Stipulation: KO's won't count until opponent has at least orgasmed once!
Celeste was feeling cautiously optimistic. Her last few matches hadn't exactly ended well, but considering her latest match was in a field she was fare more experienced in, Celeste was confident she could win. And regardless of if she won or not, it was a bright and sunny day outside and Celeste loved the beach. it already looked like there was a crowd building around where the ring had been set up and camera crews gearing up to see that action. Celeste would prepare herself and prepare to head out when her manager popped in, telling her to wait another 5. Apparently there'd been a hold up, the ref had called in sick last minute and the manager was looking for a quick replacement.
Rosetta had been having a lovely day at the beach when she'd heard about Celeste's up and coming match. She never really cared for the girl, but considering sunbathing was getting a bit stale, she figured she'd stop by, since she just down on the other side of the beach. What she did not expect was to be spotted by her ragged looking manager and pulled into being the ref. (With a cute ref bikini that barely fit her!!) Still, she had practically no experience in refereeing, and knew little about the sport of boxing. Nor did she want to actually get caught up in this mess, she'd just thought it fun to watch Celeste get her face pounded in. Regardless, she was ref now and would get in the ring to announce the fighters.
When everything resumes, Celeste heads down to the ring a she's called, in her signature gloves and her star bikini,