A Rattling Match With Lady Bones: April Starling vs Catalina

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A Rattling Match With Lady Bones: April Starling vs Catalina

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

The lights went out in the arena as the announcer chimed in. "This bout is scheduled for 1 fall!" A spotlight was shining in the center of the ring where the end of a rope fell to the center of the ring. The spotlight then shined up onto the catwalk where April was clad in an orange bodysuit and had on a harness as she repelled down from the catwalk to the center of the ring. "Standing at 5'8 and 140 pounds. She is the excellence of elegance. Agent April Starling!" The announcer called out as she stopped repelling down the rope a few feet up from the ring. She then unhooked her harness in the air while keeping herself supported with one leg hooked around the rope.

She then unwrapped her leg from the rope and swayed back with her legs as she then swung them forward as she used her arms to pull up, making her body swing into an arch as she then released the ropes and finished her flip as she dropped down to the mat in a three point stance. She stood up as she smirked looking around at the crowd as she unzipped her body suit, pulling it off of her body in a teasing manner as she revealed her orange two piece bikini and the body of the hoodie tied around her waist went from being pressed against her back to drooping down into place over her rear as the only piece of the body suit left was her orange calf high boots with black laces as she removed the rest of the suit and flung it towards the prop staff. She then started to hop from side to side as she rotated her wrists as she waited for her opponent.

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Re: A Rattling Match With Lady Bones: April Starling vs Catalina

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Catalina while watching everything from the dressing rooms, she was amazed, really the fighters had tickets of that caliber?, She would look at her hands and think for a while why she didn't have one ...... But when she was told it was time to fight, she would return to normal as well patting her face, she would be ready to fight, entering from the main entrance to the Arena, she would greet everyone, starting to walk to the ring, where going up the stairs, she would be in the corner, climbing in this one and after moving a zipper, she would take off the skirt of her costume, before taking a spinning jump and landing
"Well Miss April, it's a pleasure to face you, I've heard about you, and I hope to give you the fight you're hoping for tonight"

She would say reaching her hand towards her opponent, having memories of what her fight against that girl was like and how the feeling of fear invaded her.

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Re: A Rattling Match With Lady Bones: April Starling vs Catalina

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"Lady Catalina, it is a pleasure and I hope we have a wonderful match for the crowd tonight." She mentioned accepting Catalina's hand and giving it a friendly shake. She then separated from the woman and nodded to the ref that she was ready to begin. When Catalina did the same and the bell rang, she brought her arms up into a readied position as she cautiously approached her opponent while circling the ring a little bit before trying to lock up with her in a collar and elbow tie-up.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Mon May 30, 2022 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Rattling Match With Lady Bones: April Starling vs Catalina

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Catalina smiled at Miss April's words, if she had learned anything from what Jenny had learned in their fight, it was that Miss April always maintained her decency and respect, so when she finally saw how she accepted her squeeze and soon they were getting ready, Catalina nodded to let it be known that she was more than determined, so with the sound of the bell, Catalina would know that the only way to come out of there victorious was to try to learn from the mistakes Jenny had made in the past, so when April challenged her to a block, which would be the way to know the strength of the other, she would accept, not because she was reckless like Jenny, but because she wanted to know the strength of her opponent, so by blocking her arms with April, she would begin to push, wanting to show her strength.

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Re: A Rattling Match With Lady Bones: April Starling vs Catalina

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April let out some grunts as she was pushing against Catalina's grip, it seams that Catalina was the stronger of the two as April tried to twist herself out of Catalina's lock, which would place Catalina behind her, if she managed to get Catalina's hands off of her shoulder and neck.

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Re: A Rattling Match With Lady Bones: April Starling vs Catalina

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Catalina although she didn't know how strong her opponent was, she did know that at the very least, she was doing a good job pushing, but Catalina also wasn't idle when she noticed that April wanted to get out of there, Catalina would force her grip on April's shoulders pretty hard, if she tried to get out, Catalina would push harder, ready to push her into the corner.

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Re: A Rattling Match With Lady Bones: April Starling vs Catalina

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April was unable to get out of her grip and started to feel herself being forced backwards. To counter this April smirked at Catalina as she decided to drop down and back, bringing a foot up to press against Catalina's abs as she pushed up and towards herself with her legs, attempting to Monkey flip Catalina to the mat behind her.

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Re: A Rattling Match With Lady Bones: April Starling vs Catalina

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Catalina was pushing hard, she was making good progress in the situation of giving April a very hard fight that she was not to forget, but when she felt April simply stop pushing and let her fall, all her work would now be against her, being knocked down and forced to fall on top of April, she would soon feel April's leg push against her body, forcing her to fall to the canvas on her back and left free for April to follow through with her plan, realizing that the situation had not been what she had expected.

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Re: A Rattling Match With Lady Bones: April Starling vs Catalina

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As Catalina was flipped, April moved herself towards Catalina, as Catalina was trying to sit up, April pressed against her side as she wrapped her arms around Catalina's head and pulled her face down against the side of hers as she applied a side headlock. She would then maintain this lock as she would pull the both of them back up into a standing position.

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Re: A Rattling Match With Lady Bones: April Starling vs Catalina

Unread post by Lederface »

Catalina would feel the situation as it was clearly turning against her, she before she could sit up and soon do anything to defend herself, her head would slowly get caught in a rather hard lock, with April having put her arms out to trap Catalina's head in a side lock, feeling how it would slowly start to hurt, Catalina would start to struggle to free herself, but what she didn't expect was that she would soon be caught and lifted up in her grip, standing up, Catalina would try to push backwards, trying to pull her head out of the hard grip.

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