Morgan Frey vs. Eirlys "Ddraig" Blodwen - Fighting Spirit

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Morgan Frey vs. Eirlys "Ddraig" Blodwen - Fighting Spirit

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Morgan Frey would be wrestling again for tonight, and she was prepared to take on whoever was slated to face her in the ring. Putting on her two-piece wrestling outfit, she waited for her cue to make her entrance at the locker room before she was told that it was her time to show up. With her music being played, the petite wrestler made her way out to the stage, where she got quite a cheer from the crowd.
Morgan Frey
Maintaining her stoic expression, Morgan jogged down the ramp before entering the ring. Once her music faded, she would wait in the ring, making some light stretches, inadvertently showing off her lithe figure to the crowd, which was something they quite appreciated. Then, she would go to the corner as she would wait for her opponent to arrive. Whoever she was, she would make sure to emerge victorious in the end.

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Re: Morgan Frey vs. Eirlys "Ddraig" Blodwen - Fighting Spirit

Unread post by EMSnowpea »

Eirlys practically skipped and hopped her way over to the backstage curtain. Her headphones were jacked up to the max and blasting out some kind of dance music so damned loud that everybody around her could hear the music as if it was coming out of a stereo. She decided to start off this day positively since she was sick of getting stressed out over the usual "no idea who the bleedin hell my opponent is" shtick. No matter who she was going to rough play with today, she'd greet them with a smile on her face!

She danced down the ramp to her own rhythm with a cheery pep in her step. With her eyes shut one would expect her to slip up and possibly trip on her way down, but instead she went through the whole thing flawlessly! Now another reason for the headphones would be to drown out the usual coddling from the audience. Though as she climbed up the canvas and somersaulted over the ropes, she noticed the audience was going on about their usual act however but they weren't only looking at her. She could read their lips and definitely tell they were talking about a cutie in the ring, no wait cuties plural. Curious as to how seemingly adorable her opponent seemingly was, Eirlys pirouetted around...and tried not to drop her jaw as she slowly took the headphones out of her ears.

This girl...was exactly as short as she was.

The rookie stood bewildered as she casually tossed her music player aside and approached her opponent. She could only blink in disbelief. For once she wasn't looking up to see eye to eye just straight ahead! Quickly realizing that she was probably making the situation a little awkward for Morgan, Eirlys tried to laugh off her odd behavior and extended a hand to her fellow lightweight to wish her good luck.

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Re: Morgan Frey vs. Eirlys "Ddraig" Blodwen - Fighting Spirit

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Morgan just looked at her opponent made her entrance. It seemed that this girl was around the same height and size as her. Then she was almost taken aback when the other girl, Eirlys, suddenly made her way towards her, and she could only blink in confusion before the other girl extended her hand out, offering her a handshake.

Seeing no problem with a handshake, Morgan nodded and smiled slightly, shaking Eirlys' hand. Then, she would prepare herself for the match to begin before the referee instructed both wrestlers to go to the center of the ring, where they could start the match. Soon, the referee called for the bell, starting the match between Morgan and Eirlys.

Now that the match had started, Morgan would start off the match by taking a wrestling stance, keeping her eyes on Eirlys as she would wait for her to make her move. She widened the gap between her legs as she prepared herself for whatever her opponent would throw at her after this. She was ready to lock up with her and grapple with her to see how good she was as a wrestler.

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