Music started to play, namely Amy Evans music as the blonde Lion came out looking like someone had just woken her up. No theatrics or crawling or even any kind of wicked smile as she seemed mostly just looking like she had something of importance to say. Which she quickly showed she did entering the ring asking for her music to die down almost immediately. "
So it seems there's a bit of a...dissonance with whats been going on here, with me anyway. And I think its partially my fault." Amy said rubbing the back of her head nervously. "
When I came here LAW packaged me as...well as this big scary monster out to eat peoples kids at night, something I feel I need to set the record straight on some things, mainly about who and what I am from here o-" Before Amy could get into her little speech someone else's music started playing, one whos music started to make the audience groan as Kyoko Akan came out Holding a present in one hand and a mic in the other.
Don't worry Amy we all know who you are. Especially me who knows you better then anyone else out there!" Kyoko said with Amy giving her a glare that would melt people, not that the Belly Queen seemed fazed by it prancing forward with no fear of any kind. In fact she looked downright excited. "
You know when you first came to LAW I was a little annoyed, afterall I thought I would be done with you but then I realized the big opportunity we had with you here." Amy took a deep breathe trying to restrain herself from punching her old...whatever you could call Kyoko. "
Kyo...This really isnt the time to interupt me for some sche-" "
Hold that thought I'm kind of on a roll here-Anyway I wanted to explain something about you and about us to all of these people before making the offer of a lifetime..something I know would be right up your alley."