Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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Bedroom match!
Yoko Littner VS Yui.
Rules: Standart rules apply. Hentai is encouraged.
Victory conditions:
1. KO - forcing the opponent to lose consciousness for more than 10 seconds, whether via striking, smother or submission holds.
2. Verbal Submission - You can always verbally admit defeat, regardless whether you're in a hold or not.
3. Ringout, best 2 out of 3 - You would have to push the opponent off the bed two times in order to win.
It was another bedroom match. Yoko didn't mind it thought, she enjoyed body contact and she was sure there would be plenty of it tonight. Yoko would make sure that her opponent enjoyed it too. This is the place, right? Yoko opened the door to the bedroom where she and another woman would be having fun tonight. Yoko entered the room, taking a little look around. Yoko spotted a camera in the corner, taping this, so there would be some material for horny, lonely, nerdy virgins. Well they pay money at least and part of that money ends up in Yoko's pocket, so whatever...

Yoko rested her rifle to a corner and then took off her coat, revealing a different attire than she usually wears - it's basically a bikini.
Some people might even argue that this is less revealing than even her standart attire, which may or may not be the case. It's debatable. Yoko would move over to the king-sized bed and lay down on it, back first. Seems like i arrived first, might aswell use this time to make myself comfy here... Yoko would cross her arms on the pillows and then rest her head on those arms. Yoko would also cross her legs and close her eyes, waiting for the sexy opponent to show up. Yeah, like always Yoko did some research on her opponent and she saw Yui pose with a big rifle in one of her pictures. Yoko wondered, whether this girl was a fan of such rifles like Yoko is. Yoko was also creating strategies in her mind how to fight and defeat her foe. Of course her face would occasionally redden a bit, since there would naturally be some very intimate and lewd thoughts as well...
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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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Yui was in her locker room and studying a paper which had the rules for the upcoming match on it.
"Great another bedroom match and hentai is even encouraged. I just hope it is not such a bitch like last time."
He thoughts would go to her first bed match. Her opponent tried to use hentai moves on her but luckily Yui could deny them and score a win for her. Yui thought about her next opponent if she would also be similar to her last opponent. In case she was Yui already had a plan for how she could defeat her. The other rules were really simple and nothing she never heard of so she put the paper aside.

Yui changed into her swimsuit and walked to the room where the match should take place. Her last match was in an arena with a bed but this fight seemed to be in a more private are. The bluenette didn't mind that to have not many people watching her. Still maybe even in the room were something like cameras so that every pervert could watch them.
She opened the door to the bedroom and looked around. She already saw the cameras in the corner like she predicted. She also saw a big rifle and she asked herself what this would do here. As she looked at the bed she saw that her opponent already lay in it. Yui laid eyes on her opponent and let out a small laugh.

"I start to think that you redheads have weird relation with beds."
She would jokingly say to her opponent before she would enter the bed herself. Her opponent in the last bed match had also red hair and was a big perv so the bluenette thought that her opponent now could be a pervert too. At first, Yui would want to ask her opponent if this was true but she also wanted to know why there was a rifle.
"Alright Miss. I think the rifle is yours so why did you take it with you?"
Yui would ask and attempt to sit down on the bed. She would carefully look over her opponent and think about what she would do and how she could defeat her.

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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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After hearing the door open, Yoko opened her eyes and saw the blue haired girl in a bikini. She had a pretty cute face and a fit body. This should be fun.

Yoko raised an eyebrow upon Yui's question about redheads and beds. Not sure what exactly do you want to say with that, but i'll tell you this - I prefer to do the lewd matches in bed. The ring is for fighting, not fucking. Heaven knows what can happen between two girls in a bedroom, wearing bikini's, who are paid to fight and then some... Yoko would give some kind of weird explanation, not sure how would the girl react.

Yoko would shift from laying to sitting on her knees position on the bed. Yoko would tap on the bed, inviting her opponent to come and join her.
So, let us fight... And then some...

