Smothered Down to Size: Aurelia Bucur vs. Suzuya Jukodo

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Smothered Down to Size: Aurelia Bucur vs. Suzuya Jukodo

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With her arrival several minutes early, Suzuya Jukodo was not expecting to find someone inside when she pushed open the door to one of LAW's many camera-laden apartment sets. Yet as she walked in like she owned the place, humming along to the rock pumping into her earbuds, she almost walked squarely into a figure clad in white-and-black stripes. The two of them exchanged a few blinks before the referee broke eye contact and drank in Suzuya's figure's awkwardly.

Suzuya quirked her mouth. She actually wondered why they needed the ref girl. Couldn't they tell for themselves when one of the two of them had been knocked out? Suzuya raised a mint-green eyebrow at the third wheel-to-be while she weighed that question, but she ultimately shrugged and decided not to question it. "Hey-a, early bird~. Doing your job to the T, aren't ya?"

She didn't immediately respond nor even look up. Not that Suzuya could blame her. The mint-haired beauty had chosen her attire for a reason, after all, and that reason was not to make like a wallflower in this spacious room. Of course, the purple lingerie she wore clinging to her every curve was not there for the showing yet - but the loosely-hanging cropped white tank top and tiny skirt she wore over it didn't exactly leave much to the imagination, either, with her arms, belly, and legs there for the appreciating.

"Well maybe not. Too busy checking out the merchandise," Suzuya teased good-naturedly, which finally reigned in the woman's lustful glances. They shared a brief introduction, and Suzuya went to inspecting the room. Of course, it was just a tiny-sized apartment - without pointy-edged tables, but heavily slightly exaggerated versions of the furniture that was of most interest to two people wrestling each other to smothering submission. No one owned a couch or bed that frickin' big.

She bored herself with the inspection quickly, growing impatient to start using her body to smother the other girl out. Early though she was, Suzuya's antics quickly devolved into bouncing her rear on the edge of the bed, staring at the door in anticipation. "C'moooon, Aurelia."

She didn't notice the ref girl watching her breasts bouncing, enamored.
Last edited by Winter on Wed Apr 08, 2020 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Smothered Down to Size: Aurelia Bucur vs. Suzuya Jukodo

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Aurelia Bucur was quite happy and pleased with today's arrangement. After some time, the staff behind setting up the matches had finally booked her another splendid match, though this time it was a special venue. Aurelia had heard of the fabled apartment matches, where LAW had bought out apartments and outfitted them for matches, something that Aurelia had never heard of before, so she was definitely excited to see how they held up. She was currently dressed in her casual clothes, having jogged over to the venue while carrying a duffel bag with her bikini and other belongings.

The short lightweight would finally reach where the apartment complex was, and managed to find the floor where her match was taking place. She would see the referee that was assigned to the match and happily over to greet her. "Hello there fine referee! I see you get the honor of seeing the great Aurelia Bucur's first apartment match! UMU!" Aurelia giggled as the referee would blush at how close Aurelia was, before letting her into the tiny apartment, where she saw her opponent waiting for her.

"UMU! Your opponent has arrived! The great Aurelia Bucur is here to accept your challenge!" Aurelia exclaimed as she hopped into the room, hands on her hip with a big smile. She would happily greet Suzuya, walking over to the girl and offering a handshake. There was quite the size difference, Aurelia was a very short girl after all, but the girl was oozing with confidence.

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Re: Smothered Down to Size: Aurelia Bucur vs. Suzuya Jukodo

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Suzuya quickly grew bored of bouncing; she turned to bleating the beat of a familiar song to herself and playing with tracing the contours of her own toned legs in impatience instead. A couple of seconds later, the referee apparently grew bored of admiring the mint-haired beauty in the room with her and slipped to the door to look outside, Suzuya's own impatience having been contagious. Or maybe ol' ref-chick here couldn't stand the heat of the room. Suzuya chewed her lip through a grin, entertained by the idea.

Before the ref could come back inside, Suzuya caught the sound of chatter outside. Assuming that some random lost dummy hadn't wandered her way down this corridor and into an apartment wrestling match, she popped up onto her feet and rolled her powerful shoulders into a stretch, just to make sure she wasn't a stiff crumb. After all, she had been waiting a full three minutes. She rolled her eyes gently at herself.

Even with the door all but closed, the conversation in the hall was a commotion, and the beauty, an eyebrow raised at the door, found out why as soon as a third feminine figure cast her silhouette through the open door.

A... short feminine figure. Never one to hide her emotions from her pretty features, Suzuya was wearing her blatant confusion from brow to lip when "the great Aurelia Bucur" stopped squarely in front of her. As ample as Suzuya's own cleavage was, she almost lost sight of the tiny drink of water.

But she took Aurelia's extended hand, an act that saw her own hand - which weren't exactly huge - eat her smaller opponent's right up. But was this... really the woman? Suzuya was a few egg rolls from a heavyweight, and Aurelia couldn't have weighed over a hundred pounds, chesty or not. It wasn't that Suzuya was opposed, but... "Heeeya the 'great Aurelia Bucur,' name's Suzuya, but let's back up a sec. You're here for the two out of three match?" She leveled a finger at Aurelia's forehead. "The smother-y one?"

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Re: Smothered Down to Size: Aurelia Bucur vs. Suzuya Jukodo

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The tiny lightweight was quite excited for this match, one that seemed super exciting given how this was a new experience for herself. As she introduced herself and shook hands with her supposed opponent, Aurelia looked up at her with shiny eyes and a bright smile. "UMU! That is correct! A best two out of three smother match, inside an apartment venue!" Aurelia replied with great enthusiasm, puffing out her chest, "This will be my first time in such a venue! But I have no doubt it will just be as exhilarating to wrestle in as it is in the ring! Now if you excuse me, I shall go get changed!"

Aurelia would pull her hand back and excitedly marched off to the bathroom, carrying a great deal of confidence and gusto with each strut she took. Once she got into the bathroom, she would immediately start to strip off her casual outdoors clothes, and began to put on her red and white striped bikini, even tying her up into twintails. Once she finished, she put all her clothes back into her bag and checked herself out in the mirror, giggling and amazed at her own beauty, before heading right back out to meet Suzuya head on.

"Hold your applause and save them for after the match! I know I am quite beautiful, but the compliments must come after our match!" Aurelia exclaimed and laughed as she met up with Suzuya, hands on her hips as she stood firm, looking up at the tealette.

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Re: Smothered Down to Size: Aurelia Bucur vs. Suzuya Jukodo

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Suzuya did understand that those details seemed right... but she still nursed a small wonder that one of the roster geeks had accidentally listed Aurelia as, say, five foot seven and a hundred and ninety-five pounds, instead of the four-whatever and hundred she probably weighed. Or maybe they had thought Suzuya would have fun with a real squeeze toy given the little lady's size. But then, Suzuya gave the little hyperactive blondie another once-over, especially noting the prideful jut of her chest. She did seem to be packing some heat under there, for what benefit that would afford her.

Nevermind that Suzuya's cleavage could swallow Aurelia's waist, much less her head.

But the girl definitely had enthusiasm. Few people could leave Suzuya standing without word, a touchy-feely extrovert at the top of her game, but Suzuya merely watched with raised eyebrows while the tiny living megaphone trotted off to change clothes. "So..." She held a hand to the height of her own green-tinted hair, then dramatically dropped the hand a foot until it resided in the middle of her chest. Her eyes settled on the referee. "She could walk into me and get smothered, huh?" She didn't receive an answer aside from a slight, shy shrug. Suzuya simpered. "Or maybe you're daydreaming of having Suzuya do that to youuuu~," she teased. That got the girl's face red.

No more time to get the third wheel all hot and bothered, though - Aurelia stormed back in, still at full volume. And on full display. Suzuya had been right. That chest didn't have any business belonging to someone under five feet tall, and neither did that ass. She proved such a different sight compared to most petite women that Suzuya got a little tingle watching her move.

Her bragging made it hard to focus on anything below the mouth, though. "You talk a lot, don't you?" She felt tempted to ask if the talk was meant to compensate, but she didn't like to insult people about things they couldn't change, like height. In fact, the height rendered her unique; Suzuya just couldn't figure why it landed the two of them in a match together.

"Sorry, but I'm going to need to smother your words out to beat you. Repeatedly and inescapably, mind you! Pretty face or no."

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Re: Smothered Down to Size: Aurelia Bucur vs. Suzuya Jukodo

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More often than not, Aurelia was not aware of her loud volume. Though some would say it was part of her charm, along with her never ending enthusiasm. She had a strange charisma that tends to draw people towards her and go along with whatever crazy plans or ideas she comes up with. Naturally, Aurelia was not aware of any insults or statements she was making that may come off as arrogant or cocky, the things she says tends to be what she truly believed.

"UMU! Banter is a wonderful thing two wrestlers can share, even when they are in a match! Just because two beautiful women are engaging in a competition does not mean they cannot become good friends and future rivals!" Aurelia explained herself with a huge smile on her face, bouncing a little on the balls of her feet, causing her breasts to actually bounce up and down a little. Aurelia's eyes would flare up with determination as Suzuya mentioned how she would have to smother her, and Aurelia took up a stance to show she was ready.

"Of course! I would expect no less from my opponent! That being said, I will be doing the same as well, umu!" Aurelia laughed as she quite enjoyed Suzuya's personality, and was ready to wrestle with the bigger woman. Once the referee gave them the signal, Aurelia would actually shuffle towards Suzuya, offering a test of strength of all things! However the tiny blonde had this confident face, as though she felt she could take on someone like the tealette.

