Gil's Biggest L.A.W Idols and Heros

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Smother Princess
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Gil's Biggest L.A.W Idols and Heros

Unread post by Arista »

Written by: Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

Everyone... Behold! The great Armagilo has returned, not in the ring this time, but on my bed, snuggled up, and ready to type out a master-piece beyond compare...! Ahem, well, I'll be trying to at-least...! In my mind, I have a million ideas swirling around at a-million miles per-hour, nothing can stop it unless I get it out on paper for the world to see, and so, here I am...! I had so many ideas spinning around up there in-fact, that I needed to run a poll on my Twitter to see what the people wanted, it was pretty neck-and-neck, but ultimately, this was the one that pulled through!(No worries if you voted for another, though, I'll be getting around to all those ideas at one point or another...!) The article, as told by the headline, is my biggest idols in L.A.W, and just to clarify, this is only wrestlers I knew of before joining L.A.W myself, and they must currently be in L.A.W as well, otherwise, we would be here all day talking about more than half of the active roster...!

With all of that hoopla out of the way, I think we should really get into the meat of this article, so allow my heart to do the talking, and please enjoy!

Madeline Kuretsky

If anyone knows anything about my style of fighting, this shouldn't really come as much of a surprise. Madeline has moxie, she knows what she wants out of a match and will more often than not, one way or another, get it, argue about how she obtains that all you want, but in her pre-L.A.W days, I caught a beautiful look at her very own 'kiss my ass club', it was fun and devious, and once my eyes got a look at her backside painted with lip-marks from every color of the rainbow, I knew this gal had something I wanted, and it wasn't just people kissing my butt...!

Smothers and humiliation, that's what I like, and Madeline showed me you could win with that! It really showed me what one could accomplish with their ass alone, I mean, the possibilities are endless! It can start with the kisses and the sugar, then maybe some massages, and then after that, who knows...! Butts have a power like no-other, a truly, truly, magical thing they are...

Eileen Sommers

I saw a-lot of Eileen before I joined the ranks of L.A.W, she always seemed so sweet, it wasn't until I got into L.A.W that I saw what many of her colleagues thought of her, but even still, I see an innocent giant, someone who stops at nothing to win, that heart is great to see! She seems calm under-pressure, yet still, she's on fire and ready to smack, kick, and crush some booty!

Taking a look at her signatures, she has one that's just a facesit, how awesome is that?! She smacks you with that in a match, what are you going to even do about it? Nothing! That's what! You're face-deep up Eileen Sommers' ass, and to be fair, it might not be all that bad... I mean, I don't want to be there, but hey, someone else might, you know...? Cough, cough, any-who, she's just a perfect mix of fire and ice, cool and collected, yet passionate, and when I watched her crush someone beneath her heel, unlike everyone else on this list, it made my stomach sink but only in the best kind of way, it pushed me to get better at what I did, unless I wanted to become like whatever lady had the displeasure of getting messed around by the great Eileen...!

The SWAT Kats

I know, I know, these are three girls packed in one, but if you've ever seen them in the ring all at once, the work together as a unit, it's a spectacle like no other...! These ladies aren't only great together, but as solo-acts, they still manage to tear it up, and trust me, I saw plenty of them whilst sitting in my room late at night back in the states, and it was something that always pushed me, watching these ladies do their thing, kicking booty and taking names, it was glorious!

Aurora was someone I wish I would have watch closer, I could have learned a-lot that way, she's very calculated, she's as sharp as a razor and cute as a button, she kicks ass and is definitely the brains of the whole SWAT Kats operation! Tracy has butt power, and in-case you weren't aware, that's just my thing! Tracy dishes it out and can really humiliate, rub salt in the wound! And my, my, have you ever seen her take to the sky? She's soars like a bird, but hits like a truck, she's grace and humiliation incarnate...! And lastly, Kat, I mean, she could probably choke-slam you trough concrete and pop your head like a balloon...! She's a leader, and nice as can be, I mean, all of the SWAT Kats are...! This team gives it their all everyday, and what makes the champions is more than just being individually great, it's working together, and getting along like only the best of friends can! They remind me of superheros, and when I think back to sitting on my bed and watching these three, I think they might actually be superheros... I know the inspired me, and I can't wait to see who else they inspired...!

Karen Starring

This might be a surprise to many, Karen can often times be cold, unforgiving, and a rough-tumbler who doesn't really care about anyone other than herself and her own interests. She can be down-right nasty, cruel, and harsh. To put it simply, she's a bully. All of that said, Karen isn't terrible, she's a not a bad person, at-least not in my opinion... She's a hard-fighter, and I saw a-lot of her, and when I say a-lot, I mean it! She was everywhere, she's made her rounds, and fought plenty of fights, and it's a little hard to place, but, I admire her...!

That smug grin she has, that chip on her shoulder, it's just all Karen, that's who she is, and she's done wrong, and she's faced her comeuppance for it, but her persistence, her strength and determination to always get up not matter how hard she had been knocked down, that's something I really admire...! We might be polar opposites, and we might not get along, but still she has inspired me! Maybe not in more obvious ways as some of the others on this list have, but from all I've seen of her, all those bearhugs and breast-smothers, I think it's hard to say I haven't learned a thing or two from watching her bouts, it's even harder to say that I don't have a spot in my heart for her, she was one of the first ladies I came to know that name of in this scene...! I hope she knows for all the enemies she's made, she's made a fan. Thanks Karen...!

Ducky Williams

No surprises here...! But I don't think I've ever put into words how much Ducky inspired me in my early days, and even now as I skip through life here in the wide word of L.A.W...! The very first match I saw was Ducky, and right from the start, just from watching her, I knew that I wanted to do just what she did, and so, I did! I put in work in a smaller wrestling promotion know as the Lunar League, and I knew nothing about wrestling, I just did what I saw Ducky do...! I went on to become a little more of my own kind of wrestler, but I never would have even started if not for her...!

As much as she took a but to the face, she also dished out a little bit of the booty-combo herself, and I loved that! Smothers are the staple of my game now, and now we know who is the thank for that! She's got a lot of heart, she as friendly as they come and as stylish too, I mean, those feathers are totally adorable...! The optimism she spits always gets me going, her playful nature, she has the heart of a lion, or maybe a duck, would more accurate...!

I think I can safely say, a little over two years ago, if I hadn't seen Ducky kicking some serious butt, with her butt, I wouldn't be here...! She was the fire that lit the great torch of Gil, sparking my career and many endeavors I've had because of it. I guess it's hard to put into words how Miss Ducky has inspired me, and I don't think I can be sappy enough to really relay my message, so a simple thank you might have to do, so... Thanks a million, Ducky!

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