Viper Hoshiwara

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Viper Hoshiwara

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Name: Momoko Hoshiwara (note: calling her this is a good way to ensure yourself a free ambulance ride)
Ring Name: Viper (”Let’s see you do better.”)
Age: 24
Hair: Brown (dyed green)
Eyes: Brown (with yellow contacts)
Height: 5'8 / 173 cm
Weight: 145 lbs. / 66 kg
Hometown: Akishima, Japan
Alignment: Heel

Entrance Music:
Motorhead - Snake Bite Love

This is what she usually wears, in the ring or otherwise.
Secondary Outfit
Plus boots and kneepads. For when she’s in a match actually important enough for her to care about using proper gear.
Other Wrestling Outfits

History: Looking at Viper’s attitude and style in the ring, it’d be easy for one to assume she came from a difficult environment and grew up surrounded by hardship. It’d be a bit of a surprise, then, to know that she was raised in a highly wealthy and prestigious family who had big plans for her to succeed in life. Her father was in charge of an important railroad in the area, and even before then, wealth had been in her family for generations. With the Hoshiwara clan well known and respected for their high status, they saw no reason not to raise their daughter likewise. She went to a prestigious school, was always pampered and spoiled, and every effort was made to ensure that her future would be a bright one.

The problem was, putting all of this burden on a young girl created a lot of pressure. And sooner or later, that pressure is going to grow too strong to bear.

By the time Momoko was applying to college, the demands her parents had placed on her to live up to her family name and be successful in life had grown too strong for her to keep up with, and she had no choice but to fall behind. Unable to live up to their expectations, she fell into a state of depression, which would give way to a chronic sense of anhedonia - a disorder characterized by lacking the ability to feel pleasure and enjoyment in life. Finding herself feeling profoundly empty, Momoko slid into doing whatever she could to try and restore a sense of purpose, or at least to distract her from her thoughts of failure. From there, it was quick for her to slide into a steady decline of sex, drugs, alcohol, and various stunts to (successfully) try and scare her family, including dropping out of school, dying her hair, and hanging out with the wrong crowd, which led to her having a brief fling with a wrestler in an underground deathmatch promotion. It wasn’t really anything to last, more for the shock value of it all. Her heart wasn’t in it - but it did bring her to his shows, and she took an interest in the kinds of absurdly dangerous lunacy the wrestlers got themselves into. She decided that she wouldn’t stop at blowing a deathmatch wrestler in a filthy arena bathroom she’d be throwing up in the next morning. She had to get in on this herself.

Her plans were cut short, however, when she would soon get herself arrested for starting fights. But this only furthered her plans, as she ended up joining a fight club among the inmates. Her plans of becoming a wrestler still fresh in her mind, she would be quick to join - and soon, she’d become practiced in the ways of fighting dirty. Her time in jail wasn’t long, as her parents were quick to bail her out to minimize the shame to their family. But it was too late, as Momoko - or, as she’d called herself, Viper - had had her goals in life cemented. She had returned to the deathmatch scene to make a name for herself, quickly rising through the ranks and even gaining some attention from the mainstream wrestling community, which would in turn lead to her being signed to LAW.

Personality: As befitting someone without a sense of pleasure in anything she does, Viper typically comes off as cold and emotionless. She doesn’t say much to people, but when she does, she tells things how they are, cutting straight to the matter of things without mincing any words. She isn’t here to make friends, after all. With no sense of pleasure, she’s become a nihilist who sees no purpose in life, and lives only for that brief, fleeting thrill she can only get from putting herself and others at risk. As such, she doesn’t think too far about the repercussions of things and is prone to being self-destructive with her habits. It also means that she doesn’t care much about anything, and can often be lazy or half-hearted in her approach to things. Whether it’s getting out of bed in the morning or listening to you make a case for her not breaking your ribs, the sentiment is the same. Viper does not care.


Fighting Style: In most matches, Viper is a technical and submission specialist. Like the animal she takes her name from, she strikes out where she can with smaller and more subtle blows to weaken her opponents slowly before she goes in for the kill. Her moveset is centered around softening up and disabling joints as much as it is calling pain. However, she’s a deathmatch wrestler at heart, and her favorite kind of rules are no rules at all. When she can get away with it, she’ll use weapons to get ahead and inflict greater damage, her favorites being knives of any sort, a switchblade she carries into the ring for her entrance, and mist that she spits into her opponent’s eyes to blind them. In addition to cutting people with it, she’s keen on using her knife for the purpose of fear tactics, pressing and tracing it lightly across their bodies with just enough force to avoid cutting them, but with enough to make them feel as threatened as she would want them to be. Being that she doesn’t care much about her own safety, Viper is keen to take risks and use moves that can be as dangerous to herself as to her opponent, often putting herself into troublesome situations if she thinks that she has a good enough chance to get an advantage on her opponent that way.

Favored Match Types: As previously stated, Viper enjoys hardcore and deathmatches - the more dangerous, the better. She’s used to anything and everything being used as a weapon, from barbed wire, thumbtacks, and tables to broken glass and scorpions. That being said, she has well enough technical knowledge to back herself up in any other situation - though she’d still cheat if she got the chance to.

Finishing Moves:
Viper gets behind an opponent to hold their arms bent behind them with her legs, then crosses their legs together in a figure-four under their jaw while applying an ankle lock, thus working their leg and foot while choking them at the same time. She’ll also occasionally bite them on the neck from this position, making the name rather literal.
A devastating combination of maneuvers, Viper carries her opponent to the top rope while holding them in a rocking horse hold. After stretching them in this position, she will jump off the ropes and place her feet on her opponent’s back to slam them face-first into the mat and stretch out their spine in the process. Finally, using the momentum, she rolls her opponent over and forward to put them in a ceiling hold while holding their head back in a dragon sleeper position. Note that the name of this move is properly read spelled out as “A-C-H-E”, as it’s named for the chemical abbreviation for acetylcholinesterase, the compound that makes viper venom so deadly. However, the double meaning is not lost on her.

Friends: N/A
Enemies: N/A
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara

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