Nickname: The Rebel
Age: 21
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Back
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Entrance Music: "Rebel Girl" by Bikini Kill
Alignment: Heel
Nationality: American
Fighting Style: Roxy is a powerhouse, pure and simple. She may not be the biggest or tallest of the heavyweights, but she is eager to prove to the LAW roster that she might be the pound for pound strongest. She loves to enforce her will, driving her opponent to submission through suplexes, slams and just really stiff shots. Her background in brawling serves her well as each strike is bound to leave a mark as she believes in nothing less than going 100% from bell to bell. A simple goal to prove her dominance over whoever she is in the ring with.
Preferred Matches: Roxy is game for just about anything, though she tends to favor matches that have a certain lack of restraint. Anything with a No DQ just really gets that rare smile going.
Attitude to Hentai: "Fine by me, just gives me another method to dominating the competition~"
Signature Moves:
Doomsday Driver (Double chickenwing facebuster), Standard

Doomsday Driver, Elevated

Endless Nightmare (Over-the-shoulder single leg Boston crab)

Heelish Impact (Running Bicycle Kick)

History: Roxy was a girl who never had it easy. Growing up an unwanted orphan, she bounced from foster home to foster home, struggling to find her place in the world as she felt nobody truly wanted her. Nor helped by the fact that she often was seen as the weird new kid given how often she moved around making her feel quite isolated. And if nobody wanted her, then she was just gonna have to become someone they dealt with, as she quickly earned a reputation for being the touch girl on a block. Getting into fights with local bullies and often leaving them with bruises. This passion for aggression to vent drew her eye to the wrestling world. In specific, a local gym known as Foxez, which offered her a place to hone her skills even if she distanced herself from the guys and girls there. This allowed her to build up some experience, working on her technique to compliment her freakish power and upon graduation she worked to further refine her skills before she decided to go pro, seeing LAW as just the place to leave her mark.
Ring Outfit

L.A.W. Activity (Record 1-0)
1. Roxy makes her L.A.W. in-ring debut against a fellow masked heavyweight, Emily Moore (Concluded)
Roxy wins with a Doomsday Driver pinfall.
Roxy's Fun Facts
-Roxy is a fan of heavy metal music.
-Roxy's favorite color is sliver.
-Roxy's favorite food is steak.
-Roxy is a secret fan of dating sim video games.
Roxy's favorite show is Breaking Bad.
-Roxy's favorite movie is Terminator 2.
-During her time at Foxez Gym and wrestling school, she has never been beaten in a spar or official match.
-Roxy's Zodiac Sign is Sagittarius, as she was born December 1st.
-Roxy briefly joined a biker gang for a time.
-Roxy is asexual, but that doesn't stop her from enjoying the thrills of the ring.