The cuties meet Booty (Hatsume Ryo vs The Adorable Cuties)

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The cuties meet Booty (Hatsume Ryo vs The Adorable Cuties)

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Elimination Handicap match
Win by submission, smother, or pinfall
First to eliminate all members will win

Hatsume would hum adjusting her outfit as she would giggle "Lets she who we can have some fun with tonight" She giggles a bit as she headed to the ring
Hatsume would burst through the curtain as her music began waving to the crowd, who gave her a rather good reception. She would give a few hugs and high fives, sometimes mistakenly smothering a crowd member with her chest, to which she would say "Oh sorry dear" walking away and whispering "fuckin perv" as she was out of ear range, sliding into the ring. After a few moments of walking around the ring, she would get a microphone.

"Hello darlings, hope you're all doing well" She would wave smiling "Tonight I'm doing something a bit different. I have an opponent challenge! That's right, specifically to a team. So if there is any team in the back who wants a shot at me, come on out!" Hatsume only did this as she knew beating two girls would make her seem strong, possibly leading to a title shot of sorts. She would wait with her hands on her hips, swaying them as she watched for any pair of girls to come out

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Re: The cuties meet Booty (Hatsume Ryo vs The Adorable Cuties)

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The cuties were in another match tonight, however their main opponent had pulled out at the last moment but to the delight of Kelly who couldnt resist telling everyone, not least Vikki. As the pair hung around in the backstage area, they mused what to do.

"Can you believe that Vik, our rival ran away, Ha! She knows that we were going to wipe the floor with her and then give her a face full of cutie!"

Vikki rolled her eyes and sat on a pile a boxes. In the background the TV feed to the arena blared out.

"Sure Kelly, sure."

"Ah phooey! We are great. Hmmmm"

Vikki saw Kelly looking at the screen


Kelly simply grinned. Vikki knew what that meant, and it wasnt good. Hatsume looked massive even on the screen but Kelly was on a roll

"Come on Vik, I am gonna give this giant a taste of booty!"

She grabbed her tag partner and dragged her toward the ramp entry at high speed. The cuties stumbled through into the arena much to the delight of the crowd who were eager to see the challenge backfire on whoever arrived. The cuties were the perfect squash jobbers of LAW.

They had elected to wear their Super Cutie gear with matching white boots as they charged to the ring, stopping to grab a mic each. Slipping through the ropes, it was Kelly that popped up and popped for the crowd.

"HELLOOOOOO LAW! Its the Super Adorable Cuties!"

Vikki shuffled at the corner, eyes on Hatsume as Kelly continued

"And hello to you Miss. Wow you are a big one, but thats just more for Vikki and I to smush. And smush you were gonna do."

She strode confidently toward Hatsume and looked as cute as possible, the size difference was over a whole ft, but Kelly looked up, past those huge breasts and playfully poked them.

"These things arent going to save you. Once ya flat on your back, it is CUTIE TIME!"

The crowd cheered, few had actually seen the Cuties use their finisher but those who had could attest to it living up to its name.

"Just so ya know, Vikki is gonna be sat on ya chest and me, Kelly... well. Ill try not to sit on ya too hard but ya might not be able to breathe."

She winked at Hatsume and stepped back, conscious that if her rival wasnt playful, Kelly could be crushed instantly.
Last edited by RiotGrrl on Sun Apr 18, 2021 8:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The cuties meet Booty (Hatsume Ryo vs The Adorable Cuties)

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Hatsume would so the two smaller girls come out, a grin kept across her face. It was perfect, these to hardly made up half Hatsumes size. Along with how small and cute they are it could definitely be fun teasing them. Hatsume would giggle a bit at the banter they threw at her. She glanced down at Kelly as she poked her chest giggling a bit. She glanced to the cheering crowd.

She would let Kelly backup, leaning down so her cleavage showed a bit saying "Well you two are just precious! Well if you're so confident, then fine, I'll give you a chance. But don't think I'll be going easy on you two" She would say petting Kelly's head gently then backing up to her corner, placing the mic on the mat. She would roll her neck a few times waiting for the match to begin

Once the match did start she would see if the cuties would go for her at the same time or one at a time. If only one approached her she would attempt to grab them right away, giving them a small bear hug which was more to smother them the squeeze them. She would do this until the other cutie would attempt to come at her, letting go of the first and dodging the others attack. If both ran at her she would attempt to hit a double clothesline instead to knock them down

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Re: The cuties meet Booty (Hatsume Ryo vs The Adorable Cuties)

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

The cuties stayed at their corner, they stretched and were locked in whispered discussions of the best way to topple this giant and get away without being squashed flat. Kelly was far more eager than Vikki who usually ended up the last cutie after Kelly was pinned or KOd.

As the bell rung, the cuties both moved out deciding that a quick rush was in order. If they could take Hatsume by surprise then they could steal a quick count and cause a massive upset.

