Age: 23
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 207ibs
Nationality: Toronto , Canada
Twitter handle: @Divine_Booty_LL
Entrance Music:Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Do my thing, and looking great doing it
Preferred Attacks: Stinkface , Bearhug ,Various Smothers , Stinger Splash, Body splash, Frog Splash, Kimoru Buster, Headlock, Boobplex, Groping,Powerbomb , Samoa Drop ,
Preferred Matches:Hentai, Stinkface, Keijo, Smother, Normal, Messy, Beach, Strip, Boob or Butt Sumo , Titfight and Last Woman Standing
Endurance: 4/5
Strength: 4'5/5
Speed: 2'5/5
Finishing Moves (Warning some nsfw)
Labomba Drop (Jumping Seated Corner Drop)

Busted Drums (Modified Monkey flip that forced an opponent to land breast first on her knees

Final Encore (one armed headlock on the mat as she sits behind her opponent to finger her with the other hand until her opponent cums)

High Pitch
An modified backbreaker as rather then them landing back first on Layla's knee they will land crotch first instead

An shot from when she appeared in an music clip

street wear

In action

Wrestling Attire









She is loyal and sassy, yet also can be affectionate and caring. If shown respect, she will reciprocate it indefinitely. Layla tells it like it is, and has no fear whatsoever of calling people out on their mistakes. However, she is not one to be messed with, and will not hold back on someone who has wronged her.
As so many other kids, Layla wanted to be famous singer/dancer when she grew up. So she would learn all the right dance moves by copying what the girls did in the video clips she watch on YouTube.
When she was not dancing she was singing, and she had an rather good voice. As she would make her start covering all kinds of songs on YouTube in the hopes of becoming famous.
Which worked as she was invited by an few record labels to meet some producers. However they would withdraw those offers when they meet her as they felt the girl was too fat.
Now Layla was definitely not fat, but they felt she did not have the right look as label after label turned her down. This was when she meet the man we currently only know as the Scout. Who had somehow convinced the young teen at the time to listen to him as for the next 5 years nobody would hear or see anything from Layla until now as just last week an clip was posted onto her YouTube channel that just read "I Will see you all again when I face the LAW" as her fans wondered what this meant
Fun Fact:
LAW Information
Number of matches:2
Wins: 0
Loses: 2
Draws: 0
Match History
3 Layla's luck would only get worse as she would find herself losing to Alizeh , and end up an afterthought as some Japanese girl showed up to attack Alizeh.Result defeat
2 Layla would wake up to find herself in Honie's place as her punishment as an POW would begin
1 Layla after spending weeks running her mouth on Honie B on twitter. Finally had to face her , and got destroyed
Mixed Record
LAW Information
Number of matches:2
Wins: 1
Loses: 0
Draws: 0
Match History
2 After her defeat against Alizeh in the fvsf division , Layla was gonna get back in the headlights by competing in an hentai match for her second match in the mixed division against Blase McCharge.ongoing
1 Layla is making her debut in LAW as for her first match every she is facing off against Romeo D Chad in an normal match.Victory