Kyoko Akan, Yoko Littner, and Tara Jaegar vs Da Xia, Gabriella Guerrero, and Noloty Malache - Belly War Games Match

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Kyoko Akan, Yoko Littner, and Tara Jaegar vs Da Xia, Gabriella Guerrero, and Noloty Malache - Belly War Games Match

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Belly War Games Match - The match takes place in two adjacent rings enclosed within a steel cage. The match begins as a 1 v 1 between one member of each team. At regular intervals, additional members of both teams arrive, making the match a 2 v 2, 3 v 3, etc. The match can only end once all members of both teams have arrived and joined the match.

Once all combatants are active in the match, victory is immediately awarded to the first team able to successfully earn a fall on any member of the opposing team by pinfall or submission following a move targeting an opponent's midsection/belly.

Last edited by winner3 on Fri Dec 18, 2020 4:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kyoko Akan, Yoko Littner, and Tara Jaegar vs Da Xia, Gabriella Guerrero, and Noloty Malache - Belly War Games Match

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So now it was time to make her name in history and get that title shot. She had a plan to take control and had studied all 3 of her opponents whoever came out first she would control them and make it so they were already disadvantaged by the time the rest came out. Noloty had a happy demeanor and moving towards the ring to start this match. The two rings were pressed against each other only separated by a steel point and the cage surrounded the whole thing. Noloty was let in and got into the closest ring, looking around the place. It would get crowded eventually but Noloty would spend the most time in it. She was going to make it her domain no matter what.

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Re: Kyoko Akan, Yoko Littner, and Tara Jaegar vs Da Xia, Gabriella Guerrero, and Noloty Malache - Belly War Games Match

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Yoko was looking to participate in a team fight with kyoko for a while now. She wasn't sure whether it was kyoko cucking her or was it the managers. Regardless now she had her chance for this sort of thing. Thought it was some crazy 3v3 that it was centered around kyokos beef with that China girl. Every kind of bullshit that was happening to Yoko seemed to be somehow connected to kyoko nowadays. Also given her recent experiences with the woman in question was feeling rather bitter to her teamate. There would be another teamate - Tara, whom Yoko had fought recently. Yoko didn't have problem with her. Overall, Yoko thought her team was pretty strong and after looking over the 3 profiles of their opponent's, Yoko felt confident about their chances at winning this.
It was time for yokos entrance. Her music played and Yoko walked down the ramp. On foot, to everyone's surprise. It had to be taken for repairs due to some 'uncalled decorations'. Yoko was visibly grumpy about it, and did no fancy things, just enter the ring only to come face to face with a one sexy woman. "Hello there, cute thing!" Yoko greeted her opponent.
Somewhere deep inside, she felt the urge to punch Noloty, but she dismissed it because Noloty had a very punchable able belly, so it must've been that. Eh... If only she knew...
Last edited by ragaz on Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kyoko Akan, Yoko Littner, and Tara Jaegar vs Da Xia, Gabriella Guerrero, and Noloty Malache - Belly War Games Match

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The first victim would be Kyoko’s little pawn the red headed punching stress ball Yoko Littner. Noloty remembered what she did to her and every bit of insult the bitch threw at her and smiled, Joe she would be able to get in every little lick she wanted without too much negative repercussion. Afterall if she went a bit over board could anyone blame her? It’s her first PPV she needs to impress, and impress she would when she spent the next 30 or so minutes dominating these cute little creatures. “Just cute? Well I’ll fix that later, we have plenty of time after the match to talk about how cute I am.” Noloty would bounce on her feet getting ready for the match to start. “Now is the time to look sexy and dangerous. You have one down but we’ll see about the other.

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Re: Kyoko Akan, Yoko Littner, and Tara Jaegar vs Da Xia, Gabriella Guerrero, and Noloty Malache - Belly War Games Match

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Noloty had an interesting reaction which reminded Yoko that this girl was supposedly someone who views everything that isnt pampering her as an insult or something like that. Sure, we can discuss how cute you are at length after the match, if you'd like. Yoko winked as she said that.
Noloty certainly had an interesting way with words, just as Yoko did. This was promising to be fun. Yeah, we're both here to see ''about the other'', so i'm hoping for a fun brawl. I hope you won't take it too personally if sink my fists into that sexy belly of yours a few dozen times!

