”Don't underestimate me, I'll win this!”
ProfileReal Name: Lucio Di Angelo
Ring Name: Lucio
Title: The Italian Dream
Age: 20
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark
Height: 5’7
Weight: 145 lbs
Nationality: Italy
Alignment: Face/Neutral Good
Entrance Music:
If you asked Lucio, he'd say that he's a cool and confident guy, a great wrestler, capable fighter and a ladies man. Reality though, is rather different. Even though he tries his best to seem as though he is as great as he says he is, the fact is that Lucio is a timid and inexperienced boy that can hardly back up his claims. Even the fact that he's a "ladies man" is a complete misinterpretation, since he gets flustered and blushes easily at the sight of an attractive woman.
Apart from all of that, the Italian boy has a very generous and good heart, capable of lending a hand when needed. He's honest and trustworthy, and extremely loyal to his friends.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Lucio is a high flyer. He's fast and agile, and uses those talents to great effect. His way of dealing with an opponent is to strike fast and quickly and, if given the chance, he would deal damage with his acrobatic moves. He knows he's not nearly as strong as most of his opponents, but launching his body through the air and hitting his enemy with it can increase the damage he can deal quite a lot.
Style: The Italian tries to get the win in a quick, but also espectacular fashion. He talks a lot about being the best wrestler around, so he has a lot to back up. His goal is always to finish an opponent with an incredible and awe inspiring high flying move.
Type: Lucio's moveset and strategy can only be used effectively in conjuction with his incredible agility and speed.
Preferred Matches: "I'm going to be the best wrestler around! I'll win any type of match you throw at me!"
Attitude To Hentai: “I-I g-guess. I said 'any type' a-after all..."
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★
Strength ★★
Speed ★★★★
Defence ★★
Technique ★★★
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★
Submissions ★★
Powerhouse ★★
Aerials ★★★★★
Counters ★★
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves:
Standing Moonsault
Diving Crossbody
Missile Dropkick
Finishing Moves:
italian Miracle: A Shooting Star
Lucio Di Angelo was born to a very rich family in Milan, Italy. Thanks to his father's wealth, the young Lucio had everything he needed or wanted during his infancy and adolescence. As he was the younger between his other three siblings, he knew that he would inherit almost no shares of his father's car manufacturer company. But he had nothing to worry about, since his dad assured him that, when he would finally die, Lucio would have enough money to live as a rich man for the rest of his life without even the need to work.
Feeling very confident that he could follow any career path he wanted thanks to his father's money, Lucio decided to become a Pro Wrestler. Normally, that decision would be a risky one at best, but thanks to his amount of cash and his family's connections, the young Italian quickly had the best trainers at his disposal, as well as greatly advantageous contracts once he finished training. After just a few years into his wrestling career, Lucio would get a call from LAW, offering him a spot on the Mixed Roster. Exited to be part of one of the biggest Pro Wrestling Organizations out there, he accepted right away.
Match History: