Oscar Orelash's open challenge!! (Featuring Monsy)

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Oscar Orelash's open challenge!! (Featuring Monsy)

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

The night was young- but far from quiet. Within the walls of the LAW stadium was another night of thrilling matches, raw emotion, and the booming sounds of fans having the times of their life. With another match done out of the way, it looked like there was about to be an intermission... before the theme song of Oscar Orelash, LAW's own Barbarian Prince and the first holder of LAW's unofficial Kings and Queen's belt, began to play over the speakers.

Fans started to scramble back to their seats and would scream out cheers of joy at the sight of the Barbarian Prince. It wasn't too long ago when Oscar was the victim of a terrible attack that put him in the hospital- which was cowardly done by one of Oscar's closest friends with a drink laced with a paralyzing agent to ensure he couldn't defend himself. It was assumed that based on his posts on social media that Oscar's boss in Leviathan Inc. had him pulled from LAW for his own safety as well as to focus on an upcoming tournament in the states- so to see Oscar present tonight was a major surprise!
Meanwhile, Oscar emerged from the curtain as the beat dropped- wielding his famous torch as he spewed lantern oil from his lips to spray his classic fireball into the air. Slung over Oscar's shoulders was none other than his prized belt. Even if the belt was unofficial, Oscar still carried the prize with pride as he passed his props off to the staff and walked down the ramp- serving high-fives and fist bumps to fans closest to the barricades. Taking a microphone, Oscar slid into the ring and stood in the middle as he looked around at the crowd- hearing them chant his name in unison. A warm smile spread on Oscar's face as the crowd quieted down, speaking into the microphone.

"Good evening all you wonderful people! I hope you're all enjoying the show tonight!"

A few more pops escape the audience as Oscar continued on.

"I'm sure many of you are shocked to see me here tonight- and to be honest with you, I might be in trouble with the big boss lady in Leviathan for doing this- but you let me worry about that, alright? I'm here tonight because after some consideration... I've decided that there's just no way I'm going to leave for the United States right after I won this big prize in the Kings and Queens tournament! There's no way I can leave all of you- not just the people in the crowd, but the hungry talent in the back hanging while I handle some unfinished business! If I have to go away for a while, I'll do so on my terms- and those terms are with AN OPEN CHALLANGE FOR THE KINGS AND QUEENS BELT!!"

The Crowd ROARED in approval of this! A surprise title defense? There was no way they were going to miss this!

"Right here, right now, I'll fight the FIRST person to walk through those curtains for the right to carry this precious belt! If there's anybody in the back who's bold enough to test their mettle against me- then I'll welcome you with open arms! Don't be shy, now! ALL are welcome!"

Oscar had a grin on his face as he gestured toward the ramp with an excited and eager look in his eyes. Despite facing betrayal and a traumatic experience- Oscar showed so signs of it affecting him. Perhaps it was the thrill of holding his first title defense in LAW- or perhaps Oscar was doing a good job masking things. Either way, fans turned their attention to the ramp with their breaths in their throat- sitting on the edge of their seats to see just who would accept Oscar's challenge!

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Re: Oscar Orelash's open challenge!! (Featuring Monsy)

Unread post by Monsy »

Right above him, a pair of feathers would twirl down in-front of his eyes. One black and one white.

A spotlight came on at centre stage, fit for a queen of aesthetics. It flickered rapidly, showing nothing on each split-second reveal. Fake snow fluttered from over the Titantron, coming down in gentle artificial flakes. Within the spotlight, Vorona finally made her appearance. Tall as she could be, postured to perfection in dignity and manner, dressed in a long overcoat with fur around the collar, wrapping around her entirely. She approached the ramp in slow strides, having her nose angled up to keep from the rabble of jeering that gave her a rank-and-file of critics with their thumbs-down salute.
She went up those steps, walked the apron, then threaded between the bottom and middle ropes. An attendant at ringside knew the cue instantly, heading over to grab her a microphone before racing up the apron and filling the open palm Vorona held out. "Your first action as Champion is to announce time away. Isn't that just so... typical.. in recent times." Vorona glared, looking up and stepping closer. The foot of height difference between them becoming more pronounced every slow pace forward. "What strikes me is that the little ones all approve of this--because they're more fooled by the immediate spectacle of a man with a belt than the legacies we make for our titles and our artists in this ring."

She stepped forward again, making the distance about two and a half feet. "I won't allow that. The Kings and Queen's belt deserves better than to be second priority to a cretin overseas. If that's not you, then it's me."
Last edited by Monsy on Sat Feb 15, 2025 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Oscar Orelash's open challenge!! (Featuring Monsy)

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

Oscar's eyes glanced up as he caught sight of white and black falling down from the rafts- appearing puzzled at first before he heard the music start.

... Oh dear. It seems Oscar was in for a heck of a match tonight.

Oscar heard Vorona's name whispered the the back before. A heel who carried an arrogant, yet elegant grace with her. The Barbarian Prince watched and waited as Vorona slid in between the ropes and opened her mouth to speak with the mic in her hand. Of course... the first jab at him was about his upcoming absence. Oscar figured that was going to be brought up once or twice- but right away? That was low hanging fruit.

Oscar softly sighed and stared at Vorona as she drew closer- looking down at her as she spoke to him as nothing more than a spectacal. A fad. A flavor of the month that'd die out in a month or two. Oscar listened to Vorona's speech, taking a deep breath as she finished and flashed and confident smile.

"A hello to you too... so... you want to talk about Legacies, huh?"

Oscar would raise the belt in his hand- letting it dangle near Vorona's face as he retaliated.

"In case you haven't noticed- I HAVE made a legacy for myself in LAW. I was the first young lion to join LAW in four years- and the second young lion the company has had in its entire history. I've traveled across the globe to fight and learn, and while this belt isn't officially recognized- I STILL earned it defeating the legendary Le Dama De Loba in the finals of the kings and Queens tournament to become LAW's first unofficial male champion!! And I plan to cement my legacy further with this fine trophy for as long as I can!!"

The crowd let out a pop at Oscar's speech- feeling the hype coming off this man!

"If it up to me- I would stay to defend this belt and find it a worthy opponent to pass it off to- truly, I would. While that decision is out of my hands, I'm more than happy to give people a taste of what to cone- starting with you!"

Oscar grinned wider as he passes the belt off to a ref.

"If you only want this belt because you think it shouldn't be with a 'second priority', then I will fight you tooth and nail to keep it out of your hands. You, Vorona, are NOT worthy!

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