Sparkling Idol's Punishment Games! ft. Finella Edelstein

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Sparkling Idol's Punishment Games! ft. Finella Edelstein

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Continued from here

Sparkling like a shooting star! Shining like the brilliant sea! It's your favorite internet idol Barbara!

There were already tens of thousands in the waiting room for Barbara's latest stream. It was starting a little later than usual, but that wasn't much of a surprise for the audience watching. After all, most of them went straight from the idol's latest disastrous match against her "rival" and now official mistress Finella "Hellraiser" Edelstein to this stream, eagerly awaiting the aftermath. Some even thought that since Barbara got beaten so badly the stream would be cancelled, but those folks were all proven wrong as the intro card signaling the start of the stream played. Nobody could anticipate exactly what was going to happen though, as unlike before, Barbara was not going to be the one in control tonight.

After a short moment, the intro card got pulled away, revealing Barbara standing in front of the camera with a smile on her face. She wore one of the most revealing outfits she had ever worn on her streams, a little white string bikini top that was barely even big enough to cover her nipples, with a matching white g-string that struggled to hold in her coochie and flossed her round butt. Her outfit hid nothing about the bad shape her body was in, the bruises on her tummy and back were clearly visible, as were the scratches on her breasts and bite marks on her neck. Despite all that her voice remained bright and bubbly, positivity genuinely radiating from her as she spoke.
Outfit Reference
"So I'm sure all of you watching right now saw what happened earlier tonight," Barbara said, "What a mess that was am I right? Well, a POW is a POW, so here I am on the receiving end of my own punishment games. My how the tables have turned!"

She faked a gasp, bringing her hands up to her face.

"Anyways, as you can all see, Finella's brought me to that same penthouse apartment we went to the first time she completely wrecked me," Barbara said, stepping aside to give everyone watching a clear view, "Obviously nobody has been here since that time, so it's still quite a bit of a mess!" That was a bit of an understatement, as there was still broken furniture and smashed glass all over the floors, and it looked like a few of the doors were off their hinges. "We won't be fighting in this, of course. Finella's set up something special for us over here!"

Barbara took the camera and brought it over to the middle of the living room, where a huge inflatable pool had been set up. "Look! She's filled the entire thing up with some slippery oil!" Barbara turned the camera back to her face. "That's going to be the game part of the evening. Finella and I will be oil wrestling for all of you to watch!"

"As for the punishment part," Barbara continued, "Basically, each time one of us forces the other to submit, she would have to take a punishment as decided by the winner of the round! And the punishment continues until one of us can't continue any longer!" Barbara giggled in delight. "This is a chance for me to get back at Finella again..." she said quietly, but not so quietly that the audience watching wouldn't hear, "Since if I win, I get to punish Finella however I want!"

On the big TV the live chat for the stream was playing. Almost nobody in the audience shared Barbara's optimism.

"Barbara you're gonna get destroyed again"

"Masochist idol gets wrecked over and over for our amusement!"

"Hoping for more Barbara screams! Turning up my headphones now tskr"

"Barbara ryona FTW!"

The idol saw the chat and looked rather cross. "Guys! Have some faith!" Barbara said, "This is oil wrestling, Finella can't just beat me up like before! Oh! Here she comes now!"

The idol set up the camera in a spot that gave the audience a full view of the oil pool. Several other cameras came alive right after, giving everyone watching multiple angles to see the upcoming punishment. Barbara turned around, her hands on her hips, looking at the approaching Hellraiser. "Alright Finella, everything is set up and ready," she said, stepping into the oiled pool and sliding her way to the center, "I won't lose again to you tonight!"

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Re: Sparkling Idol's Punishment Games! ft. Finella Edelstein

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The little feud between the Edelstein Sisters and Barbara saw the Idol on the receiving end most of the time. And tonight was no exception. Even if Barbara had managed to get Finella down with a Taser and have her revenge on her, the outcome was still the same with Barbara drooling in a pool of her own juices.

The idols punishment games, where Barbara would punish her POWs for the evening had become quite popular by now, garnering masses of fans from LAW and the Internet in general. But todays game was different, today Barbara had been on the receiving end and so the punishment was chosen by her opponent, an upcoming wrestler, badass of LAW and sexcrazed Brawler Finella "The Hellraiser" Edelstein.

