Karen Starring vs Alison Seong

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Karen Starring vs Alison Seong

Unread post by winner3 »

Standard Match: Victory to be determined via pin-fall, submission, knockout, count out, or disqualification

Last edited by winner3 on Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Karen Starring vs Alison Seong

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Through demands made without relent, and perhaps a little pity on the woman in question given what transpired at the last We Are LAW to her, Karen Starring's entrance was one that she deemed to be fitting of a woman of her stature.

With a flash of darkness falling on the arena, before a sudden abrupt flare of fireworks woke the crowd up, the roaring riff of Fallen State's song "Lost Cause" began to roar into the arena. Emerging in tandem with it, Karen's arms were raised near sky high as she damn near shook the ramp with her furious foot steps. The amazon had opted for a little more theatrical entrance than usual, but that did not take away from Karen's fury. Tonight was the night she would strike off yet another name on her list; a list composed of women whom had opted to make a fool of Karen a full year ago, in attempts at perhaps ending Karen's career through a physical beat down.
Sliding her figure through the middle and top ropes after clambering onto the side of the ring, Karen near sprinted forward before hitting the ropes, and cutting her way across to the side of the ring she had come through. Filled with energy and eager to unleash it, the riffs of her song would begin to fade down alongside with her pace, as she was soon left with hands to her hips. And eyes to the ramp.

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Re: Karen Starring vs Alison Seong

Unread post by TheManVan »

Though it was a while since Alison had last met Karen inside of the ring, she had lost no measure of disdain for the powerful woman and tonight she was going to exact another brutal beating on her.

The lights suddenly cut out as Alison’s theme began playing, flashes of red in tune with the beat cracking throughout the arena. The silhouette of Alison’s body in front of the minitron showed glimpse of her imposing figure before her song kicked in, the lights shined up as Alison’s entire figure was revealed. Her eye were locked on her rival in the ring and her eyes shined with the same fury as her opponent as she began marching her way towards the ring. Alison didn’t like having unfinished business and she was going to make sure that it was going to end today with her and Karen.

The second she got into the ring, Alison would march straight up to Karen and go nose to nose with her rival, the tension between them still as fierce as ever!

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Re: Karen Starring vs Alison Seong

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Karen as per the norm could barely contain her anger. Alison wasn't literally her first fresh foe in the world of LAW, but she was easily her first of note. She'd beaten Alison once before, what felt to be a lifetime ago, but it wasn't a win that felt like an outright victory. Today, she'd get the victory she sought so much, as her stacked foe joined her in the ring and cut the distance like a charging bull.

Karen didn't say anything, and needless to say she didn't back away. Her figure staying strong and straight as Alison leaned into her, with the referee already failing in her attempt to create some space!

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Re: Karen Starring vs Alison Seong

Unread post by TheManVan »

The referee tried to pull the two apart but the two powerful women refused to be moved and trying to do so with the intensity between the two was as if trying to part the Red Sea without godly intervention as they continued to push into each other, looking to intimidate and get the first mental edge on the other.

But there was only so much that Alison could restrain herself after seeing the face of Karen, "You actually showed you fat cow, I thought you would've been running scared after that beatdown you got for being a stupid bitch!"

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Re: Karen Starring vs Alison Seong

Unread post by Devilish53 »

"BEATDOWN?!" Karen roared, uninterested in the referee prying into her sides, as said official outright gave up and moved to the corner to start the match. Not that it would instantly, which gave more than enough time to both women for them to continue their constant furious ramblings.

"Last I checked it's me with a win over Alison Seong, not vice-fucking-versa!" She'd roar as she thrust out her chest, using them in place of her hands to send her tough bodied for stumbling!

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Re: Karen Starring vs Alison Seong

Unread post by TheManVan »

“Bitch! You know you got lucky that time! You barely escaped with that flab of sack you call an ass!” Alison screamed back at Karen as the two rival’s disdain for one another has not dwindled since the last time they met as Alison brought her finger up and jabbed it into Karen’s face as she began to push.

“This time you’re going to be on the ass end of the beating you deserve for all that shit you talked!”

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Re: Karen Starring vs Alison Seong

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Almost on cue, the referee gave the smallest of signals to begin the match, with a mouse like tap of the bell given as not to further agitate the women in the ring. If such a thing were even possible.

With the smallest of pokes setting either woman off, it would be Alison whom threw it, as Karen felt a annoying sting into her cheek that sent her over the edge already. Rather than rear back a limb in effort to throw it onto Alison in response, Karen's head merely fell forward, with the amazons teeth bared and eyes wide as she did it!

The crowd roaring in disapproval, as Karen looked to set things off with quite a dirty headbutt!

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Re: Karen Starring vs Alison Seong

Unread post by TheManVan »

The fight was bound for a violent start, neither of these women were backing down from the other and the tension was so thick that not even a knife could cut it. It all came to a head, in the most literal of sense, as Karen's head came flying forward and connecting hard into Alison's skull as her head whipped back.

Her initial reaction was to reach up to her face, letting out an angry pained cry as she dropped to a knee, the rattling of her head stunning her and left her vulnerable at Karen's feet!

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Re: Karen Starring vs Alison Seong

Unread post by Devilish53 »

For all her viciousness and brutality, it was rare that Karen was cheap. She seldom enjoyed the use of weapons, and only struck below the belt when such had been done to her first. But with a few, she made the rare exception, although she'd never make a habit of it.

Alison Seong was obviously one of said few.

"Fucking eat it.." Karen muttered under her breath, her own head bouncing back as she barely took a moment to sooth the ache that came with a headbutt, even when you were the one delivering it. Eager to build on the punishment she had now started, Karen reached down to grab at Alison's shoulders, given her nemesis was so kind in dropping to a knee for her.

Straightening out as she pulled her rival back to her feet, Karen pulled back her right arm releasing that shoulder in the process, before she fired it forward again. A stiff forearm given to Alison's collarbone, as the amazon leaned and stepped into it to really add some force.

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