a gym encounter for a warrior and a brawler

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a gym encounter for a warrior and a brawler

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

Aoi would head to the gym as she rubbed her neck and yawned. she wasn't sore but mostly tired she's been training nonstop. she wasn't training for alot really she jsut wanted to get stronger and better her best friend Rebecca told her to relax and take a break but how could Aoi when she been in lots of matches that were hard to she kept asking her mentor and friend shadow to train her more but hes been busy with his bar.

Sighing Aoi would head to the weights and started to get her strength better. she was still a light weight and knew that she was weaker then heavy's but she thought she could take on middles if she tried hard enough and trained enough. going for a 10 lbs weight Aoi would start to do some curls on one arm and then the other 20 on each one. she would go slow at first working on her from as she didn't want it enjoy her self. she could already lift 15lbs but wanted to take it a little easy.

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Re: a gym encounter for a warrior and a brawler

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Rosie Knuckles was standing at the gym and let out a big yawn, a bored expression on her face. She had gotten herself all dressed up and looking positively adorable, and she had a mild workout before realizing today was just not the day for a standard workout. She wanted a fight. So Rosie, with her hair tied behind her head, casually started to walk through the gym, inspecting. She looked far and wide for the perfect opponent. What that entailed, Rosie really didn't know herself. But she just needed to find someone who could give her any sort of thrill.

But then she spied a girl that stood out. She has bright blue hair, and Knuckles proceeded to walk over in front of her as she was lifting. She stooped down, trying to look her in the eyes briefly, before walking around her and inspecting muscles and curves. She had found Aoi and finally speaking to her now, she pat her on the shoulder and said rather bluntly, "Yo, let's spar." She kept her hand on Aoi's shoulder and carefully watched her to see if she'd be down for a little scrap or not.

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Re: a gym encounter for a warrior and a brawler

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Ai looked the girl who would approach her as she did her reps and then felt her tap her shoulder. Looking at the girl as she said to spar Aoi thought for a second and shrugged. "sure why not i need to train in fighting to." Aoi said as she got up and put the weight down heading to the vacant ring. "names Aoi by the way " Aoi said introducing her self.

entering the ring she would look back at the girl and do some pre stretching. " Let have a good spar then!" Aoi smiled she didn't know who this girl was but she seemed tough and Aoi alwayed liked a tough fight.

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Re: a gym encounter for a warrior and a brawler

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The girl had accepted her rather lazy challenge and Rosie up-nodded at her and said, "Right on." She then went up to the ring ahead of Aoi and started stretching her well-toned arms as she made her way there. The girl honestly didn't have the personality that she would gel with (although typically it was the sort of personality Rosie would always be at odds with too). She continued to stretch and looked a bit incredulously at Aoi's declaration to have a good spar and then said, "...Yeah, okay. Sure."

Aoi certainly didn't seem to be the kind of person who might be able to hang with Knuckles, but she wasn't about to underestimate her in such a way. Looks we're often deceiving, and she knew that more than anyone else. After stretching, the cotton candy haired cutie stepped forward and extended her fist for a fist bump. "I'm Rosie Knuckles. Let's kick some ass." It was a simple introduction and Rosie was eager to get this started and get scrapping with her blue-haired training partner.

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Re: a gym encounter for a warrior and a brawler

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Doing a bit of stretching Aoi nodded to Rosie as she didn't look to impressed with Aoi. Sighing Aoi didn't like people that just assume things. she would nodded to the girl. "okay Rosie lets kick ass then." Aoi smiled as she was going to try and b friendly and respectful. Aoi didn't know what kind of girl Rosie was but if she had to guess one of those tough think they are bad ass girls.

After stretching Aoi would rise her hands up ready to fight as she got into her serious self. watching Rosie closely Aoi know she cant do any facny moves just yet so she thought about doing just a slug fest first. she would rush at Rosie and send a left hook towards the girl's side going for body shot. Aoi didn't mind going all out in a spar she wonder if Rosie was like that to.