Everything had started rather nice with Finella flirting with Barbara in a Cafe leading to a night of passion in Harmonias penthouse before the Idol heard the name of someone who had humiliated her in her debut. Harmonia Edelstein. This led to a short brawl where Finella shamed the Idol in front of her fans. After that she had called Barbara out on LAW for a second beating which, where Barbara saw a bad start, a very good middle and a catastrophic ending.

According to the bet they made, Barbara was now Finellas property, so to speak and the Wolf knew exactly what she wanted to do.

When Finella was announced, the Hellraiser came out from the bathroom, a towel around her shoulders and quite the outift, consisting of nothing more then two small pieces of black fabric for her big breasts, a string and netstockings, her favourites.
She walked over and grinned into the camera.
"Helloooo Basterds!", she said and grabbed the head of Barbara, pulling her in and kissing her deep and animalistic as the cam was still on them, their breasts squeezing into one another.

Finella broke the kiss and looked into Barbaras eyes. "Well Barbara, you ready for some fun?", she grinned and turned back to the cameras.
"Should I go easy on her... Or is this bitch good for some bellypunching?", she asked and the mass of answers spoke a clear language.

"Huh, well Babe, better tighten those abs because we will work them right!", Finella chuckled as her hand shot forward in a stomachclaw. Having Barbara in her grasp she turned to the camera again.
"Round 1!",she smiled and shoved the idol back into the pool with a big splash before jumping up and flatten Barbara by sending an elbow into her already hurting midsection!
Last edited by RedShinigami on Thu Jun 02, 2022 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sparkling Idol's Punishment Games! ft. Finella Edelstein

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The livechat audience went wild when Finella made her entrance. She was who they were waiting for after all, eagerly showing her their support and their perverted desires to see Barbara squashed by the sex-crazed brawler again. That actually made Barbara a bit mad, her face putting on a cute pout as she watched her audience shower Finella with praise and beg her to crush Barbara.

"Belly punching!"

"Make Barbara cry!"

"We want to see ryona!"

"Mmmmfff!" Barbara tried to complain to the audience, but before she could Finella grabbed her hair and pulled her into a tight kiss, muffling all the words she wanted to say. Just that kiss alone made the idol feel submissive, her heart fluttering and knees feeling weak from the passion. She had just been beaten in the ring after all, her body and mind still remembering how Finella utterly dominated her. She could not deny herself as her pussy gushed out juices, her body remembering just how badly she got beaten, making her feel all submissive just from a kiss!

It left her wide open and defenseless as well, so when Finella began her assault, Barbara was completely unprepared. "Urrrrrgh!" Barbara grunted in pain as Finella's claws sank into her bruised and battered tummy again. She had no time to tighten her abs, allowing Finella's claws to dig in deep, crushing her soft tummy and gripping her insides. Her blue eyes widened in pain as both her hands reached up to grab Finella's wrist, trying to pry her hand away.

"Ack!" Barbara gasped as Finella shoved her into the oil, the idol falling on her back with a big splash. "GAH!" her already tender belly got abused even more as Finella dropped her elbow right in the middle of Barbara's tummy. The blow made Barbara's legs jackknife upwards before she flopped back into the oil with a pained groan. Her eyes were already unfocused as tears began running out the corners of her eyes. The match had just started, and Finella already had Barbara on the ropes!

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Re: Sparkling Idol's Punishment Games! ft. Finella Edelstein

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The Hellraiser splashed down on Barbara, aware that this whole thing would turn to be a giant squash. And she was good to go with it. The strange thing was that Finella still liked the idol but the american challenged her and the wolf never had stepped away from a challenge. Also the fans wanted a show. And strangely enough...Barbara seemed to like the treatment she got.

Finellas elbow spiked into Barbaras already hurting midsection and the Austrian looked down at her with a crooked smile. "You get off on this you little, cheap bitch, huh?", she grinned as her hand grabbed the crotch of her opponent, the oil making things already slippery and wet but there was definetly something going on between the legs of the idol already as Finella started to massage her pussy through the wet and oily fabric of the microstring before sending another punch into her stomach, feeling the snatch of Barbara twitching wildly.

