Nickname: Solomon Wargod
Age: 27
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Red
Nationality: US/Japanese
Height: 6'1
Weight: 182 lbs
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance Music:
Wrestling Outfit/Casual:
Retrofit Annihilation:
Personality: Due to her Narcolepsy, she is often shown felling sleep halfway, even in the middle of the match as she can be seen slowly fell asleep, she speaks in a lethargic fashion, and is often found with a sleepy expression on her face. Most of the time, she's quiet like some small animal, but she has a very strong will, and will not let anything stop her once she had set a goal
History: Born with Narcolepsy, she would been seen had sleepy expression through out her whole life, also she can be seen sometimes seen fell face first into the ground and fell asleep, yet, that didn't stop her from graduation from her school and goes to college with helps of medicine, but even that didn't help sometimes, she would goes for a Health Assistance degree, but with her Narcolepsy, it would be very difficult, in order to pay for herself she would Join LAW in order to earn some money to support herself, and of course, with help from her medicine which only work some times