Yui asked Yoko about the rifle, to which Yoko laughed a bit. Well, i took it with me BECAUSE it is mine. Yoko would joke around. As for an actual answer - i take it EVERYWHERE i go. Why? Well, that's a story that i may or may not tell you when i'm on top of you.

Yoko would offer Yui a handshake for good sport. How about we introduce ourselves? I'm Yoko Littner, i hope you'll find me a worth opponent. Not many acknowledge others these days.

After the introductions would be over, Yoko would raise her arms, as in offering for a lockup for a test of strength...
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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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It seemed like her opponent wasn't a total pervert but she didn't share the same opinion as her opponent.
"Well at least you are right with one thing but I prefer to not let people watch me how I have sex with someone else."
Still, the redhead seemed to want to get more intimate with the bluenette. Though she maybe wasn't someone who would go full slut mode. Yui wasn't able to get an opinion over her opponent right away. She had to watch her at first.

"Seems like you are one of the funny kind. Not gonna lie it is a welcome break from what I am used to."
The bluenette would make a small smirk at her opponent's joke while her opponent continued with what Yui interpreted as some kind of flirting or whatever.

Yui accepted her opponent's handshake.
"We will see that while we are fighting but you are right. You seem to be different from the people here I hope you will be like this when our fight is over Yoko."

As Yoko rose her hands Yui knew what was about to happen. She had improved her strength a bit since she joined LAW but she was still not very confident in it. Her opponent, however, was kind to her so Yui accepted and put her hands in the air to lock up with the redhead. Then Yui would start to push against Yoko to see how strong she would be.
"I almost forgot. My name is Yui."

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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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Well, i don't like people watching me in such situations either, thats why we're in a bedroom, instead of an arena, without thousands of people watching live... I know, there are cameras here, but they are only taping this. We COULD put a coat over the camera.... But they probably wouldn't like it... I believe the staff would cut our pay, because they'd get no footage, which would beat the entire purpose of signing up for a match.... So, i think this is the best we can get. Yoko would try to explain her point of view on the matter, since the bluenette had her own, from what it seemed.

We could try and cover ourselves with a bedsheet when we get intimate, if you want... Yoko would try and offer a possible solution to the problem.

Well, there is only one way to find out. Yoko would say while shaking hands with Yui. Yoko could swear that she saw Yui's alignment was ''Heel'' and yet she haven't seen that behaviour from her opponent yet. Heh, we'll see if you stay the same yourself. Yoko would say back with a smile, releasing Yui's hand.

Yoko was happy seeing her opponent accepting the test of strength, believing she could take her. Then let's see which one of us is stronger, Yui! Yoko would start with medium force, to gauge her opponent's strength and would keep upping the pressure if needed to match until she can see Yui's strength limit.
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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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The match started and both women lock up with each other and pushed. From the moment her opponent pushed against the bluenette, Yui could already tell that she wasn't using the full force. It wouldn't be unusual to do that but it still pissed her off. From her experience, she could at LAW she could tell when people would start to get serious and Yoko was definitely not serious. Perhaps she wanted to start slow and get a feeling for Yui's strength.

With this thought in mind, Yui would decrease her own push and slowly let herself fall back. She would smirk at her opponent and try to not let it seem obvious what she would do next.
"Well not bad you are quite strong Yoko."
The bluenette would tell her opponent and when she would get the right moment she would pull her right leg forward and attempt to do a front kick against her opponent. Yui would try to aim right for her opponent's stomach making her bend forward and end the short test of strength.

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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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The two women pushed against each other in the test of strength, but that was more of a scam than a test of strength. Yoko was slowly getting the upper hand in the struggle and Yui complimented Yoko's strength. That was weird though, as Yoko couldn't feel any signs or actual struggling from Yui's muscles. Something was fishy about this, Yoko could tell.

When Yoko was beginning to overpower her opponent, she suddenly received a hit in the stomach. It was a kick, something Yoko least expected, given the situation. Ugh. Yoko let out on impact. Yui wasn't super strong and this position wasn't very suited for powerful kicks either, so it caused Yoko to bend a little and her arms instantly moved to the area, but grabbed Yui's leg instead. Well well, you're a sly fox, aren't you? How about this, then?!