"My god...", the Hellraiser said with gleaming eyes and a big grin. "You go off on that...Well, all the better.", she chuckled as she grabbed her beloved rival and wrapped on arm around her so she would'nt fall back. The other started to send punches into her belly, punch after punch, after punch. Finella pressed her forehead against Barbaras, enjoying the moans of pain and lust that escaped the mouth of the idol. Their bodies slowly started to glisten as their breasts pressed together, the oil running all over their generous busts, making their hair a mess and their bodies look like that of godesses and with Barbara being the colourful blonde and Finella the dark ravenette it was easy to draw comparissions.

"Look what I got myself...a little angel.", she grinned to the camera. "A fallen, demented angel. Let me show you how we demons make love.", she chuckled and pressed her lips onto Barbaras, while sending another strong punch into her midsection, feeling the air escaping her lungs and filling her throat. "Hmmmm..."
Finella held her tight, slamming the air out of her but denying her any new one, greedily sucking all the air out of the idols system whenever she landed a punch.
When she felt Barbara getting lightheaded and slowly limp she broke the kiss with a last lick on her lips and shoved her down into the oil, taking a seat on her lap, Finella faced the camera, her oiled breasts jiggling for the excited crowd as she blew them a kiss before clasping her hands into a fist and axehandled the idol into her belly, getting the bellytorture going!

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Re: Sparkling Idol's Punishment Games! ft. Finella Edelstein

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Barbara wanted to protest Finella's accusation that she enjoyed getting beat up, but all she could muster was a soft moan that ended in the gurgle of pain. Finella was relentless, grabbing her barely-covered crotch and clawing at her sensitive sex once again, making the idol writhe in pleasurable agony. Finella was right of course, Barbara was already sopping wet. Part of it was residual effects from earlier in the evening, but a lot of it was from getting beat up again by the Hellraiser. No matter how much Barbara wanted to deny it, her body didn't lie. Something about Finella brought out all of the deviant idol's masochistic desires.

She let out another groan as Finella dragged her back up to a sitting position. Barbara tried to fight back, raising her arms to push Finella away. But that kind of weak resistance did absolutely nothing. "Urgh! Ugh! Unh!" Barbara let out pained grunts as Finella battered her belly over and over with painful punches, tenderizing her already bruised abs. Each hit made the idol shake, glistening droplets of oil flying from her body and hair with each strike, spittle and air shooting from her mouth as each punch knocked the wind from the idol's body.

"Mmmm!" Barbara let out a muffled moan as Finella pulled her into a tight kiss. "Mm! Mm! Mm!" Each punch forced a muffled moan from the idol, her air being forced out with each blow and sucked away by Finella. The idol could hardly breathe, each breath being knocked out of her before she had a chance to really absorb the oxygen, the kiss preventing her from taking as deep a breath as she needed. Barbara was already feeling weak from the repeated belly blows, her masochism making her all submissive in the face of the utterly dominant violence dishes out by Finella. With the lack of air, she was completely helpless, her body becoming limper and softer as she was unable to resist her opponent.

She flopped back into the oil after Finella finally broke the kiss, her head spinning and mind hazy from both pain and suffocation. She was rudely awoken though when Finella smashed a brutal axe handle strike right in the middle of her bruised belly. "ACK!" Barbara let out a pained gasp, her blue eyes widening as the blow made her entire body jackknife upwards again. She fell back into the oil with a splash, eyes rolled back inside her head, letting out a low pained groan.

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Re: Sparkling Idol's Punishment Games! ft. Finella Edelstein

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Finella was kneeling over the body of Barbara, strong, dominant and with a wide grin. Her battlehardened, sexy body was glistening with oil. "Whats wrong, was that all?", she asked and chuckled, her generous bust jiggling up and down in the process, her more then skimpy top almost unable to hold what was inside. She looked down at Barbara and smiled, stroking her hurting midsection. "Oooh...does your tummy hurt? Hmmm? Want me to kiss it better?", she smiled and parted the legs of Barbara, spreading them across as far as she could before slipping back a little, starting to send kisses all over the bruised flesh, especially careful when she reached the big blue spot that had formed on it.