Kelly and Vikki charged and ran toward their busty rival.


The cuties were both flattened on their backs from the clothesline. The crowd erupted into a roar as they sensed all the cutie bluster might have been extinguished in one move.

Vikki lay on her back blinking as she tried to get some air. Kelly meanwhile rolled over and make a beeline for the ropes so she could roll under them and regroup.

"Ow that hurt."

Vikki gasped and attempted to sit up before Hatsume could follow up
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Re: The cuties meet Booty (Hatsume Ryo vs The Adorable Cuties)

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Hatsume would let Kelly roll away after both of the cuties were knocked down. She simply giggles walking to the sat up Vikki, picking her up by the hair saying "Well looks like you're up first sweetie~" She teased as she picked her up, hitting a body slam, following it up by bouncing off the ropes, hitting a running leg drop. Once that connected she would roll Vikki onto her back.

She would sit down on the little girls back, locking in a camel clutch, with her hands covering her mouth so she would be able to verbally give up. She would her back, smiling as she bent her backwards. She would glance up looking to where Kelly rolled off to, flashing her smile and a wink, saying she'd get a turn soon enough.

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Re: The cuties meet Booty (Hatsume Ryo vs The Adorable Cuties)

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Kelly got out of harms way so the match could take a more traditional handicap feel with the cuties tagging, but it didnt mean it was any easier. Taking on Hatsume was a monumental task and Vikki was about to find out for herself just how big.

As the cutie sat there, a huge tree trunk thigh crashed against her chest. Vikki was flattened and lay on the canvas gasping. Many figured this would be done within seconds

Vikki squirmed and moaned as she was easily held in the clutch. She kicked her feet but has no way of getting the much heavier girl off her. It looked hopeless

By now a ref girl had entered and was checking on Vikki who muffledly said she didn't give!

It was a valiant effort. Kelly on the outside saw the submission and decided to sneak around on the outside to get behind Hatsume.

As soon as she could, she slipped into the ring and looked to use the ropes to propel her toward Natsume. With any luck, Kelly wanted to launch herself to dropkick straight into the bigger girls back and free her tag partner.

Who knew, maybe the cuties could just pull this off if they managed to stay on a floored Hatsume
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Re: The cuties meet Booty (Hatsume Ryo vs The Adorable Cuties)

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Hatsume would let the small girl squirm more "Awe look at her go, maybe you should've let your partner go first dear. Wonder where she-" Hatsume was cute off by the sudden kick to her back, flopping forward, mistakenly squishing Vikki under her before then rolling onto her back, holding the back of her head, a bit dazed from the sudden attack.

She would groan as she would whisper "You little fuckin brat" Attempting to take a quick breather, however this left her wide open to the cuties attacking her. She would try and get onto her hand and knees hoping the to smaller girls wouldn't attack her just yet

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Re: The cuties meet Booty (Hatsume Ryo vs The Adorable Cuties)

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

The dropkick connected and Kelly landed with a bump on her hear, fortunately it was worse for Hatsume As she tumbled forward, Vikki was smushed under her. She smaller cutie was laid out on her tummy moaning, feeling like she was hit by a train. Still Kelly was not to be put off. She scrambled up to her feet and saw Hatsume on her back.

It was too good to be true.

A lot of the crowd got up out of their seats. They all knew what the cuties were going to do next. Kelly rushed to Vikki and pulled on her arm.

"Come on Vik, Cutie Time!"

Vikki moaned and flopped where Kelly dropped her. She was lay across Hasume's large chest in a pin cover. Kelly however wasnt done there. Making good on her "promise" she stepped over Hatsume's head, feet at the girls ears and dropped to her knees to make the perfect front facesit pin. As Hatsume was presented with Kelly's thin bottoms there was little doubt that just her eyes peeked out from the cuties crotch.

The crowd cheered and Kelly shouted to the ref.

"Count her!"

She rested her hands on her hips, looking down at Hatsume. Kelly bit her lip and squirmed, it felt good for once to actually be the one doing the squashing instead of being squashed.

Kelly smiled and giggled, "I did warn you, but don't worry, it is a cutie smother!"

The ref dropped and slapped for ONE!
Last edited by RiotGrrl on Tue May 19, 2020 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The cuties meet Booty (Hatsume Ryo vs The Adorable Cuties)

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Hatsume would hardly know what was going on as she felt the smaller girl fall onto her chest. She would jump a bit feeling the small cheeks barely cover her face. She would mumble for a second in the smother, realizing they were pinning her, making her furrow her brow. She would suddenly, just as the referee made it to two, shove Vikki into her partner, trying to knock them both off

She would get back up, looking at the two "Alright you wanna play rough. Let's play rough" If Vikki didn't move Hatsume would attempt to hit a double body splash, squishing either or both of the girls under her massive frame. If this worked she would smirk as she squished them under her massive body.
She would rock back and forth squishing them both for a few moments before then getting off the pair giggling at them.

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