatural angle. A dreaded submission that’s difficult to escape from given his hefty frame weighing them down and the occasional biting their fingers or searing Indian burns if the referee’s not watching.
2) Inoba Buster - A vicious attempt at a muscle buster that has Dasher Inoba stomp them in the gut to have them arch over themselves. Dasher than bending down to clasp onto their knees before hauling them up onto his shoulders, occasionally jerking down on their spread open legs to force a submission out of them before slamming them down to a seated position that brutalizes their spine and gives them a taste of what a real man can do in the ring.
3) Dynamite Dasher - Nothing more than a simple shoulder charge, but with the stampeding force and blazing speed of a runaway freight train. Smaller wrestlers who have been sent flying across the ring after being hit by this finisher described it as being clobbered by a rampaging brick house.
4) Dasher Thrasher - Once again proving that the absolute last place you want to be is within arm's reach of Dasher. If you do, you may find yourself snatched up into his lifted arm triangle choke, your right arm dangling helplessly in the air as the burly brute pistons his brawny arms with flexing intensity. Even squatting up and down in between ruthlessly ragdolling his opponent left and right as he squeezes them tightly against his sweat slathered muscles until their sent to sleep.
5) Dasher Meteor - A savage awakening for any youthful wrestler thinking that sprinting about the ring is a strategy worth testing against the hardened veteran. Whenever an adversary is feeling courageous enough to come barreling towards Dasher head on may become swiftly hauled into the air and seated upon the old school grappler's shoulders. Precariously positioned before being on the receiving end of a Package Fallaway Powerbomb known to have wrestlers forget what day it is.
Critical Finishing Moves :
1) Inobaaaaa.....Cluuuuuuuutch!!! - With his opponent laid out on the mat, Dasher will let out a burly yell of trademark finisher before stomping down hard on their lower back.  Tenderizing their lower lumbar before dropping down on their back and applying a camel clutch variation with his hand folded in front of their face. Perfectly applied with the positioning of his hands allows him to occasionally torque their head to the sides to really put the strain on their neck.
Hentai Finishing Moves :
1) Pure Fighting Spirit – Difficult though it may be to comprehend, there are indeed finishers within Dasher's repertoire that are less preferable than being shamefully humbled within his patented Inoba Clutch. Understanding this one man crusade of his entails crossing certain lines he'd once thought dishonorable, Dasher has taken it upon himself to incorporate a grounded bear-hug into his manful moveset that entails thrusting his girth into his captured prey until they're left submissive and obedient. Not to mention being absolutely mortified to admit if they've taken pleasure after being overwhelmed by Dasher's fighting spirit.

Wrestling Attire...

Business Suit...
The view from Takeshi's lofty office...
Dasher about to apply the Inoba Armbar...
A scene from one of Dasher's commercial's for one of his favorite brand of noodles...
Personality: Disciplined but with a blustering demeanor, Takeshi is overwhelmingly prideful of his profession with a decidedly antiquated viewpoint that could be borderline misogynistic. His iron-clad confidence having been forged from years of training and wrestling at the highest peaks, and it's that experience that makes him think he knows what's best for the sport.

Though despite his gruff demeanor, he's still one of the most respected wrestlers in the Japanese community due to his momentous matches having broken numerous attendance records. His charity work and philanthropic efforts shows that he does believe in giving back and instilling a strong will into young ones who will heed his advice about hard work and inner strength.

Past/History: Having been athletically gifted since as long as he could remember, Takeshi was instilled with a competitive spirit at an early age. One that was cultivated by his grandfather, a former Olympic trainer who helped Takeshi to branch out and excel in the shotput and discus throw events into his teenage and young adult years. Though with his impressive physique it wasn't long before Takeshi gravitated towards MMA grappling and professional wrestling as well. The connections his grandfather had helped him get noticed by talent scouts who offered him his first opportunity to compete at the highest level.

Spanning a glorified career of momentous matches against top tier foes and numerous title wins to his name, Takeshi rose to prominence in the wrestling community and became a symbol of Japanese pride with his wins against various international wrestlers. He used his wealth to open a gym in his name and promote the sport that enabled him to live such a wealthy life. Eventually he came to respect the wrestling ring as a sacred symbol to hone your body and mind through honored competition...so it truly pained him seeing the art of grappling immorally used by pitting woman against men in other wrestling federations.

He was always a staunch believer in the inherent physical advantages men have over women, believing them to simply be incapable of overcoming that genetic hurdle. And the idea of a lady out-wrestling a true grappler seemed utterly absurd to him, and he thought intergender wrestling was a flash in the pan fad that would fizzle out overnight...until he was proven decidedly wrong. The concept growing in popularity while sales tickets of his own matches waning as the years went by. At the advice of his agent and after taking the time to ponder his options, Takeshi decided the best course of action was to enroll in intergender rosters himself and allow the women there an opportunity to prove themselves against a true strong-style grappler. This way he can prove his point by dominating the competition, while also regaining some traction in his career...

-Ramen noodle soup
-Designer suits
-Weight lifting
-Polishing his wrestling trophies

-People who make fun of his haircut
-Weak Competition
-Walnuts (Allergic)

Fun Facts:
1) Dasher takes great pride in his fishbowl haircut, having fashioned it after another wrestling idol of his. He gets compared to Moe of the three stooges, but those who make that comparison in front of him regret having said it on their way to the hospital.

2) Dasher's favorite pass time is attending sumo matches when he can, now practically a regular fixture in the audience during the more competitive matches.

3) Dasher has an ex-wife and child with whom he frequently visits and provides for, though he can't help but push his son towards becoming a great wrestler like him one day. Something his ex-wife isn't exactly fond of considering he's started the child's training when he was 5 years old.

4) If Dasher Inoba was a Pokemon, he would be...
AFW Information:

Wins: 4
Losses: 1
Draws: 0

1)SD III: The Dasher Challenge - Dashers issues an open challenge in his first Tension PPV appearance.
2)The Dasher Challenge : Part 2 - Swimming with Sharks - Dasher issues his second challenge and nets himself a Yakuza shark.
3)The Dasher Challenge : Part 3 - Too Close To The Sun - Dasher's third challenge is answered by someone who maybe should have known better...
4)The Dasher Challenge : Part 4 - A Vagrant Story - The next challenge is answered by a vagrant who is more far more suited to the task.
5)Breaking The Tension Special - Pre-Elimnation Chamber Interview - Dasher gets bugged at his place of work by some chatterbox reporter...
6)Tension Elimination Chamber Match - Dasher intends to reek havoc and be the sole survivor amongst five other Tension competitors vying for the Number One contendership.
7)A Friend in Need - Dasher's encounters an intruder inside of his luxurious dressing room...
8)Old Dogs, New Tricks - Two grizzled wrestling veterans share hard liquor and discuss their hard times.


Friends: Hiro Shiba, Wolf and Cub
Enemies: Mako "The Shark" Adachi, Carmen Rodriguez, Kei Terada

LAW Information:

Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0

LAW Timeline:
1)Dasher Challenge : Part 1 - God Bless The Ring - Dashers brings his open challenge to LAW, where insolent ravens become his first quarry.
2)Dasher Challenge : Part 2 - Like Fine Wine - Dashers challenge is answered by an old flame that may still yet burn.


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Last edited by killcarrion on Sat Jan 25, 2025 4:20 am, edited 18 times in total.

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