Age: 21
Height: 5’6
Weight: 124 lbs
Alignment: Face
Fighting Style: Lewdchadora
Theme: Soon(™)
Strength: ** (Weak)
Agility: ***** (Amazing)
Endurance: *** (Average)
Hentai: *** (Average)
History: Born in Tucson Arizona, Brittany would move around constantly with her family before they finally settled in California. Brittany herself would rapidly gain a fascination with pro wrestling, soon afterwards finding herself a wrestling school and learning all the basics. Before too long, she had honed herself enough to work at a few indy promotions and make a small name for herself, eventually heading down to Mexico to further perfect her craft before finally being signed to LAW
Personality: Brittany is youthful and upbeat, and absolutely engaged in the sport she’s been dedicating time and effort to. She loves the feeling of being in the ring, wrestling other women and showing off for the crowds, and she loves fighting anyone who is willing to give her a fight and love it all the same alongside her.
Standard Attire
Alternate Attire
Satellite DDT: A very purposefully flashy and elegant move, Brittany spins around her opponent before dropping them into a DDT, usually used to show off her impressive agility.
All American: A dive off of the top rope and kick right onto her opponent's chest, intent on putting as much force and pressure into one point as possible to further hurt her opponent.