Hardcore Hentai Submission Match: Lana "The Redeemer" Kane vs Alexia Jackson

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Hardcore Hentai Submission Match: Lana "The Redeemer" Kane vs Alexia Jackson

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Announcer: "The following contest is a Hardcore Hentai Submission match. In this match there are no disqualifications, and the only way to win is by forcing your opponent to submit after an orgasm. Now introducing first, please welcome Lana 'The Redeemer' Kane!!!!"
Lana The Redeemer Kane's Standard Attire
Lana's music would hit and would would come out in her usual attire. She had one idea in mind and that was to purify her opponent with her skill in the ring. Lana would confidently strut down toward the ring holding her trusted "Redeemer Paddle" in her hand. Lana would glare at certain fans of LAW that were ogling her before she'd enter the ring. Once in the ring Lana would go to her corner and wait for her opponent to make her entrance, wanting nothingmore than t teach her opponent a lesson she'd never forget.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai Submission Match: Lana "The Redeemer" Kane vs Alexia Jackson

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Soon the theme of the 'not so normal' girl came on to the speakers as Alexia came on stage. Wearing her rather exposing red corset, short red shorts, her stockings of two different colors and strangely no footwear, Alexia smiled brightly on stage as she looked out into the crowd. It definitely was one of the most largest groups of people she fought in since coming from America, where she was used to nothing but bargoers and a handful of people who knew of the underground stuff she fought in.

Her painted face was the second most defining feature on her face, the first being that big smile on her face that showed excitement. It was a kinky match she was going to take part in, not that she mind that much, she'd done much more kinkier fights in the past as she skipped her way down to the ring where her opponent was waiting.

Sliding underneath the ropes, Alexia sat up on her knees as she smiled at Lana, letting out a loud giggle as she slid back on her knees into her corner opposite of Lana. Eyes never leaving Lana nor saying anything apart from a giggle.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai Submission Match: Lana "The Redeemer" Kane vs Alexia Jackson

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Lana would see her opponent enter the LAW arena and she was disgusted that such an unruly woman would be allowed t wrestle in an establishment like this. Judging by the look of her opponent, Lana knew she was in for a fight but she wouldn't be deterred.. Lana was determined to purify this wild woman in this match and make her confess submission. Lana got uneasy when she heard her opponent giggle at her. "Heathen, I'll cleanse you by the time we're done with this match." Lana said in a self-righteous tone as she got closer to the center of the ring. The referee would ring the bell and Lana would attempt to start off with a cheap move. She'd attempt to stomp on Alexia's toes with her boot and then attempt to drive the crazy woman with a blindsiding Forearm Strike to the side of her skull.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai Submission Match: Lana "The Redeemer" Kane vs Alexia Jackson

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On her knees in the most lax position possible, Alexia continued to smile and tilt her head at Lana while she was near the center of the ring, on her side of the half way point. She's was quite interested in the head piece, or hat or whatever it was that she was wearing. She was spouting out the same nonsense as those other women in black dresses said whenever they saw her. But unlike them, Lana was looking for a fight. A fight that Alexia was all too happy to give!

Hearing the bell ring, Alexia would immediately spring to her feet, keeping her head low and tilted towards Lana as her eyes looked upwards at the Redeemer. Suddenly, her foot was stomped on, eliciting a cry from Alexia before getting blasted in the face with a forearm! Her head whipped back as she hung low, holding on to her jaw but she did not drop down. Rising up slowly as her hand dropped down, she revealed that she was smiling just as big as she was before, beginning to giggle like crazy.

Tilting her head towards Lana, showing off her cheek, she would tap on it lightly before dropping the hand as she enticed another blow from her opponent!

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Re: Hardcore Hentai Submission Match: Lana "The Redeemer" Kane vs Alexia Jackson

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Lana at first thought her cheap combo had worked well but Alexia didn't seem too phased by it. In fact the LAW crowd would pop for the crazy woman as she invited Lana for another blow. "I will not be intimidated by some harlot!!" Lana said before she'd grab a hold of Alexia's skull with one hand and would use her other arm to start nailing Alexia with repeated Forearm Strikes to the same side of Alexia's face over and over again until the crazed woman was backed up into the ropes behind her. Then Lana would Irish Whip Aelxia off the ropes in an attempt to catch the woman off the rebound for a Reverse Atomic Drop.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai Submission Match: Lana "The Redeemer" Kane vs Alexia Jackson

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Alexia smiled when she saw rage wash over Lana's face, she knew what was coming next was gonna be good. Lana began her flurry, smashing the forearm over and over again into her face as Alexia's head recoiled back, only to be pulled back into another forearm. The shots flew one after the other as Alexia was forced back into the ropes, where Lana would yank on her arm and send her racing across the ring to spring off of the adjacent ropes.

Where Lana was watching to catch her, wrapping her arms around her body and lifting her up to then slam her back down on the thigh, crotch first.

"Nyaaaaaaaaa!" Alexia screamed out, her hands shooting down for her crotch and arching her head back. She bit her lip with how painful the initial shock was overwhelming but the tingling sensation afterwards was what Alexia thrived off of. Swinging her head back with a twisted grin and wide eyes, she looked right at Lana before throwing her lips forward to seize the Redeemer's!

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Re: Hardcore Hentai Submission Match: Lana "The Redeemer" Kane vs Alexia Jackson

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Lana's assault was calculated and was doing some nice damage to Alexia. Lana's Forearm Strikes did some good damage and judging by the initial reaction to the Reverse Atomic Drop Lana believed she was firmly in control of her crazy opponent. Then Alexia would twisted grin and she'd kiss Lana. Lana would take the kiss for a second before she'd respond. "Mmmm...No you filthy slut!!" Lana said before she forced Alexia away from her so she could punt kick Alexia's pussy. If that worked Lana would attempt to Irish Whip Alexia into the nearest corner.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai Submission Match: Lana "The Redeemer" Kane vs Alexia Jackson

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Alexia pressed her lips tightly into Lana's mouth, trying to open it up to slither in her tongue to start bashing Lana's. However there wasn't much time for her to continue her kissing as she was forced back. She had let Lana have her fun, now it was time for hers. Catching the foot as it came flying towards her crotch, she smiled and shook her head before throwing the foot back down.

She would start off her unorthodox offense by throwing her head forward to smack Lana right in the face with a headbutt. Grabbing her head with one hand, she would laugh out before reaching out with her left hand to grab on the the veil of her head piece, spinning around to toss Lana towards the ropes and out of the ring!

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Re: Hardcore Hentai Submission Match: Lana "The Redeemer" Kane vs Alexia Jackson

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Lana's kick would be stopped and her eyes would widen as she saw Alexia shake her head. Then Lana's foot would be send to the mat before she'd take a hard headbutt. "ARGH!!!!" Lana grunted as Alexia and her butted head. Lana was groggy, and in that moment Alexia would grab onto the veil of her head piece before unceremoniously dumping Lana outside the ring. "UGH!! That bitch!!!" Lana sad to herself as the LAW fans cheered for Alexia. Lana would try to get back up to her feet before Alexia could follow her to the outside.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai Submission Match: Lana "The Redeemer" Kane vs Alexia Jackson

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Tossing Lana out of the ring, Alexia shook her head as she was on the tail end of the effects of her as she turned away from Lana and the ringside she dumped her out to. Her eyes were locked on the ropes on the other end, not even looking to see if Lana was in position as she raced towards them, springing off and gathering as much momentum as she could.

Reaching her destination, Alexia would leap through the ropes, throwing her arms out as she attempted a Suicide dive to crash into Lana!

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