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Re: Smothered Down to Size: Aurelia Bucur vs. Suzuya Jukodo

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Suzuya almost felt sorry for how badly this lightweight's back would ache, sooner rather than later, with a pair of orbs that might have covered, oh, about half of her total body weight. Those and her ass. Suzuya watched the breast part of that equation bouncing their way in a bid for freedom from the bikini top that held them while "the great" continued her Ed Sullivan-esque self-promotion. "Hey, that wasn't anything you've gotta excuse. Just something I couldn't really help but notice." Considering Aurelia still didn't stop, Suzuya doubted she wasn't too bothered by that observation, anyway. While she spoke, Suzuya unbuttoned her shirt and peeled it off, revealing her considerable chest decked in a purple bra and all the fine tone that had been concealed. Then she lost her skirt, revealing a matching purple panties and gams. "I talk a lot too. But the difference for today is, I'm not gonna be letting youuu do anything in this fight that might shut me up."

Suzuya could tell that Aurelia stood fast before her, though the mint-haired beauty still gazed more at the top of the lightweight's head, and she supposed she could respect that, as odd a couple as they might have been. She wouldn't take her lightly (no more lightly than she took anyone, anyway). These shorter women could take your legs right out from under you in a heartbeat. Then, what good did Suzuya's curves and chiseled muscles do for her? Not much, though she did know how to work and grind from the bottom. Regardless, she wouldn't give Aurelia any benefits; she wanted to squeeze and smother her as much as any babe that joined her in the ring. Or, apartment in this case.

But she had to stop herself from a snicker when, once the ref had signaled them to start, she crouched to start tussling... only for Aurelia to offer a test of strength.

"You sure you want that?", Suzuya rhetorically asked, as she hunched into position to tie her hands up with Aurelia's, steadying herself but not pushing on the smaller figure yet. Not until they were locked up, anyway - then her abs and shoulders flexed, and she shoved at the tiny blonde with the considerable power that she had mustered in the gym for years.

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Re: Smothered Down to Size: Aurelia Bucur vs. Suzuya Jukodo

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The tiny blonde wrestler would be quite impressed by her opponent's chiseled and muscular body, along with her impressive breasts and ass. Of course she was also appreciative and seemingly happy that Suzuya had a load of confidence in herself as well. She couldn't blame the woman, after all, she was up against an opponent who was literally a foot shorter than her. However Aurelia was always excited and up for a challenge, especially the ones that pushed her strength and limits.

Aurelia got ready to approach her, surprising the tealette with an offer for a test of strength. Not many shorter girls would willingly, much less be the one to initiate a test of strength when up against a girl bigger than her. But Aurelia was not one of those girls, nope, she truly believed she had what it took to go up against this woman toe-to-toe, and she would prove it the moment Suzuya accepted her test of strength and locked in with her. Aurelia would feel a great deal amount of force pushing against her, the blonde actually losing a couple steps for the first few moments of their competition. However after a certain point, Aurelia planted her feet firmly into the ground and Suzuya would soon feel the blonde pushing back against her! Aurelia looked up at her with strong, determined eyes and a big charismatic smile. Aurelia flexed her muscles, meeting her opponent down the middle and doing everything to actually push her back.

Aurelia may be small, a whole foot shorter than her, but she was the type to pack a lot of power for her size. Surely Suzuya may have the advantage, but she wasn't going to be going down without a fight!

"UMU! I'll show you what I can do!" Aurelia proudly proclaimed as she began to fight back by pushing against the taller woman with all her strength!

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Re: Smothered Down to Size: Aurelia Bucur vs. Suzuya Jukodo

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Suzuya's eyes squared on Aurelia, filled with confidence, daring, and though she tried to resist with the girl being about three inches taller than a hobbit, a taunting gleam. With her statuesque body, her initial flare of pushing power sent Aurelia back nearly a full foot. The apparent power difference sent a jolt of excitement through the larger woman, thinking about what she might be able to do to churn this lovely little woman down into a needy pulp. Then came the response.

It was more than Suzuya would have expected from such a petite figure, and she came about a toe away from embarrassing herself like a dull-brained heavyweight when she had to lean back onto her back foot and misstepped. Then again, it was bad enough having someone so tiny bring her locomotion to a stop. The grumble that rumbled in her chest testified to how little she liked it.

But she rightfully shouldn't be pushing into Aurelia on even ground, not with that annoying low center of gravity that all these shorties possessed. Suzuya swore they were like little tanks. "So much for getting me to play fair~", she announced.

Suddenly ceasing her attempts to push forward, Suzuya's muscles rippled, she pushed onto her toes, and she shifted her effort into pushing down, with her chest and shoulders towering high above Aurelia's little blonde head. The intention? To crush the smaller woman into the floor, obviously, where that little figure would be ripe for the swallowing.

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