The Former Model and the Barbarian Prince: Oscar Orelash VS. Tina Kelly

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The Former Model and the Barbarian Prince: Oscar Orelash VS. Tina Kelly

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Standar match: Victor declared by pinfall, submission, KO, or disqualification
Oscar was doing some stretches in the back, getting ready for a match he was actually quite excited for. After following through with a previous match request, Oscar would set on following through with a tip given to him by Katrina Kelly, the ninja woman who he faced in his debut match, to issue a standard match against her sister, Tina Kelly. With the match being accepted and booked, all Oscar had to do now was go out there and see if he can get another win. Taking a swig from his cantina full of lanter oil as his cue came up, Oscar would get ready for his third match under LAW.
"Ladies and Gentleman- representing the young lions, hailing from Canada and coming in at six foot five and two hundred and twenty-five pounds, give it up for the Barbarian Prince: Oscar Orelash!"
Oscar would walk out onto the ramp and give the audience a trick some were familiar with already- his opening fireball into the air! He'd grin ear to ear at the cheers he heard from the crowd, waving to them as the torch was collected from him. He'd climbed into the ring and got to his corner, waiting for his opponent.

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Re: The Former Model and the Barbarian Prince: Oscar Orelash VS. Tina Kelly

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The lights went dim as Tina's music hit and her fans immediately gave a huge pop as blue spotlights moved throughout the stadium. The music went on long enough for the crowd to clap in rhythm to the music as then the main spotlight hit the center of the entrance as Tina exploded out from the curtain, a huge grin on her face as she moved over to look at one half of the crowd before shuffling over sideways to look at the other half of the crowd. She was wearing her white and blue stringed two piece bikni with matching calf high boots with her initials on them and her grey sweater tied around her waist.

"Let's go everybody! I want to hear it!" She called out as she moved back to the center of the entrance and closed her eyes, looking up into the air with a big smile on her face as she heard the crowd sing out to her. "o/Want you to make me feel, like I'm the only girl in the world!o/ Then she heard the crowd sing back like I'm the only one that you ever loved, and she slowly lowered her head back down, taking it in as she then let out a shout of excitement and began to skip and walk down the aisle as the beat dropped, slapping hands with the fans that she could reach and stopping to hug a few and take selfies as well She then walked up to the steps to the edge of the ring as she then grabbed the top rope and leapt over it as she then walked over to the center of the ring, looking over at her opponent, which Oscar can see the resemblance of this being Katrina's slightly older, more taller, athletically fit, yet more endowed sister. ""Ah, so your the one my sis has been crushing on!" she teased with a grin and familiar wink as she passed by Oscar to hop up to the middle turnbuckle closing her eyes and stretching her arms out, taking in the audience one more time before hopping off the middle ropes back down to the mat, giving a few hops to warm herself up and she shook some of her limbs as she walked back over to Oscar again as she extended a hand out to him. "Hey Oscar. Let's give the crowd something they will talk about for a few weeks." She mentioned as she then stepped back after the assumed handshake and waited for the bell to ring.

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Re: The Former Model and the Barbarian Prince: Oscar Orelash VS. Tina Kelly

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Oscar looked up at the stadium lights as they dimmed before watching Tina make her entrance. A few things ran through his head- understanding why Katrina wanted Oscar to book a match with Tina was one. The other was noting how she interacted with her fans. He definitely saw the resemblance as the woman entered the ring and basked in the cheers of her fans- seeing just how popular she was. At Tina's comment about Katrina though, he'd blush a little and laugh.

"Crushing? On me? Oh wow, that's quite flattering coming from someone like her"

He watched Tina soak it up with the fans a bit more, a smile forming on his face as he made a mental note to talk to Katrina about getting to know her better sometime after the match. When the handshake was offered, he gladly took it and nodded his head

"Heh, I like your way of thinking. I think I get why Katrina wanted me to fight you. You'll get my one-hundred and ten percent out of this match- that's a promise I plan to keep"

With one last friendly smile, Oscar would let go and get ready for the bell. Once it rang, He'd get a more serious face going and take a defensive stance, slowly circling Tina. Just eyeballing what she plans to do.

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Re: The Former Model and the Barbarian Prince: Oscar Orelash VS. Tina Kelly

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"I would expect nothing less." She replied back to his 110 percent comment. She then heard the bell ring and she then looked like she was cautiously approaching Oscar at first, her eyes looking him up at down, studying him. She then lunged at Oscar and went low, sliding on her knees to wrapping her arms around Oscar's leg as she would then stand back up, pulling his leg up to balance on one foot. She then pushed into him as she stepped forward, swooping her foot around the back of is hopping foot to trip him down to the mat. If she was successful at that, she would then release his legs and step back, allowing him to get up as she was testing him.

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Re: The Former Model and the Barbarian Prince: Oscar Orelash VS. Tina Kelly

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Oscar would be left hopping on one foot as Tina sprung at him, caught off guard by her going low at him. He'd manage to keep his balance as he hopped backward with Tina's push and eye her movements, wondering what she was planning. Seeing the foot slide out towards his vulnerable leg, Oscar would do a bigger hop to avoid landing on his back! It was just enough to get over and left him wobbling more after the landing, but he was standing for now.

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Re: The Former Model and the Barbarian Prince: Oscar Orelash VS. Tina Kelly

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Tina kept a hold of his leg then and looked impressed as her expression was one of approval as she nodded her head. She then dropped his leg and immediately leapt up off of her feet, shifting her body sideways as she looked to plant both of her boots into his chest in a beautiful looking dropkick.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Tue May 31, 2022 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Former Model and the Barbarian Prince: Oscar Orelash VS. Tina Kelly

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Oscar smiled at the nod of approval from his Tina despite his slightly flailing arms and body from trying to stand upright. When his leg was freed, he'd be too busy getting his balance back to defend himself, getting hit with the dropkick!


Oscar stumbled back and covered his chest from the blow, managing to stay on his feet as he coughed a bit. He'd narrow his eyes at Tina and would keep his guard up, advancing toward the former model with his arms tucked near his side.

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Re: The Former Model and the Barbarian Prince: Oscar Orelash VS. Tina Kelly

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As Tina rose back up from the dropkick, she noticed she only staggered him and now he was advancing towards her with his arms tucked near his side. She clapped a few times, getting the audience to clap to her rhythm as she decided to meet him head on looking to step up and intercept his hands with her own as she then brought there hands in front of each other as she tried to push against him in a test of strength, which to Oscar's surprise, she had a decent amount of strength within her.

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Re: The Former Model and the Barbarian Prince: Oscar Orelash VS. Tina Kelly

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Oscar grunted as Tina linked hands with him and started pushing against him as they showed off their strength against one another for the audience. He would do his best to stay his ground, impressed with how Tina was handling herself. He'd notice how the former model managed to get a rhythm going in the crowd, glancing away from Tina to look at everyone clapping along to her rhythm before looking back at her dead on.

"Seems to me you're quite popular around here"

He'd give a strained chuckle as he tried to power through Tina in the test of strength

"The way your fans reacted when you entered... you really know how to inspire others, don't you?"

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Re: The Former Model and the Barbarian Prince: Oscar Orelash VS. Tina Kelly

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

"Nhh, we're here for them, so if we show them our appreciation, they don't mind lending us their support." She mentioned as she felt Oscar's strength push against her own, she shifted there hands to stretch out to their sides as her breasts pressed against his chest to try to stay on even footing. "Can you feel it?
the crowd is helping fuel our...adrenaline."
She mentioned as she was starting to arch backwards slightly from Oscar's ongoing push of strength.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Tue May 31, 2022 12:50 am, edited 2 times in total.

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