Yoko was now back in her corner, assuming a boxing stance. Her left fist residing near her chin, while her right fist was a bit lower.
The bell rang and Yoko would approach Noloty, watching her carefully, looking for a sign of a strike. If Yoko noticed any indication of an incoming strike, she would take a quick step to the right and then send a quick slashing kick aimed at Noloty's juicy thigh. If it all worked, Yoko would follow up by dashing in to sock her right fist into Noloty's belly with a low straight punch.
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Re: Kyoko Akan, Yoko Littner, and Tara Jaegar vs Da Xia, Gabriella Guerrero, and Noloty Malache - Belly War Games Match

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Oh I hope you don’t disappoint these fans by not trying. They all know what they are expecting so feel free to try. Just don’t be too disappointed when I sink a few dozen back into your’s.” Noloty’s hands came up as well, not the same way Yoko’s did but it was enough that she could show a defensive stance of her own. Watching the redhead for any sign of attack but it seemed Yoko was wary of going forward. Meanwhile Noloty wouldn’t hold such a hesitation. She rushed in trying to go for a straight right aimed at her face, Yoko would try to dodge it and go for a kick to the thigh that Noloty was able to check to stop. Not so much the second hit, a bunch to the belly she should have seen coming. Still as the fist made contact it was met by a wall of abs that didn’t give way much if at all for the first contact. Having learned from her defeat from Da Xia (which she still blamed on Kyoko mind you) showed her she needed some improvement and she was able to fire back aiming for Yoko’s belly and expecting to see the result of Yoko’s training to her core after Noloty worked it to the bone last time they met.

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Re: Kyoko Akan, Yoko Littner, and Tara Jaegar vs Da Xia, Gabriella Guerrero, and Noloty Malache - Belly War Games Match

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Noloty was taking shots at Yoko, who wasn't sure whether this was some friendly spice or something else... The way Noloty was talking, it sounded like she was referring to yokos loss against Kyoko, which rubbed the redhead the wrong way and was giving her a dark feeling deep down somewhere.

Anyway, the exchange was pretty nice and nolotys seemed to be as tough as it was sexy.
The exotic woman then responded with her own punch, which made Yoko only grimace slightly which then turned into a smirk. Yokos belly was also as tough as it was sexy and it was sexier than ever before. Nolotys fist smacked against hard abs. "Not bad"

Yoko was in this kind of situation a number of times before and she knew where this was going. This was one of those unspoken ab challenges and Yoko had to fight hard against her competitive nature to not commit to this.
That meant Yoko would slug Noloty in the navel and then she would immediately back off a few steps back so that Noloty couldn't slug her back, not without making a separate attack, that is.
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Re: Kyoko Akan, Yoko Littner, and Tara Jaegar vs Da Xia, Gabriella Guerrero, and Noloty Malache - Belly War Games Match

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Both punches found there intended target and both found that they were dealing with a wall of defense rather then a soft pillow. Yoko would look impressed before trying to hit her again. Something Noloty would block and then watch as Yoko backed away. Noloty was a little surprised, her abs seemed more tough then when she last beat them to a pulp. Clearly Yoko took her many beatings to heart. Not that it would help her, if just meant Noloty would have to put a little more elbow grease into her ass kicking. Moving to close in after her Noloty would be look to throw a punch to her face instead since it seemed Yoko was going to be protective of her belly.

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Re: Kyoko Akan, Yoko Littner, and Tara Jaegar vs Da Xia, Gabriella Guerrero, and Noloty Malache - Belly War Games Match

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Yoko went in for another punch before backing away, but it was blocked. It was okay, though as it showed that Noloty didn't want to take any free hits.
After backing away a few steps, returning to her boxing stance, Yoko was thinking about how to go in and have another hopefully advantageous exchange. Noloty's belly was tough, but a super attractive target.

Yoko's thought process got interrupted as Noloty was the one to initiate the exchange now, coming at Yoko. Abs tight, fists close to her chin and eyes on Noloty, Yoko saw the dark skinned girl go for her face. Yoko would duck down below the incoming fist just enough and would throw a strong, straight right jab just above Noloty's belly button and try to push Noloty back with it. ''Huaah!''

If it had solid effect, Yoko would step in and try to land a left uppercut into Noloty's belly.
If it wasn't the case, Yoko would quickly take one step back and raise her fists in her boxing stance again.
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Re: Kyoko Akan, Yoko Littner, and Tara Jaegar vs Da Xia, Gabriella Guerrero, and Noloty Malache - Belly War Games Match

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Yoko clearly realized getting into a slugfest with her was disadvantaged to her, fearing Noloty’s punches after taking just one. Well Noloty wasn’t about to let her back off without some pressure getting after her just as she was stepping back and then throwing a punch towards her face. But Yoko seemed to used to dodging about and not having to take a hit if she could avoid it. What soon followed her kiss was a jab to her belly again with Yoko’s fist. It hit solid abs once more but sudden lapse of air still escaped Noloty before she tried to interject via a knee coming up to hit Yoko’s lowered chin.

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