The Harmonic and The Quiet: Mary Clairson Vs. Harmonia Edelstein

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The Harmonic and The Quiet: Mary Clairson Vs. Harmonia Edelstein

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Standard Match
Mary Clairson Vs. Harmonia Edelstein
Winner by pinfall, submission, KO or DQ
Mary Clairson
To Mary, she might've thought she'll never reach this point in her career. Heck, she hasn't expected herself to last in LAW for even a month. Now she tonight is taking on a young up and comer by the name of Harmonia Edelstein. A girl who she heard what the opposite of her, very loud and boisterious.. Mary had no idea what to expect, but this scared her way less then it did in the beginning of her LAW career. LAW has helped her grow a lot and hopefully, Fighting this Harmonia girl will be a great experience for her. "All right, let's go." Mary said with a confidence she hasn't had before.

Mary's music played, the loudest part of her act, as she made her way to the ring to a massive ovation from the crowd that was very excited to see the Bluenette. This was a match that has been highly anticipated since it was announced, and Mary wanted to impress Harmonia. She walked up the steel steps, under the middle rope, and headed to her corner.

Now she waited for her opponent, wondering what she is like.

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Re: The Harmonic and The Quiet: Mary Clairson Vs. Harmonia Edelstein

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Harmonia Edelstein, the Superstar waited at Gorilla Position and stretched her arms and neck. Mary Clarison was an opponent she wanted to fight for some time now and finally, with her climbing the ranks and showing her skills she got the chance to go for a tassle with the more experienced wrestler.

But Harmonia was sure she would put up a good show. She trusted into her abilities and her strength and tried to stay out of Marys painful holds that brought so many of her opponentw down!
And again the intro of her song started to play, her symbol appeared in a cavalcade of stars.
And finally Harmonia appeared at the entrance in a shower of fireworks, red-white-red, red-white-red as her theme started to pick up speed. The crowd already went wild, cheering and whistling for the blonde crowdpleaser who walked down the ramp, greeting the fans around her before approaching the ring, getting up on the apron and having when she jumped over, her boots hit the ground to the start of the refrain while red and white fireworks went off in each corner greeting the superstar who stood in the middle, pumping her fist into the air.

"Burniiiiing...liiiiiike...fiiiiiireeeeeee!",she shouted and the crowd exploded into cheers as her theme faded and she turned to Mary, a big smile on her face.
"Mary, oh man so nice to meet you!", she said and approached her, taking her hand in hers and shaking it.
"I was looking forward to this!"

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Re: The Harmonic and The Quiet: Mary Clairson Vs. Harmonia Edelstein

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Mary didn't know what to expect, so the loudness of Harmonia's Entrance definitely shocked her to a degree. Mary had to cover her ears over the sound of the loud music and fireworks, all until Harmonia got to introduce herself to her. Mary shook Harmonia's hand and smiled.

"Oh thanks, I'll never thought someone would actually be excited to face me. I promise I won't dissapoint you." Mary said bowing to her less experienced opponent. She knows she has to impress Harmonia, and really show why Mary has the reputation she has.

Mary headed to her corner,,and waited for the bell to ring.

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Re: The Harmonic and The Quiet: Mary Clairson Vs. Harmonia Edelstein

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Harmonia gave Mary a big smile in return as the bluenette grabbed her hand and shook it firmly. Harmonia of course had heard of Marys rather shy and good nature and she was glad to see that she did'nt had to fight a bitch again even if the bitches, the ones to take down and to humiliate, were the bigger fun. Harmonia could have it either way. A simple and fair fight against a fellow fighter or an allout war against a broad who tried to cross her. The Superstar would take any challenge and Harmonia was more then pumped to show to LAW that she was the material it took to make champions! Mary was a big stepping stone to climb in that regard, Harmonia knew that, but then again, having a challenge was all the fun!

The Austrian put down her accessoirs and gave them to a stagehand before approaching Mary in the middle of the ring again.


Harmonia decided to start things off different this time and lock up with Mary in a simple lockup, not a test of strength this time, you have to make it interesting for the fans, don't you? Both women struggled against each other and the highly energetic austrian did'nt waist any time, pushing forward, trying to slip her hands around Marys neck and starting things of with a big standing sleeperhold in the middle of the ring!

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Re: The Harmonic and The Quiet: Mary Clairson Vs. Harmonia Edelstein

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The two beloved wrestlers shook hands, before they each headed to their respective corners. Mary did a couple of arm stretches, knowing that she had to impress Harmonia in the match, showing the younger wrestler her best Submission holds. She was the favorite in the match, and she have to proved she earned that spot.

The bell rang, and Harmonia and Mary decided to engage in a lockup, struggling with each other for supremacy. Even if Harmonia didn't look like it, she was holding her own, not letting the Bluenette gain the advantage in the match.

