Alizeh Midori vs Panther Risako - Special Hentai Stipulations

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Alizeh Midori vs Panther Risako - Special Hentai Stipulations

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Special Stipulations: Victory can be achieved via the following: 1) pinfall 2) submission 3) forcing the opponent to climax three times over the course of the match, or 4) climaxing into the opponent's mouth, backside, or groin three times over the course of the match

Last edited by winner3 on Thu Sep 01, 2022 5:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Alizeh Midori vs Panther Risako - Special Hentai Stipulations

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Alizeh took a deep breath in preparation, the gently sways and movements of the large ship she was on actually helping to calm herself as she prepared herself mentally for her next match. It had been a hectic couple of months for the green haired girl. Between matches, traveling to and from Japan for cross promotional events and of course, navigating the ever choppier waters as it were of LAW. So it was rather apt her next and biggest match to date was taking place on a cruise ship en route to Florida.

Despite that however Alizeh's biggest obstacle to date was Hurricane Mindy. The psychotic former actress had been making Alizeh's life hell ever since We Are LAW, and she was just about sick of it, and when Fight The LAW was coming around Alizeh thought it'd be her perfect chance, but of course the woman's damn spokesperson said she'd be 'busy' for the weeks Fight The LAW would be happening. 'Bull crap.' Alizeh thought to herself before taking a deep breath to calm down. In lieu of the lack of the person she really wanted to get her hands on, but in recognition of what she had been doing lately, Alizeh had been allowed to name any one person she wanted to face so as to not miss the pay per view.

So naturally Alizeh thought of someone who had kicked her ass before, with the express purpose of proving not only her toughness but how much she had improved from when she last faced this particular opponent... Especially since said person had helped train Alizeh since then. That's right, Alizeh had chosen to face Panther Risako, a classic student vs teacher match. Not only that, but just to further up the ante and given how they were comfortable being.. intimate with each other Alizeh opted to add the... special circumstances for this match. Something her mentor had thankfully signed off on.

Standing up knowing it was almost time to head out Alizeh looked down at her outfit, the white and orange glimmering in the light of the makeshift backstage area, which was really just the dining hall of the cruise ship that led out to the main deck where the ring and stage was set up, cordoned off with privacy boards for talent to change and prepare in peace. Staring at the leopard print she had chosen to add specifically to homage not only Risako but Alaina Sanders-Haines as well, Alizeh couldn't help but feel they felt a bit heavier than usual before walking, no.. marching out of her area and towards the door that led outside.
Passing the stage crew and pausing Alizeh stared at the light glimmering between the curtains and allowed the preemptive energy of the live crowd on the cruise ship to wash over her as she received a countdown from the stage hands.



Three go!
Lighting crackles going off and rhythmic rock music blasting through the speakers the crowd began roaring in approval as Alizeh came out from behind the curtains smiling out at the crowd and posing for them all as they cheered in response. "Its time to fight the law yall!" Alizeh roared out as loud as she could before breaking out into a dash towards the ring, high fiving fans as she did so before making it to her destination. Hopping onto the apron and vaulting over the ropes Alizeh would climb up the corner and pose for the crowd with a smile on her face while they cheered in response for her. Hopping down off the corner Alizeh would turn and focus on the entrance ramp, the setting sun on her back as she waited for the Queen of the Ring to appear.

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Re: Alizeh Midori vs Panther Risako - Special Hentai Stipulations

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Well, this was quite an interesting stipulation for a match that her protégé, Alizeh Midori, had suggested to her. Not that she had anything against it, of course. She was actually looking forward to it, and Panther Risako sure couldn't wait to get herself into action in this type of match. With the match being held in a PPV, in a cruise, no less, Risako thought this would be an unforgettable experience for both herself and Alizeh.

Now that Alizeh had made her entrance, it was Risako's turn to do it. Her music started playing, and the Queen of the Ring walked out, dressed in her signature wrestling outfit. The audience cheered as they saw the former Wrestle Angel make her entrance, and she waved and blew kisses here and there before she made her way to the ring where she would be facing Alizeh in this special match.
Panther Risako
Joining Alizeh in the ring, Risako took some time giving the younger woman an appraising look, and she smiled. "My, you look great today, Alizeh..." She said. "Perhaps I should've put on something else for this special occasion, but I guess that's a thing for next time..." She shrugged. Still looking at Alizeh, Risako then said, "Anyway, quite an interesting match you got prepared for me, Alizeh. Still want to get your hands on me?" Risako asked teasingly as she gestured to herself, giving her own curvaceous body some emphasis.

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Re: Alizeh Midori vs Panther Risako - Special Hentai Stipulations

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Alizeh smiled sharply as soon as she heard the music of her mentor hit. As far as Alizeh was concerned this match was a long time coming, and she was eager to prove herself and use this bout as a punctuation point for how far she had come in just a year. Watching as the queen walked down the makeshift ramp and to the ring Alizeh would stand tall the moment she now shared a ring with the Wrestle Angels veteran.

"Heh thanks for the compliment teach." Alizeh would say to her mentor at the compliment on how she looked from the woman. Naturally Risako wore her classic attire for this bout which was just fine for her. "Nah trust me what you have on is fine, I couldn't imagine beating you in anything else." Alizeh said with a wink, her confidence on full display as she stepped forward until they were nose to nose with one another.

