Alaina Sanders vs Cyber Widow - Hell a Cell

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Alaina Sanders vs Cyber Widow - Hell a Cell

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Best of Three Falls, Hell in a Cell: This match takes place in a ring that is enclosed within a large steel cage (there is space between the ring apron and the walls of the cage). No disqualifications, anything goes. The first woman to earn 2 falls will be declared the winner. Falls are awarded via pinfall, submission, or knockout inside the ring.
The winner will become or remain Legacy Champion (Cyber Widow unofficial title from her previous promotion)

Last edited by winner3 on Fri Dec 18, 2020 2:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Alaina Sanders vs Cyber Widow - Hell a Cell

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Tonight was her night, Alaina was back on a PPV, the big stage! She wanted to crush Cyber Widow and take that belt from her first sure. More than that though, the amazon was out to teach her opponent a lesson about basic manners and humanity. Alaina was going to go out there and win this for Gold Liger as much as she was for herself.

Clad in her two piece tiger print attire the amazon came out, showing off her figure and frame as the crowd roared! Alaina held her arms put and struck a flexing pose at the top before bounding her way down the ramp. She was all smiles as she high fived fans all the way to the base of the ramp before running at the ring and sliding in underneath the bottom rope.

Alaina stood tall and strut around the ring holding her arms out as she smiled, taking in the positive energy of the crowd. She had a tough job ahead of her tonight but she was not going to back down.

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Re: Alaina Sanders vs Cyber Widow - Hell a Cell

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This feeling that she craved since coming out of retirement. This is what she been missing and as her fingers begin to shake, Widow let's out a big smile and laugh. The big stage, the massive crowd and the thrill of battle against someone who maybe could be her equal. Widow is placing her special entrance outfit on preparing herself for her entrance, wanting to steal the show tonight and that is what she is going to do.

Her music plays letting her know it time. As the crowd is already booing, Widow pays them no mind her eyes are focused on one thing. And that is Alaina in the middle of her ring, as she comes up from the bottom of the stage and starts at her opponent as her wings pop up from behind her.

Making her way down to the ring, her eyes never leaving her opponent at all before undoing the winged vest costume handing it to one of the ring crew workers. Unstrapping the championship belt from her waist and slides underneath the ropes into the ring, walking over getting right into Alaina face e holding the gold belt in front of the other woman face.

"Don't choke like last time Amazon.."
Last edited by The Riders on Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Alaina Sanders vs Cyber Widow - Hell a Cell

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Alaina stood with her hands on her hips as she smiled, glaring up at Cyberwidow. The amazon looked confident and she felt like her chances of winning were good. She knew she could do it, she had beaten her before and she could do it again. Alaina was not going to lose this, not on a big stage in front of a roaring crowd. As she watched Cyberwidow enter the ring began to lower and Alaina looked over at her.

"You are stuck in here with me, and I will make you regret ever putting that title on the line. I know it is unofficial but it is going to look great around my waist." Alaina said as she stepped up to the center of the ring. Alaina looked into Cyberwidows eyes and even though Cyberwidow is taller Alaina is more compact. It is like her battle with Elm. Alaina feels like she is more driven, and the stronger woman. Nothing is going to stop her in her return to a PPV stage tonight.

As the bell rings Alaina lets out a scream and opens up on Cyberwidow by rushing right at her trying to hammer her with a lariat to start the match off by sending Cyberwidow crashing down to the mat!

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Re: Alaina Sanders vs Cyber Widow - Hell a Cell

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Coming into this match, Widow knew in a straight up brawl that in terms of pure power Alaina has her beat. But Widow knows she is faster and able to pull off more technical moves to target a limb and wear the woman down, even to go as studying Alaina other matches against that bitch Kat. The gameplan is set.

"Your stuck in here with me Alaina. Like I told you before this title means everything to me... The only way your getting this tonight is from my cold dead hands..." She replies back handing the belt to the ref, giving it one last hard look before facing her opponent again.

The bell rings and Widow comes as well raising her arm up for a lariat as well, deciding to hit just as hard right back.

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Re: Alaina Sanders vs Cyber Widow - Hell a Cell

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Alaina and Cyberwidow collided at the same time and the Amazon bounced back, staggering and barely able to stay up after the force of the women hitting each other.

Alaina shouted as she moved in at Cyberwidow again, swinging her fist up into Cyberwidows jaw to smash her with an uppercut to the jaw attempting to send her to the mat in a heap!

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Re: Alaina Sanders vs Cyber Widow - Hell a Cell

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Staggering backward from slamming into her opponent, Widow groans from the impactful blow before catching herself trying to shake it off. But that leaves her open to an uppercut to the jaw that stuns her.

"AUGHH" walking backwards before leaning against the ropes, still on her feet but her head is throbbing from that blow. Widow knows if she had taken that before it would have knocked her out, but due to her training before this match she is able to take those impactful moves that Alaina is going to try and hit her with.

Still against the ropes Widow begins to taunt her opponent.. "I felt that one... But still standing.."

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Re: Alaina Sanders vs Cyber Widow - Hell a Cell

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Alai a shook her head and moved in seeing Cyberwidow on the ropes. If she could lift Noi she could really put a slam down on this woman!

Alaina bent down tongrwn Cyberwidow between the legs and around the shoulder, lifting her up and spinning to powerslam Cyberwidow down to the mat right on the spot!

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Re: Alaina Sanders vs Cyber Widow - Hell a Cell

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Leaning against the ropes Widow was not able to dodge or counter due to the uppercut. Which still has her head ringing and throbbing from it, but Widow is lifted up and power slammed to the mat. "URGHH" Clutching her back from the brutal slam but playing possum knowing that her opponent is going to throw everything at her.

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Re: Alaina Sanders vs Cyber Widow - Hell a Cell

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Alaina had Cyberwidow down and wanted to keep her right where she was. The Amazon jumped up, tucking her knees in to come crashing down hard on the sternum of Cybwrwidow with a double knee drop!

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