She looked up to see how Barbara would react,lips and tongue worked on her bellybutton, she tickled it with the tip of her tongue before sliding upwards, sitting on the idols face as she started to read the chat. "Hey guys. Wanna me to close the first round, what? More bellypunching? You sure? Alright you got it!", the Hellraiser said while rubbing her oiled behind all over Barbaras face. But soon the idol would get some air again when Finella slipped of her and grabbed her body. She rolled Barbara on one of her knees, the idol now hunched over on her back over the leg of Finella before the Hellraiser sent another spiked elbow into the midsection of the Idol!
But instead of letting Barbara fall and tend to her wounds, she kept her in place and elbowed her a few more times.

"Man...that belly must be softened by now.", she grinned. "Or is it?", she then added with a smirk and gave Barbara the strongest stomachclaw she ever used on someone. "Scream when it hurts.", Finella quipped as she twisted and turned the soft bruised flesh between her talonlike fingers that had dug deep into the soft white flesh. "Ok, I think thats enough. Say, "I give Mistress" and then you get some candy.",Finella smiled and softened the claw a little. If Barbara dared to be defiant she would come back with an even more brutal clawing. The constant movement of her fingers, that Barbara had to notice, let no doubt about the Hellraisers intentions.

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Re: Sparkling Idol's Punishment Games! ft. Finella Edelstein

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The blonde idol let out soft moans as Finella kissed her bruised tummy. The pain was slowly fading, and as it faded Barbara slowly regained her senses. "I-it hurts," Barbara moaned as Finella stroked her midsection. All her optimism had been beaten out of her in seconds as Barbara lay in the oil, all the fight leaving her body after taking so much punishment so quickly. She barely noticed Finella kissing her body and licking her belly-button, though she did notice when Finella stopped and climbed all the way up her body, turning around so sit on her face with her luscious oiled ass!

"Mmm!" Barbara let out a muffled moan of complaint. Then she heard what Finella (and her own chat) had planned for her, and her moans became much louder and more desperate. "Mmm! Mmmmmmm! MMMMMM!" Barbara really didn't want more belly torture. She tried to thrash about, but her midsection hurt too much for her to move more than a few twitches.

"Gah!" Barbara let out a gasp as Finella slid off her face. "No Finella please!" she begged pathetically as the Hellraiser forced her into position for more punishment. Finella silenced her pleas by smashing her elbow into her bruised tummy. "GUH!" Barbara's eyes widened as all the air got knocked out of her, spittle flying from her mouth and pain flooding her body. "GAH! AHH! ACK!" After taking those elbows, the pain became too much for the idol, whose eyes were rolling back in her head again from the punishment.

Finella woke her up with another brutal stomach claw. "AHHHHH!" Barbara let out a pained scream that ended in a weak gurgle. Her tenderized abs could put up no resistance, offering no protection to her at all. Finella's claws dug in deep, feeling like they were shredding into the idol's midsection like a wolf's claws into the belly of a lamb. Tears ran freely down Barbara's face as she gasped and whimpered.

"Please mistress, I give!" Barbara whimpered, "You're tearing me apart! I give mistress! I give!"

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Re: Sparkling Idol's Punishment Games! ft. Finella Edelstein

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Finella smiled, having her sacrificial lamb right under her claws. Of course the oil made such brutal onslaughts much harder to accomplish but the nails of Finella dug deep into the soft belly of her opponent like a wolf ripping open the belly of its prey. But there was none such gore and brutality to be found here. Only punishment.

The Hellraiser heard Barbara and immediatly let go, giving Barbara space to breathe and collect herself. She still was sitting comfy on the lap of Barbara and hummed a motörhead song while looking at the chat.
"Ok chat! Round 1 goes to the Hellraiser! Wooo!", Fin grinned and posed for the chat, flexing her biceps and showing her abs, glistening in the oil.
The chat definetly had much to say and Fin smiled.
"Boobs? Oh you want to see my big, fucking tiddies?", she grinned and started to grope herself, licking some oil of her generous bust.
"Hmmm... What do you say Barbara? We do that?", she grinned and stuck her tongue out.
She then slipped down and helped Barbara into a sitting position, hugging her.
"Alright Pet, you heard your your magic!", the Hellraiser moaned.

