Sparkling like a shooting star! Shining like the brilliant sea! It's your favorite internet idol Barbara!
There were already tens of thousands in the waiting room for Barbara's latest stream. It was starting a little later than usual, but that wasn't much of a surprise for the audience watching. After all, most of them went straight from the idol's latest disastrous match against her "rival" and now official mistress Finella "Hellraiser" Edelstein to this stream, eagerly awaiting the aftermath. Some even thought that since Barbara got beaten so badly the stream would be cancelled, but those folks were all proven wrong as the intro card signaling the start of the stream played. Nobody could anticipate exactly what was going to happen though, as unlike before, Barbara was not going to be the one in control tonight.
After a short moment, the intro card got pulled away, revealing Barbara standing in front of the camera with a smile on her face. She wore one of the most revealing outfits she had ever worn on her streams, a little white string bikini top that was barely even big enough to cover her nipples, with a matching white g-string that struggled to hold in her coochie and flossed her round butt. Her outfit hid nothing about the bad shape her body was in, the bruises on her tummy and back were clearly visible, as were the scratches on her breasts and bite marks on her neck. Despite all that her voice remained bright and bubbly, positivity genuinely radiating from her as she spoke.
Outfit Reference

She faked a gasp, bringing her hands up to her face.
"Anyways, as you can all see, Finella's brought me to that same penthouse apartment we went to the first time she completely wrecked me," Barbara said, stepping aside to give everyone watching a clear view, "Obviously nobody has been here since that time, so it's still quite a bit of a mess!" That was a bit of an understatement, as there was still broken furniture and smashed glass all over the floors, and it looked like a few of the doors were off their hinges. "We won't be fighting in this, of course. Finella's set up something special for us over here!"
Barbara took the camera and brought it over to the middle of the living room, where a huge inflatable pool had been set up. "Look! She's filled the entire thing up with some slippery oil!" Barbara turned the camera back to her face. "That's going to be the game part of the evening. Finella and I will be oil wrestling for all of you to watch!"
"As for the punishment part," Barbara continued, "Basically, each time one of us forces the other to submit, she would have to take a punishment as decided by the winner of the round! And the punishment continues until one of us can't continue any longer!" Barbara giggled in delight. "This is a chance for me to get back at Finella again..." she said quietly, but not so quietly that the audience watching wouldn't hear, "Since if I win, I get to punish Finella however I want!"
On the big TV the live chat for the stream was playing. Almost nobody in the audience shared Barbara's optimism.
"Barbara you're gonna get destroyed again"
"Masochist idol gets wrecked over and over for our amusement!"
"Hoping for more Barbara screams! Turning up my headphones now tskr"
"Barbara ryona FTW!"
The idol saw the chat and looked rather cross. "Guys! Have some faith!" Barbara said, "This is oil wrestling, Finella can't just beat me up like before! Oh! Here she comes now!"
The idol set up the camera in a spot that gave the audience a full view of the oil pool. Several other cameras came alive right after, giving everyone watching multiple angles to see the upcoming punishment. Barbara turned around, her hands on her hips, looking at the approaching Hellraiser. "Alright Finella, everything is set up and ready," she said, stepping into the oiled pool and sliding her way to the center, "I won't lose again to you tonight!"