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Re: a gym encounter for a warrior and a brawler

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Rosie looked moderately surprised that Aoi made a declaration of kicking ass too, which meant to her that maybe the girl had a little edge to her also. She grinned and then adopted a fighting stance and watched the blue-haired girl closely. When she went for a body shot, the cotton candy haired brawler turned and stepped back to dodge the blow.

"Oooo... Not bad!" said Rosie, showing mild appreciation for the strike. And Knuckles would then promptly throw a hard haymaker towards Aoi's head, wanting to test her sparring partner's quickness and dodging ability.

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Re: a gym encounter for a warrior and a brawler

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AOi smiled at Rosie as she would raise her hands defensively as she wasn't able to hit the cottoncandy haired girl would dodge her body shot. " heh thanks.." Aoi smiled at her as she wonder what move she would do as a counter.

when Rosie step into her Aoi would watch her fist as it came form under Aoi wanted to move back thinking it was a uppercut but she notice it was pretty far away taking her gut instinct she would move to the side and manage to only got scratched by the haymaker. Aoi gut was right and she would fire back as she went for a uppercut at Rosie's chin sending her first up as quickly as it can be.

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Re: a gym encounter for a warrior and a brawler

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When Rosie went for the haymaker, she felt herself only knick Aoi with the blow, and then further, she saw the uppercut coming right for her and didn't have the time to dodge it. Instead, she took the quick blow to the chin and staggered back a bit, rubbing it with a smirk on her face despite just being hit. "Hell yeah! You got a little bravado there Aoi. I like to see that," said Knuckles, patting herself on he cheek before adopting a fight stance again.

This time, Rosie would step forward and come at Aoi with a jab, jab, cross combination of moves to try and catch the blue-haired girl. She was still trying to take it a bit easy to start and still wanted to see exactly what her current sparring partner was capable of.

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Re: a gym encounter for a warrior and a brawler

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Aoi smiled as she looks at Rosie after her upper cut hit the girl's chin. smiling at her she noticed how rosie was smirking. "oh cool dont have to hold back" She smirked back and would raise her arms up to block the jabs and cross. blocking them she refused to wince at how her arms felt a little pain. "hehe " she was getting excited as she wanted to see how fast Rosie was as she would move into her and side step her before running around to the other side and would throw her strongest punch into the girl's stomach.

if the punch landed it mark Aoi would jump back showing her speed off. "do you want to see if i can take a punch then?" Aoi asked lowering her arms to give rosie a free shot.

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Re: a gym encounter for a warrior and a brawler

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Aoi seemed to block all of Rosie's combination and the pink-haired girl seemed to approve of her ability. But her opponent seemed like she wanted to follow up again and she was moving much faster. She ducked and moved and Knuckles kept her eyes on her for the most part, and then Aoi threw a punch to her stomach which Rosie moved her hands to try and block, being able to keep up for the most part, but she didn't have her fight instincts rolling yet. It was, after all, a spar. She took the brunt of the blow, only able to barely block some of it and Rosie winced and staggered back before falling to a knee, grunting and trying her best to catch her breath before looking back up to Aoi.

Rosie Knuckles then saw her drop her guard completely and asked if she wanted to see if she could take a punch. Not exactly a relatively nice way to go about it. Normally Rosie would be the one to offer a free shot in a fight, mostly to see how their strikes were. But after this girl seemed to be relatively proud of herself for being able to block and dodge her blows so far? And after she threw such a strong blow at her stomach right now?

Rosie got to her feet, still a hand on her stomach and smiled sweetly. "You know what? Sure." She stepped directly up to Aoi and then pat her one fist once before turning in a spin and then attempting to absolutely crush her blue-haired opponent with a discus punch she has used to knock out many girls called the Mean Right Hook. If this chick actually wanted to take a punch, then Rosie would give her one hell of a punch.

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