It was time for a counterattack. Wasting no time, Yoko would fall back-first on the bed, pulling Yui's leg along with her, then Yoko would use her own two legs to entangle that leg of Yui's between her own thighs, locking her in thighscissors. Yui's thigh would be continuously squeezed between two of Yoko's.

At the same time, Yoko would wrap her arm around Yui's ankle, performing an ankle lock on her leg. This time, however, Yoko would not hold back her strength. She had to punish the cheeky girl, didn't she?
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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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Yui wasn't able to get much power out of her position and got caught by her opponent. The bluenette wasn't weak with her legs but because of the position, she couldn't gather enough power with them to strike effectively. Yui thought that she had to get in a better spot next time if she would kick against the redhead.

Still, the kick missed his target and she succeeded in ending the test of strength but her opponent reacted much faster then she thought. Yoko grabbed Yui's leg and started her own move. She moved backward and pulled the bluenette's leg with her. Then Yui found herself being trapped in a tight scissor. She growled from the pain but it was nothing she never experienced so it was bearable for her. Then, however, Yoko also did an ankle lock. This started to annoy the bluenette.

Now Yoko used more strength in her hold which caused the bluenette more pain and she had to find a way out of there before this would get serious for her.
"Ngh. Well, this isn't bad but I can do that too."
Yui would say and wrap her arm around one of Yoko's legs. With this, she would also attempt an ankle lock for which Yui would also use her whole strength to make it as painful as possible. The German fighter knew that this would not be everything to come out of this hold so she would reach out with her other hand towards Yoko's leg. Then she would bury her fingernails in it and squeeze pretty hard.

If the pain would bring the redhead to stop with this move Yui would roll backward and separate her from Yoko.
Last edited by Rougue on Mon Jun 25, 2018 7:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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Yoko felt Yui getting ahold of Yoko's leg and locking it in an ankle lock. Well, Yoko's leg was there near Yui, up for grabs. Yoko felt Yui pull on the hold and earning some pained groans coming out of Yoko's mouth through grit teeth. Yoko could take this however, since she also had a hold on Yui's thigh, too. Let's see who can take this for longe... Aaah! Yoko let out as Yui also dug her fingernails into Yoko's leg. Also, upon Yui pulling on Yoko's leg, Yoko's thigh, along with squeezing, started rubbing against Yui's too and it was a bit arousing, having two smoothing thighs rub against each other.

Did you know that karma is a bitch? Yoko said as she would dig her own fingernails into Yui's leg. Enduring through the pain, Yoko would continue on putting Yui through pain as well.
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Re: Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl

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As both women had an ankle lock on each other it seemed like it would come to their first endurance fight. Since Yoko, however, had Yui's tight also in a hold the bluenette had to think of another way. So she buried her nails in her foe's tight which gave Yui a painful sound from the redhead.

In the meantime, both of their legs rubbed against each other. Yui couldn't let herself get distracted from a bit body contact. Afterall this was a fight. Yoko might want to get dirty with Yui but she would ignore it because all her focus was right now on the match. The bluenette wasn't interested in Yoko but Yui thought that she could use this somehow to her own advantage.

Yui tried to make her opponent through pain loosen her hold but Yoko was pretty tough. After she said something about karma Yoko did the same move as Yui causing her to growl in pain.
"Ahhh. Well for your information. I know that but I don't give a shit about...that."
The pain gets stronger but Yui wouldn't let herself beaten so easily. She could still endure it with ease but the bluenette wanted to get out of this hold to get in a few more positions then just this one.

To her luck, Yoko only had one of her legs under control. Yui's other leg was still free so she would lift it up in the air and attempt to slam her foot down with all her force onto Yoko's stomach. Yui thought that no matter how strong or endurance her opponent would be no one would be unaffected by a stomp like this.

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