Skylar Jones Vs. Leonie Bowen (D): No DQ Match

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Skylar Jones Vs. Leonie Bowen (D): No DQ Match

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No DQ Match
Fighters cannot be disqualified for any reason
Win by knockout, pinfall, or submission
Falls count anywhere

Skylar Jones jumped up and down with excitement as she waited to be called from the locker room. This was a No DQ match, her favorite! She didn't need to hold back! She could do whatever she wanted, and not the rules noir her conscience would stop her now! This time she could completely indulge in breaking her opponent just for the fun of it! She knew what she signed up for, so there was no reason for Sky to feel bad. She just hoped the debuting fighter didn't disappoint in giving her a good fight!
"The following contest is a No Disqualification match set for one fall! Coming to the ring first, from Perry, Iowa, weighing in at 162 pounds, the Brawling Puppet, SKYLARRRR JOOONES!!!"

Skylar came down the ramp with her hands in her pockets and a smirk on her face. She was greeted with the usual mix of cheers and jeers she'd grown so familiar with. With an almost goofy spring in her step, Sky strutted down the ramp, and flipped over the top rope. She went to her corner, draping her arms over the ropes as she waited for her opponent to arrive.
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Mon Feb 28, 2022 4:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Skylar Jones Vs. Leonie Bowen (D): No DQ Match

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There's a thousand ways to skin a cat, or so Leonie Bowen's grandmother would often tell her. Just the same, there were a thousand ways to make money, a thousand ways to pay back her friends and family for the gift that they'd given her. Even so, Leonie was sure that none would be as great an adventure as fighting in LAW. So what if a pervy administrator at her college had been the one to pass her name along? So what if she didn't speak a lick of Japanese? Her manager, Christina, was as fierce in supporting her team outside of the ring as her teammates were inside of it. She had a whole new world to explore, infinitely bigger than the small farming community that she'd came from both in size and scope. And everything that went on at LAW -- the fighting, the fucking, the friendships, the fire -- all of it was beyond Leonie's wildest dreams.

Smiling softly as her eager hopes rose within her, Leonie closed her locker and headed to the gorilla position. Her introspective look back at where she'd been and where she'd come was almost out of place, considering what she was about to get up to. Admittedly, a No DQ Match against an opponent with a reputation for kicking the intensity up to 11 and her opponents into the floor didn't seem like the best place for nostalgia. When she thought about it though, this really wasn't all that different from how she grew up. Whether it was pricks from a thorny bush in a childhood game of tag or the pangs of hunger from an uncharacteristically poor harvest season, Leonie had learned early on to fight through the pain rather than let it stop you. Whatever kind of girl her opponent was, Leonie thought, the pain she dealt would be just another bramble bush to crawl through.

"And her opponent, a 5’6, 138 pound debutante coming to us from the rolling fields of Southeast Minnesota, please welcome to the ring the Lioness of LAW, LEONIEEEEEE BOWWWWEN!"

And just like that, the cat was skinned.

She shrugged her loose jacket off, handing it to a stagehand with a brief request to fold it and put it with the rest of her things. She wasn't one to waste perfectly good clothes on some grandiose entrance... even if the black sports bra and tight athletic shorts she had left on would probably be stained with blood by the end of this fight. As her entrance music filled the arena, Leonie stepped towards the ring with purpose. There were more people in this crowd than there were in fifty of her town, but she found it easy to zone them out and focus on getting mentally prepared for the war ahead.
Leonie's Match Attire
Leonie's Entrance Music - Phenomenal by Eminem
The ease with which Leonie ignored the audience soon gave Leonie a second benefit as she bumbled through getting in the ring. She'd stepped into a ring before for practice, but the wobbliness of the ropes was something she was still getting used to. Once she was secure in her footing, Leonie simply shrugged at her hoodie-wearing opponent and walked to the center of the ring to meet her.

