Sheena grunted slightly as she stretched her arms and body out a bit backstage by the guerilla position. It was still not long after own debut but she had beem selected to be the debut opponet for someone else already. ‘Time sure flies here.’ Sheena thought to herself as she cracked her neck a bit in preperation, her usual purple top and briefs shimmering in the backstage lights and flexing with her body as it movrd, almost like a second skin. She had gotten a look at her opponet Paisely, or rather Pansy as she liked to be called, before and during her entrance and she... wasn’t really impressed.
Granted the girl had enthusiasm which Sheena could respect. But she didn’t seem to be taking things very seriously, which may lead to problems going down the line. But if nothing else the save the girl made after nesrly tripping was pretty impressive, and Sheena would definitely give her props for it. But neither was here nor there. Right now it was time for her entrance as her music cued on she would put on her usual determined expression as she walked out.
Standing at the top of the entrance ramp and posing the crowd cheered in admiration for her as she began strutting down the ramp. It didn’t take long for her to garner fans here in LAW, between her looks and wrestling skill it wasn’t a surprise. It likely would have been higher if people knew who her family was... but then again that would be very bad for her personal life.
In any case as she came down the ramp she locked eyes with her opponet and looked her over once more. Trying to get a more clear read on the girl. Climbing up the steps to the outside apron Sheena threw her leg over the middle and slipped between the ropes and rose up facing down her opponet for a moment. Turning and climbing upnthe corner she posed once more for the fans beofre hopping down onto the mat and leaned against her corner, waiting patiently for the bell to ring.