Training day gone bonkers!

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Training day gone bonkers!

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"I told you this place was immense! How come you never tried coming here Aki?" This wasn't Daichi's first time at LAW's gym, the same couldn't be said about his twin sister Akiko though. And going by the book that she was reading, while walking, she wasn't especially thrilled about being here either. "You can work out, or train in home just the same. I just don't see the point in coming all the way here for that, Dai" She made her point, but it couldn't be denied that she was just being lazy about it.

"Well, homemade dumbbells have nothing on this place's equipment, and besides, it's you that should be worrying herself about working out, sis. Maybe you should start thinking about putting some muscle behind that scrawny body of yours" The femboy quipped at the brunette. "You're one to talk, Spaghetti arms!" She replied, obviously flustered about his comment, making the boy giggle.
Gym attires
They left the changing rooms dressed in long shirts with school shorts, blue for him, red for her. And with that, Daichi looked for a bench press, while Akiko just appeared to follow him with her book at hand. Once he found a bench that appeared to be unused, he prepared to use it while the brunette girl just sat nearby to read. The girl looked at him from time to time as he lifted the bar with weights at the sides, counting every time he managed to lift it all the way up.

"Aren't you supposed to start light, and then go up as you are done with some of that?" She asked, halfly concerned that her brother was lifting around 70 pounds from the get go. "This is pretty light for me. Wanna give it a try?" He asked, putting the bar back at its place with apparently no effort. Akiko put the book away as she lied down like Daichi did. "You better cut that to half!" She warned him. "Yeah, yeah, don't worry, I'll help you with it" He responded, taking out half the weights he used and getting near his sister to help her with the exercise.

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Re: Training day gone bonkers!

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“HEY you two!” would a loud voice suddenly call out from across the gym towards them. In the next moment a small girl with blue hair in a thihg sport outfit would walk up to them. She was only wearing a white sport bra and shorts.
Work out outfit/ Ringoutfit
The blue haired girl would stop right in front of the two and would cross her arms under her chest. “I take this is your first time in our gym?” she would look from one to the other. “did you even read the rules at the door?” She would turn around and point at a huge sign that was hanging right next to the door.
“it clearly stat´s that everyone who wants to work out has to use a towel. If you don´t have one you can get one at the counter. And secondly the first time you are visiting the gym you must do the training with one of the employed trainers here!” she would lay her head to the side. “are you two even signed up at this gym?” would she ask them.

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Re: Training day gone bonkers!

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"I'll kick your ass if you drop this on me!" Akiko warned while she did her bench-presses with Daichi's help. "Just relax, alright? I'm a pro, I would never-" That was the moment he heard someone yell at them, scaring the boy and making him drop the full weights on his poor sister's chest area. "DAAAAAAAAIICHIIIIII!!!" "Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorryyy!" The femboy hurried up to lift the weights off his sister. "Hey hey! Are you-?" "DUMBASS!!!" The brunette girl was quick to grab the boy's hair and smash his head against the hard metal of the equipment, making him scream in pain holding his forehead.

After that little bit of dark comedy, the twins looked towards the woman who called for their attention, she was even shorter than they both were, blue hair, energetic eyes and a tight sport outfit that highlighted her toned body. She accused them of not reading the rules sign at the entrance. They really couldn't say nothing to explain themselves. "You didn't know about this? The heck Daichi?! You come at least once a week!" Akiko was the first to attack her sibling, and Daichi was quick to defend by attacking her as well. "What about you? All I've seen you do since we arrived was to bury your face deep in that perverted yaoi book!" If they weren't being lectured by the pretty trainer, the twins would begin to fight each other once again.

Akiko was the first to talk to the girl, bowing respectfully, which the boy did as well "I'm sorry miss, we 're both registered here by our employment at LAW, we didn't knew any of this, this is my first time here, not my brother, but he's stupid" Daichi gave her an angry stare at this last remark. "I have been using the gym for a few weeks now, but never had any employee help me train. My name is Daichi, and this is my twin sister, Akiko. What's your name miss?" The femboy asked calmly the girl in front of them.

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Re: Training day gone bonkers!

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Cathy would slowly lift her head a bit higher and raise an eyebrow when she heard the two argue between each other and then turn to her. Even when they were talking to her, they were throwing insults and jabs towards each other. The blue haired woman would take one big step forwards and would grab the book of Akiko.
“okay because you two seem to have a problem with following the rules I will help you a little bit! No fighting or arguing inside the gym in any form besides in the ring! No matter if it is just sibling stuff, we don´t want that here!” She then hold the book up next to her head. “I don´t care what kind of book this is… when you’re here to work out with someone, you work out with this person and focus on your workout, helping them and guarding them when they do chest presses and stuff like that. You can get that book back when you leave!”
Then she stared with a really serious look on her face at them. “and when you two came from law then you should have gotten a letter, with the your looker key for this place explaining the rules and giving you the address and a phone number to arrange your first ever training!”
She would then lighten up a little bit. “but you know what… I got two hours until my next appointment and I am bored. how about I personally take care of introducing you to the gym… my name is Cathy by the way!” She would lay her head to the side and smirk at the two in front of her.

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Re: Training day gone bonkers!