"What's up?" Leonie greeted her opponent with a polite nod. She offered a closed fist to bump in lieu of a handshake, knowing that this kind of match might have invited a pre-match sucker punch. Of course, the girl could try to cheat anyway, but... That was the operative word there. She could try. "I'm Leonie. I hope you won't go easy on me just because I'm a rookie... but based on the kind of match we're in, I don't think either of us will have to worry about that." She tried not to sound cocky or haughty, both traits that irked her in others, but her confidence was always unshakable. Still, her voice was even and strong, and she gave her opponent-to-be a casual, sidelong smirk. "Something tells me you wouldn't want to, either."

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Re: Skylar Jones Vs. Leonie Bowen (D): No DQ Match

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Skylar leaned on the corner turn buckle, smiling in anticipation of the fight that lay ahead. She thought of all the things she would do to her opponent, all the things her opponent might do to her. God this was exciting! Her opponent's music soon replaced her own, and her eyes were directed to the entrance ramp to see who her opponent would be.

Sky smiled as Leonie stepped down the ramp and joined her in the ring. The girl definitely looked capable of giving her a fight. As the redhead offered a fist bump, Sky firmly bumped her fist to Leonie's. Not enough force to be called a punch, but enough to give the girl a taste of what was in store. "Skylar. And you bet your ass I ain't going easy on you! Hope you're ready to lose some blood, cause I am!" She grinned. While typically such words would be seen as a threat, Sky's tone was playful.

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Re: Skylar Jones Vs. Leonie Bowen (D): No DQ Match

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Leonie's grin was wide and toothy at Skylar's response. It was good that she expected some of her own blood to be spilled here, too. That meant that Skylar was taking her seriously. "I'm always ready to get a little rough-and-tumble! And don't worry, I give as good as I get." That her tone was just as friendly as Skylar's might have sounded weird, but Leonie appreciated her candor. Over the next little while, Leonie was probably going to learn to hate Skylar's fists, feet, elbows, knees, forehead, whatever she decided to use. But unless something went horribly wrong, Leonie was hopeful that they at least wouldn't hate each other. That kind of no-strings-attached attitude towards something that could be as emotionally-charged as this was refreshing.

Leonie pumped her fist once with another nod as she stepped back, waiting for the bell to start their match. Once it ding, ding, dinged the official beginning of Leonie's LAW career, the Lioness's orange eyes took one last critical look at her opponent. Skylar seemed pretty strong, but Leonie wanted to see just how strong she was. Remembering something she'd seen in some of her training videos, Leonie raised her hands and braced her knees and core. Her offer was unspoken but clear: She wanted their first test tonight to be a simple one, Skylar's raw strength against her own.

"So, Brawling Puppet, huh? I wonder what'll happen when I end up breaking your strings later."

God, she hoped that sounded cool.

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Re: Skylar Jones Vs. Leonie Bowen (D): No DQ Match

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Skylar smiled, exchanging some playful banter with her opponent. "Believe me, so am I! Maybe if you survive this we can grab a drink later!" Despite her friendly attitude though, she had no intention of showing a drop of mercy in this match. From the moment the bell rang to the moment the match had ended, she would be beating Leonie to a bloody pulp, getting red on her fists and feeling the adrenaline as the redhead did the same back to her. As she thought of it, a wicked grin spread across her face. With a tough looking girl like Leonie, this was gonna be good!


With three clangs of the bell, the fight was on. Skylar and Leonie approached one another ring the center of the ring. The brunette took the test of strength her rival offered, starting the match by pitting brute strength against brute strength. "Heh.." She smirked at her opponent's threat.

Damn, that sounded cool.

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Re: Skylar Jones Vs. Leonie Bowen (D): No DQ Match

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As soon as her fingers laced themselves between Skylar's, Leonie felt the strength of her opponent. Skylar started pushing against her, the brunette's deceptively-muscled arms causing the rookie's own to groan with strain. Leonie ground her teeth together in a labored smile. Her feet started to drag across the mat as she was slowly but surely pushed back, the physics of her position yielding far before she would even think about doing the same.

