What the Title Means to Me

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What the Title Means to Me

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The week after a major pay-per-view event was always a highlight for a professional wrestling promotion's televised show, and LAW's was no exception. The events of We Are LAW were still fresh in everyone's minds, and that went as much for the wrestlers as it did those in attendance - the action and emotion on stage tonight were well informed by what had come before. And there was perhaps no one more excited coming off the results of the show than Astrid Ostberg.

Not only had the Norwegian won in the main event, but she had been crowned the new LAW Heavyweight Champion in the process, defeating both the champion Linda Halloween and a rival in Cali McCloud. Now, it was Astrid's turn to announce her reign with the belt. As she appeared on the entrance ramp with the championship on display around her waist, Astrid heard a few cheers just coming down to the ring. She met them with a nod and a smile, but she climbed up onto the apron and through the ropes, where she accepted a microphone from the announcer.
"I'd like to speak to you all," Astrid began, "about what I've won in the main event last week." She gestured to her title belt, giving pause for a few more bouts of cheering coming from the stands before she continued. "I would first like to thank all of you who cheered me on, who had faith in me. I've fought my hardest, pushing myself to my limits and beyond and always striving further, to get this far - and you've been behind me this whole time. I have to thank you for that."

"To any wrestler, the championship is the ultimate goal. It's the prize you're fighting for, the proof that you're the best. But this victory is important to me even beyond that. And for that, I have to get into what led me here. Before I was ever in this ring, and before I was even born."

"My father, Lars Ostberg, and his brother, Hans Ostberg, were a prominent tag team in their heyday. And their father, Ole Ostberg, was a wrestler himself. He made his success in the business, and he inspired his sons to follow suit. Growing up, my dad was never around, because he was always off touring the world. I watched him on the TV before I could walk. I scarcely got to see him in person, but he was always there - because I was always watching him, and I was cheering him on."

"When I grew up, and the time came for me to find where I wanted to be, what I wanted to pursue, there was no question about it. I wanted to follow in my father's footsteps, in my grandfather's footsteps, and to become a professional wrestler. It wasn't easy, of course. I wasn't the first Ostberg to get in the ring, but I was the first woman of the family to do so - and no one expected me to take that route. They didn't believe me at first, when I told them I wanted to be a wrestler. My dad understood, though. He knew that I had my dream, and he wasn't going to stand in my way if I wanted to pursue it - he knew I would whether he let me or not, anyway. But he wouldn't train me. Not because he didn't believe in me - but because he knew he would go easy on his own daughter, and that I wouldn't learn anything worthwhile if he was holding back."

"I had to find someone else to learn from, but I was undeterred. I knew that I was going to become a wrestler - a great wrestler - and nothing was going to stop me. I learned, in time. I toured the indies, then I went worldwide. I ended up here - and, as you can see now, that landed me with this, right here." She patted her hand on the front plate of the championship.

"You see, I'm not only the first Ostberg daughter to get in the ring. I'm the first Ostberg - male or female - to win a singles title on this level. My father and uncle, they won tag championships - and I have nothing but praise for tag champions; it takes true dedication and a true connection to succeed on that level. But neither of them was a champion in their own right. My grandfather, while he challenged for the top titles, could never win them. But now...I've proven that I'm worthy of holding this belt, right here. When I told my father that I won the championship, he cried. Because he knew I had come this far, and he couldn't be more proud."

"But this championship isn't just a reward, and it isn't just an accolade. This is a commitment. Now that I'm a champion, I need to hold myself to the standards of one. I know now that I have to give it my all, to defend this title, and to ensure that I can compete to the level that deserves a championship. I know that I stand today as a face of this company, and that is a duty I accept. I know I'm the champion, and I'm never going to forget that. In all of my matches, I'm going to have to bring my best efforts. Whenever I'm in the gym, I have to push myself further, to make sure I stay at that level. I can't ever get complacent. I need to be the best. It's going to be a challenge. But I've never been one to turn a challenge down."

With all that said, Astrid bowed her head, turning to the side of the ring and stepping out. Cheers followed her every step of the way as she proceeded up the ramp and backstage, her head held high all the while.
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Re: What the Title Means to Me

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Backstage Alaina had been watching on TV when Astrid was out in the ring with a mic. The older veteran was worn out and tired from a match but she was curious to see what the new champion had to say. Linda Halloween was a good champion but Astrid was also going to represent that title well. Alaina was still in her wrestling attire when she was backstage, knowing she was near the hallway Astrid would have to come down. Alaina made her way over and decided to see how the new champion was doing.

As soon as she spied Astrid making her way down towards the back Alaina would step out and wave to her, smiling as the new champion approached. "Hey! Congrats on the big title win! I bet it feels awesome to be champion doesn't it?" Alaina would ask with a nod. After giving Astrid a moment to take it all in she would speak more. "You really deserve that belt, you are a really good wrestler just like your dad, but better I'd say. You know there will be quite a few challengers gunning for you now, including me once I earn my way back into contention."

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Re: What the Title Means to Me

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As Astrid made her way backstage, she heard the cheers going up all around her, and her smile grew wider as she lifted her head to the sky. She knew now that this was the moment her life had been leading to up to. It was exhilarating enough that she had won the title, of course - but now, as she heard the voices of all her fans and supporters rally behind her with their cheers and applause, Astrid knew she had made it. Not only was she the champion in the eyes of LAW, she was the champion in the eyes of the fans as well, and she truly felt that.