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Just as they were lectured, the twins lowered their heads, looking more like two lectured kids than the two teenage siblings that they were. Daichi stuck his tongue out at Akiko when Cathy took her book, and then he went back to looking down once she told them about how they needed to take the gym more seriously. When the trainer informed them about the locker keys, Akiko looked confused at her, but once she saw her brother whistling and looking guilty, she gave him a scornful stare that made him confess. "Okay okay! I might have kept the keys and the letters! I just never thought that you would be interested" The brunette simply breathed in and out. "No fighting at the gym, but I'll get even with you one of these days, Daichi"

The twins looked happily at Cathy once she offered to take care of their training for the day. Akiko giving her a thumbs up and a smile and Daichi jumping on his spot. "Yay!!! This will be so much fun Cathy-chan!" He told her while he kept bouncing like a basketball. The twin sister looked at the blue-haired woman, telling her with her eyes to roll with it, that was just how her brother was all the time. "Indeed, thanks for taking care of us, we appreciate it"

Daichi thinked of something and he quickly went behind Akiko and then lifted her with his arms, causing her to get flustered. "HEY!" "Please help me train my lazy sister! She just sits all day and never lifts a thing even if her life depended on it!" The annoyed girl would try to get him to let her go. "If that's the case, then help my brother to learn how to use his brain!" Both twins followed Cathy while they kept talking to her, not fighting all that much, more like they were playing with each other, even Akiko laughed amidst her annoyed groans.

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Re: Training day gone bonkers!

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“wow you two really don´t get along!” would the blue haired girl say she stopped right in front of the tread mails and would turn around. She looked at the two with a huge grin. “so first for every training you guys go a little warm up, no matter what it is but you don´t touch any weights until your warmed up. Jogging is great for that because you move your whole body! Same goes for jumping jacks.” Cathy would jump backwards and grabbed the treat mail with one hand and spin around. She would land with her feet on the band and smirked. “five minutes going easy is enough to start off. Don´t overdo, but also don´t skip it. Pulling a muscle is very bad!”
She turned her own one on to motivate the two to do the same. Cathy started to do a little jog, having her huge bust jump up and down ove and over again.
“so what are your personal training goals?”

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Re: Training day gone bonkers!

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Both twins kept arguing, and even if it looked like regular brothers hassle to the outsiders and to Cathy, truth was that they both were pretty close and cordial with one another. "Well, she just makes it too easy for me~" "Yeah, and he's a pain in the butt, but he's my pain in the butt" While the siblings heard at their trainer warning them about their warm ups, both were presented with two options.

"I'mma run for a bit with you then!" Daichi responded to Cathy, getting on the treadmill next to her. The femboy began running at a slow intensity in the machine. He smiled pervertedly as he gave a small stare at the trainer girl's chest as it jiggled around. Akiko wasn't impressed, she rolled her eyes at her brother's attitude before beginning doing some Jumping Jacks. "Careful there, Dai, don't slip on your own drooling over there"

The team remained doing some warming up as the twins thought about their training goals. "Mmmh, I've lost so many matches until now, which is weird because I can take a lot of punishment, and yet my rivals always tend to last longer than i do" She reasoned, not seeing that her trouble was that no matter how much resistance she had, it would amount to nothing if she never used her own guard to protect herself.

"My goal? I wanna kick butt! I just don't get it though... If I'm so strong, then why am I always the one who gets beat up in the end?" He responded Cathy's question, not figuring out that his strength was meaningless if his technique was poor.

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Re: Training day gone bonkers!

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Cathy would look between the two siblings and when both of them were done explaining what they were looking for she would lay her head to the side. “oh… so I can summen up both of you want to get stronger in the ring… this is perfect! I will show you how to train with weights next time to build muscles. This time I got something way more fun for the two of you!” She would say before her timer on the treadmill stopped and she jumped backwards off it. Cathy would land on both of her feets and she would spin around to point towards the ring in the gym. “you two fight me 2 on 1 in a everything goes match! This way I see where you two lack and how far you guys are, I also get a great feeling for how your endurance is and how strong you two are!”
She would start to walk over there and suddenly jump forwards to slide into it on her belly. She jumped back up to her feet and would turn around. “come in and attack me… don´t hold back!”

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Re: Training day gone bonkers!

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It may come as a surprise that the siblings, Aki and Dai weren't very used to sparring. When they weren't fighting each other, Daichi was at the gym, were he rarely met with other people, and Akiko was used to street fighting, but that was hardly any training because it never followed any rules. So, when Cathy offered to take on them both at the same time, they couldn't help but to look at her with curiosity, tilting their heads.

"Is it okay if we gang up on her?" Daichi whispered to Akiko. "Well, she's literally asking for it" She responded to him, not so sure about it herself. The cute pair got inside of the ring, she with a classy roll and he by simply going between the top and middle ropes.

Another thing that was worth to notice was that they weren't the most coordinated team out there, not for the moment at least. "Let's goooooooo!!!" "Hey! Don't get in my way like that!" The crossed siblings ran head-forwards to meet Cathy at the center of the ring. Problem was that the two of them went for a very obvious and visible hit to the bluenette's face, not something too hard to dodge.

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Re: Training day gone bonkers!

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Cathy would simply shake her head when she heard the two even arguing when they were attacking smeone. She would simply step out of the side and reach with her hand for the arm of Daichi as he punched for her. She would spin him around and would look at him with a huge grin on her face before she would jump at him and thrust her bust into his chest trying to make him stumble backwards right into his sister. When her plan worked she would giggle a little bit “okay now attack me like you guys mean it!”

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