Skylar was taller, bigger, and longer than Leonie, so to an outside observer, the Brawling Puppet would have the clear advantage over her in this kind of contest. In most cases, that might have even been true. But Leonie had something that most people didn't, something that could make up for a size difference twice this wide, something born from bramble bushes and high falls out of trees. She had-

"Pure... grit!"

This time, she didn't even care whether or not her words sounded cool; whatever Skylar or the crowd thought of those two words, they were hers. Letting her personal motto roar out into the arena, Leonie firmed up her footing and redoubled her efforts. She grinned wildly, her nostrils flaring with effort as she started to shove back against her opponent. Her instincts were absolutely on fire right now, almost as much as her muscles were. She was leaving herself open for a headbutt, a knee, a judo throw, a thousand different things... but she needed to let the Brawling Puppet know that she wouldn't ever back down. That even if Leonie ended up losing, she was going to make Skylar work for it.

"Y'know, Skylar... nrgh... if you keep this up too long, your arms will be too tired to beat the crap out of me."

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Re: Skylar Jones Vs. Leonie Bowen (D): No DQ Match

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The second the two women's fingers were intertwined, Sky knew this was gonna be a fight to remember. The brunette's muscles strained against the redhead's own, neither one able to push the other more than a few inches. She returned her opponent's wild grin, looking her in the eye as she pushed into her with full force. She and Leonie were equally matched, and that would make it all the more satisfying when she eventually crushed her.

"Heh... Grgh... You're lookin' more tired than me, bitch..." Sky huffed, the two having been dueling in a test of strength for thirty seconds, and already working up a sweat as they fought to dominate each other. Suddenly, Sky let go of Leonie's left arm, grabbing her right with both arms to attempt an Irish Whip towards the turnbuckle!

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Re: Skylar Jones Vs. Leonie Bowen (D): No DQ Match

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Leonie didn't know just how long thirty seconds could be. That's how long she spent locked up with Sky in the center of the ring, but it felt like their test of strength lasted five times that long. By the end of it, her upper arms were screaming for relief, and her wrists felt like they were about to fall off. Still, she wouldn't yield to Skylar Jones. Not a chance.


Thankfully, that decision was made for her -- and Skylar had clearly had enough of Leonie's hard-earned strength. Unfortunately, she didn't have any time to gloat or celebrate, as the brunette Irish Whipped her towards the corner of the ring! Pain shot up Leonie's spine when she ran into the turnbuckle. She winced at the collision, but by the time she opened her eyes, Leonie was sure that Sky would already be on her way. So she slid her leg back, prepared to launch a kick out at the first sign of Skylar's approach! It was a desperate attempt to counter whatever the heck Skylar had planned for her, but it was all she could put together in the time she had.

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Re: Skylar Jones Vs. Leonie Bowen (D): No DQ Match

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The two middleweights clashed in the center of the ring, each trying to push the other back to no avail. Their muscles burned as they fought with everything they had to outmuscle the other. It soon became obvious that they were near equal when it came to strength. Their stalemate continued for what seemed like forever, before Skylar would try and catch Leonie by surprise, throwing her across the ring with an irish whip!

A small chuckle came out of the brunette's mouth as she heard her rival slam into the turn buckle with a satisfying BAM! Wasting no time, Skylar rushed towards Leonie, ready to deliver a beatdown before POW! The country girl's kick hit her right in the stomach, sending her reeling back. "Gh, motherfucker..."

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Re: Skylar Jones Vs. Leonie Bowen (D): No DQ Match

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Maybe Leonie was a natural at this wrestling thing after all. She'd barely had a second to react once she opened her eyes, and somehow her foot had managed to bury itself right in Skylar's gut! But she couldn't let up yet. Leonie had the advantage, and now she had to press it. If she didn't, she'd lose it -- and probably get beat half to hell for her troubles.

"Havin' fun yet, Skylar?" Leonie's next move would be a simple one, just two steps. And if she landed it, her opponent would be in for a world of pain.

One step forward, as Leonie lunged for her opponent's waist, looking to wrap Skylar up and hold her close. And one step back, as she flung the brunette back for a suplex, hoping to drive Skylar's face right into the corner post!

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