Stepping outside the stage, Astrid heard a familiar voice nearby - and, turning around to look back over her shoulder, she recognized the face of Alaina Sanders, the same veteran she had previously told of her plans to challenge for the championship so long ago. "Hey!" Astrid said, waving her over. "Long time, no see, huh? Yeah, I'm sure you heard the news," she added, gesturing to the belt around her waist. She also held out her hand, offering a handshake. Even after all this time, the two still respected each other as friends and fellow competitors.

Astrid tilted her head to Alaina as she congratulated her on her win, even proposing that she could surpass her father. Her eyes widened, and she chuckled. "Ah, you really think so? Well, I don't intend to let it go to my head so quickly...but you're right, of course. I worked hard for this, and I truly feel like I've earned it. I'm ready to do my best in defending my new title."

Then, Alaina brought up that she was still planning on challenging for the belt at some point, and Astrid looked back up at her with a pause. "Is that so? All I can say is, best of luck. I'm going to fight my hardest, now more than ever before. But if it comes to that...we'll see who the rightful champion is."
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Re: What the Title Means to Me

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Alaina smiled as the young champion stood tall with her title. "The heavyweight division has had a couple hard fighting champions now, and if I want a shot at it I need to earn it with big wins so it may be a while before I get a shot again but I really hope it is you I face off against." Alaina said with a smile. "I owe you for the gym when you beat me more easily than I care to admit. Don't think it will be that easy again." Alaina added with a wink and pat on the back.

She paced around a bit and did grin back at Astrid. "Seriously though, if you want a workout or a non-title match or whatever I am game. You re fun to clash with between the ropes and I dare say you are a better wrestler than your dad." Alaina added being honest with her assessment.

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Re: What the Title Means to Me

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Even if Alaina acknowledged her desire to compete for the championship, she was still humble about it, noting that she would have to overcome a fair few fellow challengers on her way. Astrid laughed, but she still smiled to Alaina about that as she reached over to give the Amazon a pat on the shoulder to return her own. She liked that about Alaina - while many wrestlers could be caught up in themselves and their own dreams of glory, Alaina was down-to-earth enough to know where she stood. Astrid only wished there were more people like that.

"Oh, of course," Astrid said. "Look at it this way - if I didn't beat you back at the gym, you wouldn't know to improve yourself, yeah? Now you know what your strengths and weaknesses are, and you can keep honing them to be the best you can be. I can only hope that things wouldn't be so easy, or it'd prove to me you didn't take this seriously enough to improve! If you ever want to meet up again for a spar, be my guest - I look forward to seeing what else you can bring."

Then, though, she broke away for a moment, turning back to Alaina. "Of course, what I really hope to see is how you wrestle when the ultimate prize is on the line. I know that last week, I felt that drive in me, because I knew the stakes were so high, and I think that motivated me to go the extra mile. I'm sure it will for you too - and I'm excited to see what that'll look like."

At the mention of Astrid doing better than her father, the Norsewoman blushed faintly, looking off with an awkward smile. "Ah...well, I suppose I did say I'm the first Ostberg to win a major singles title..." She looked back down at her belt, feeling the pride swell in her as she did. "Just...don't tell him that, okay?" she added with a laugh.
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Re: What the Title Means to Me

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Alaina was excited, not just for her working her way back in to a title shot but for seeing Astrids reign. She was going to be an amazing champion, although Alaina thought that the woman who beat her for the belt had also done a hell of a job. Still, given her connection to Astrid by wrestling with/against her father this was going to be extra special. "I may have to tell him he is surpassed by his daughter, sorry." Alaina said jokingly. "Still, I will give you everything I've got and do what I can to be potentially the oldest champion we ever end up having." Alaina said with a wink.

"Best of Luck Astrid, and just remember at the gym or in any match if you want a piece of me I will be ready. Just give the word and we'll throw down again." Alaina added and smiled.

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Re: What the Title Means to Me

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Even when Astrid might have been concerned about how her father would take Alaina's news, she had to concede a smile nonetheless. Alaina was too pleasant of a person and too dear of a friend for the Norwegian to harbor any hard feelings toward her, and it was clear from the way Alaina approached the subject that she didn't mean anything harsh by it. Astrid knew she could trust her. While the two might have perhaps been rivals, Astrid still had a lot of respect for the Amazon, and so too did Alaina feel the same toward her. If there was any potential challenger Astrid felt pleased to be in the company of, Alaina would have to be it.

"Well, in that case...I can wish you luck, because I don't intend to give this belt up any time soon - and you'll have to work hard to reach where I am now!" She gave Alaina another pat on the shoulder. "But I've sparred with you before, and I know you'll rise to the task. As for what happens then, it's up to whoever's the strongest, yeah?" With a smile, Astrid stepped away from Alaina's side, holding up her hand with a thumbs-up.

"And I have to thank you, too, for all your support. I do have plans, I should say - but this won't be the last time we meet, I can tell you that!"
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Re: What the Title Means to Me

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Alaina smiled to Astrid and nodded. "Good, I look forward to working my way back up but if I manage to get back to form don't be surprised if I end up being far more of a tough opponent than you faced in the gym last time." Alaina said. "I do look forward to seeing you again and I expect you to keep that belt for quite some time. See you soon Astrid!" Alaina said as she waved to the young champion and made her way back down the hallway. Alaina looked back over her shoulder at Astrid and grinned. The amazon really hoped that the next time they faced off in the ring that the heavyweight championship would be on the line.

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