Naturally however Risako was sure to give the match type she made a comment, and even accentuated it with a tease of her impressive body. Something that made the green haired girl chuckle softly. "Hehe, lets just say I've had a taste before, but now I want a full meal." She said with a wink before reaching forward, teasingly pecking the woman on the lips. "Besides don't pretend like you don't enjoy the idea of getting your hands on me too." She said with a wink while placing her hands on her waist, staring down the Queen of the Ring.

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Re: Alizeh Midori vs Panther Risako - Special Hentai Stipulations

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Risako giggled upon hearing Alizeh's words, knowing full well that her protégé certainly wanted more of her after getting the first taste before. Now that both of them were close to each other, with Alizeh teasingly pecking on her lips, Risako licked her own lips as she would look straight into the younger woman's eyes, making it clear what she really desired here.

"Oh yes, since you're making yourself so irresistible, I simply cannot help myself..." Risako purred as she would also stare down the younger woman. Then, she would step back, preparing herself for the match. Due to the unique stipulation of this match, Risako was getting excited already, and she couldn't wait to get her hands on Alizeh.

"I hope you don't mind since I'm going to indulge myself on you, dear. Let's see what you can show this time around." Risako would then get into a stance, readying herself to clash with Alizeh. Holding her hands up, she was ready to square up with the younger woman, wanting to win this match as well as enjoy herself in the meantime. Like she said, Alizeh was simply too irresistible to her.

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Re: Alizeh Midori vs Panther Risako - Special Hentai Stipulations

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There was something... Intoxicating about Panther Risako. The way she looked, the way she walked, the way she talked, everything about her oozed confidence, strength and sex appeal, and it was all that Alizeh wanted to be herself. So to be called irresistible by such a woman... Well Alizeh took it as a compliment of the highest order.

Though it wouldn't stop Alizeh from entering into a ready stance, smiling full of confidence towards the woman that had taken her under her wing. "Trust me it'll be more than you can handle." Alizeh said as she put her fists up, and the moment that the bell would ring she would shoot forward, immediately looking to lock up with Risako in a test of strength!

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Re: Alizeh Midori vs Panther Risako - Special Hentai Stipulations

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Risako smiled at Alizeh before the two of them jumped into actions. "I'll be the judge to that." With that, both of them went for a test of strength, locking up as Risako would start exerting her strength in order to match and overpower the younger woman. In the meantime, she would take this opportunity to admire Alizeh's body up close, and she gave the younger woman a flirtatious smile.

"I can't wait to gobble you up, dear..." Risako purred as she would look into Alizeh's eyes while the two of them were locked up in the test of strength. Boots skidding against the canvas, Risako would continue exerting her strength, hoping to overwhelm the younger woman with her might. Of course, she wasn't one to underestimate her student, already knowing firsthand of what she was capable of.

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Re: Alizeh Midori vs Panther Risako - Special Hentai Stipulations

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Alizeh was pushing against Risako with all she had, the Queen of the Ring showing why had that name with her sheer strength on display, her powerful and lithe bod looking fantastic under the tropical sun. But Alizeh was no slouch, and she had undergone training specifically yo increase her strength. So no matter how much Risako pushed Alizeh would match her, but she wouldn't overwhelm her, no not yet, besides.. Alizeh had a plan in mind.

After another few seconds of the deadlock between master and apprentice Alizeh would rear one leg up and place it behind Risako's own. If successful than Alizeh would push forward with a sudden explosive burst of strength in an effort to knock her opponent off her feet and down to the mat with Alizeh on top! Should this work and Alizeh laid on top of Risako, still holding her hands then Alizeh would try and push said hands to mat above the woman's head.

"Mmmmm me neither." She said in response to what Risako had said moments before. Immediately after Alizeh would go down, aiming to capture Risako's lips in an intense and heated lip lock!

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Re: Alizeh Midori vs Panther Risako - Special Hentai Stipulations

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Still pushing against Alizeh, Risako could feel her protégé's strength, and as she focused on pushing her, she was suddenly knocked off her feet as Alizeh got her leg behind hers and used it to make her lose her footing. "Aahh!!" Risako cried out as she then fell down onto the mat, with Alizeh being on top of her. "Ngh!!" She could feel the younger woman's body pressing against hers as her hands were quickly restrained and put right above her head.

Still, Risako didn't lose her cool as she looked at Alizeh on top of her, smiling wryly at her. Then, Alizeh went ahead to capture her lips in a lip lock, and for now, she would allow Alizeh to kiss her as she would try to kiss her back. "Mmmmmm~" She hummed into Alizeh's mouth as the two of them started making out with each other, much to the crowd's delight.

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Re: Alizeh Midori vs Panther Risako - Special Hentai Stipulations

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Out of the gate Alizeh was interested in kicking off the more... sexual aspect of this match with Risako. Partially cause of a built up libido, but also cause it may help lure her mentor into a more... relaxed state of mind that would be easier to counter later once things got more.. traditional. For now however Alizeh was focused on pushing and swashing her tongue through her foe's mouth, making out with her in a scene that got quite a bit of applause from the crowd.

On top of that however Alizeh would add some extra on top of it. Moving side to side and thrusting her hips Alizeh would start to message her tits into Risako's own while grinding and humping her crotch. Really doing whatever she could to get the older woman excited and heated up.

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