And then she locked on a Sleeperhold onto Mary, somehow managing to get behind her. Mary didn't panic however. "Sorry, Harmonia, you're gonna have to try harder than that." Mary said.

Mary then attempted to slip out of the Sleeper, and if she managed to, attempt to get to the back of Harmonia, and waist Lock her. If that work, Harmonia was gonna be German Suplexed.

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Re: The Harmonic and The Quiet: Mary Clairson Vs. Harmonia Edelstein

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Fighting Mary was something Harmonia had waited for, for some time. Not only was she a talented wrestler in and on herself but also a master submissions fighter. Maybe Harmonia could take something from this match. A victory AND new understanding of certain moves.
They locked up and Harmonia used her strength to hold the Bluenette in place while swiftly getting around her and putting her into a sleeperhold early on in the match.

"Gotcha!", the cocky Austrian grinned and immediatly added on the pressure. The sleeperhold was one of her basics and she knew exactly how to apply the hold to get maximum results out of it, immediatly cutting of the blood and air supply to the brain. This was something Sia, her trainer at the Austrian Eagles Roster had taught her and Harmonia always used it to great effect. She expected nothing else here only...

"What?!", she gasped in shock as Mary easily went out of the sleeper as it was just a gentle hug and turned behind Harmonia who felt arms wrapped around her toned midsection. "Fuck!", she screamed and then everything turned upside down as the blonde beauty was flunged backwards, hitting the canvas hard with her head and neck.
"Gaaah!", she screamed when the move hit full force, driving her body into the canvas and now she could only wait if Mary followed with a pin or release her. Either war for now she was at the Bluenettes mercy...

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Re: The Harmonic and The Quiet: Mary Clairson Vs. Harmonia Edelstein

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Mary could tell Harmonia was excited to face her, and knew she couldn't dissapoint her. So when Harmonia locked her in a Sleeper, Mary knew she couldn't fall to something as simple as that. Sleepers like what Harmonia locked in where a beginners move. So Mary slipped out and gave her a German Suplex as a reward.

Mary held Harmonia in position for a bridging pin, it wasn't likely that she would win via pin, but she could try. She just needed to keep calm.

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Re: The Harmonic and The Quiet: Mary Clairson Vs. Harmonia Edelstein

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Harmonia should have known better. She made it her habit to watch matches of her opponents, studying them, looking for weakpoints and she sure as hell had spent evenings watching some of Marys matches, some of her victories, some of her losses. She wanted to know the style of the Bluenette but actually...Mary was very hard to read. Where other wrestlers were a pretty much open book of always doing the same moves or having no style at all, Mary was something of an enigma to Harmonia. She was strong, she was capable and her submission had to hurt like hell according to some of the screams that made her spine chill after seeing the matches. All Harmonia knew was, try to avoid getting into a hold. She had to keep her distance to Mary and use her strength to wear her down. But right now Mary was on the rise and grabbed Harmonia, thrown her arms around her midsection after easily breaking up a sleeperhold, one of the Austrians special and sent her back in a big ark, making Harmonia connect with the canvas. The Austrian women saw birds flying around her head and did'nt even register that the ref had started her job and slapped the mat for a first time.


Suddenly Harmonia sprang to life again. And not to early. She would'nt lose after a few minutes! Not after one attack! Harmonia had survived opponents like Rose Gold for more then fifteetn minutes, so Mary would have to show her quite something to get her down before this time. She grunted and jumped out of the pin, rolled backwards and got to her feet, immediatly getting some space between her and Mary, looking for a chance to get the advantage again...

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Re: The Harmonic and The Quiet: Mary Clairson Vs. Harmonia Edelstein

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Mary caught Harmonia in the German Suplex, and it was a damn fine one. Though it only led to Mary getting a two count, which was more then she was expecting from the count. Mary quickly got back up on her feet, almost on natural instinct. She panted, staring down Harmonia.

"I um... hope your ready for more." Mary said as she attempted to approach Harmonia, and attempted to put her in a Side Headlock, hoping to keep an advantage in this match.

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Re: The Harmonic and The Quiet: Mary Clairson Vs. Harmonia Edelstein

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Harmonia looked back at Mary and took a deep breath. She had fought other tough opponents before and now, with her new gimmick and all the training she has spent on it, the Austrian was sure to have a chance against the seasoned veteran. Still this was just the start and she only kicked out at two, she had to concentrate or everything would be lost. Both her and Mary came to their feet again and looked at each other as Mary, soft as the squeak of a mouse, declared that there was more in store for her. "Well, I would be dissapointed, if there was'nt Fräulein!", the Superstar grinned and charged forward, intent of hitting Mary with a lariat, but if the bluenette fell for the trap ,then Harmonia would duck, shortly before connecting with the other woman and slam into her midsection with a spear right into the corner! Now the only thing was Mary falling for it...

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