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Re: Sparkling Idol's Punishment Games! ft. Finella Edelstein

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After the vicious round of belly punishment squashed out every last bit of the idol's will to resist and optimism, Barbara could do nothing but submit to Finella yet again. The Hellraiser released her aching belly, allowing Barbara to take a few long pained breaths, each time wincing as her aching abs jolts of pain through her body. Finella was riding high, posing over her body, playing up the audience and getting them hyped for the first humiliation the idol had to endure. Barbara was a bit upset that her chat seemed to unanimously support Finella punishing her, but then that was to be expected for this kind of a stream.

"Nngh!" Barbara groaned as Finella helped her sit back up. Her hands cradled her bruised tummy as she winced in pain. The submissive idol put up no resistance nor offered any protest as Finella pushed her big boobs right up in her face. Worshipping Finella's boobs wasn't so bad, she thought, there were far worse humiliations the Hellraiser could foist upon her.

Barbara opened her mouth and began kissing Finella's breasts. She especially focused on her cleavage, burying her face in between those two huge breasts and smothering herself a little bit, looking up at Finella with those big blue eyes of hers in a submissive and pathetic manner. Slowly she moved her way outwards, continuing to pepper Finella's boobs with kisses, before reaching the girl's still covered nipples. Barbara used her lips and tongue to gently pry away the thin piece of fabric, revealing the Hellraiser's pink nips, then latched on and began to suckle on them. In the position that Finella currently held her, she looked like a baby sucking on her mother's tit! Barbara blushed a little when she caught sight of what she looked like on the TV screen, as the chat went wild begging both girls to take things even further.

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Re: Sparkling Idol's Punishment Games! ft. Finella Edelstein

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The wolf threw her head back as she pulled Barbara in closer. Her arms wrapped around the Idol, holding her up and almost cradling her like a baby, sucking on it's mothers tit, the tongue and lips of the american worked on her oily breasts, her lips and tongue carefully worshipped her sensitive nipples. Finella purred softly as Barbara shoved the flimsy piece of fabric away, uncovering the pink buds on the impressive chest of the Austrian and moaned as Barbara let her tongue roll all over it.

She stroked throught the oilcovered hair of her lover and looked at the chat. "Boys, Boys, patient...we just have begun. Also I, want to see some higher donations if you want to see more.", she grinned and like magic the incoming money ammount started to rise. Finella on the other hand looked down at her little pet and grinned. "Hmmm...that's a good little idol...", she smiled and pressed Barbara tighter into her chest, closing her eyes and smothering her in it. "Come on, lick them more, lick my tits clean you little whore...", she whispered, having Barbara in a tight embrace. Finella moaned as Barbara followed every order and let go of her, looking her in the eyes. "Alright, that was fine. Let's give you some candy for that.", the Hellraiser smiled and went down only to bite into the soft fabric of the microkini that Barbara wore, biting down at her nipples.

"Hrrr...", she growled like an wild animal and while her teeth got the fabric and sensitive flesh between them, she started to pull, sending waves of pain and pleasure through Barbaras system. She grabbed the microkini top and shoved it upwards, uncovering her soft, pink nipples, biting them, pulling on them and then started to kiss the soft, white flesh of the fine breasts around them. And even here the Idol was not safe from bites, the wolf demanding its dinner, ramming her teeth into the flesh of the lamb. She bit, she sucked and left hickeys on her way, covering the breasts of Barbara with her marks, branding her. "You are mine...", she whispered full of greed. "No one else can have you, you are my prey...". Finella grabbed the two pigtails of Barbara and pulled on them, making the idol look up to her as she stopped her kisses, their breasts pressing into each other, their oiled bodies close, their hot womanhoods almost touching. "Say it, who you belong to?", and just as a warning she laid one hand on Barbaras abused Belly. "Quick!

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