The Year of the Champ

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The Year of the Champ

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"Ladies and Gentleman, with me right now is the Middleweight Champion Kyoko Akan." The interviewer said standing beside the Belly Queen who was keeping an iron grip on her title belt, while she looked and acted like she was already sick of the person beside. If the interviewer noticed, they didn't show it, acting professional and staying close to the wrestler beside them. "So it's safe to say that you've had a good year Kyoko, possibly one of your best." They asked, while Kyoko smirked at the question.
"Safe is too kind of a year, not only is it a fact that I've had a great year in 2024 but it would be correct in saying I've had the best year of any wrestler in LAW in the year 2024. Every year is my year but this year especially is one that defines my greatness. I see you looking like you don't believe me, so let me just give you a rundown. This year was my 10th in active competition, I turned 28 this year after starting my career on my 18th birthday, and I celebrated it by being the first Middleweight Champion to Main event a PPV, after years of the company relegating it to a sideshow they had no choice but to put the spotlight on me and the belt, two things they tried to avoid before. And for good reason after what I did to Wyvern last year they knew I was must see TV. I took that spotlight and I beat their precious up and coming hero, Alizeh Midori. Then I took out that annoying pest Akane who dared to call herself the Evil Queen of Strong Style, alongside her friend Tia Harris who tried to jump me, me! Well after I was done with the both of them I made them kneel and accept that I was the real Queen and the better woman. Then I took out Alizeh's little girlfriend Katarzyna Zawislak in a last woman's standing match which left the crowd so breathless it's all they talk about. She tried to choke me out she tried to break my neck and she failed while broke her abs and left her unable to even move. After that I took on a personal challenge, taking on Tina Armstrong who for years people tried to tell me that I was inferior too and that's why I never got a title match with her and how she deserved to be the inaugural champion when I wasn't allowed to compete in the tournament to decide the first champion. Well guess what? After enduring another helacious battle from another challenger in a battle between Middleweight titans....I and I alone emerged victorious and proved once and for all that I was always the better woman and better champion." Kyoko beamed proudly, the interviewer seemed like they had more to say but Kyoko kept the mic close to them so that only they could speak.

*Warning The spoiled section here details title matches still in the works or private, do not read unless you don't mind being spoiled*
"Those are just the highlights of my defenses. I can really go on much longer, and bring up my victories over Nashi Dragneel, or Kathleen Hendricks. The Queen of Domination who was whimpering and tapping out at my hands, something no one else was doing before me. I could talk about going blow for blow with Hana Tanaka, and overcoming her attempts to derail my reign before I sent her spiraling back down the ladder she worked so hard to climb up to face me. I could talk about how I made a bitch out Alizeh's mother Aella Midori, like mother like daughter I guess. Or I can go into exquisite detail about the way I manhandled Melody Serperior in our Bloodsport match, while she cried how she was carrying out vengeance for her friend Lyanna Eon, I was crying victory breaking her down the same way I did her friend. And then when some blonde bitch tried to take my belts from me and paraded around with my Belly Queen title, she learned the hard way that you don't make a mockery of what I do. I took that bitch Harmonia and I made sure that no one would consider the top Superstar of the Middleweight division and that's why I've earned the right to carry two belts around here." Kyoko said lifting up both titles and once again celebrating the fact that she had them.
*End of Spoilers*

"And the crazy thing is that's just with my Title matches as Middleweight Champion here. I've taken to going out of the company and taking on challengers from other places to further prove LAW's dominance, winning each and every time. I've taken the Belly Queen championship that many of you considered a joke and made it a prize that people see as valuable, and rightfully so because it's better than any belt in LAW besides the one I'm holding and the one held by Astrid Arvidsson because lets be honest in this company she's my only equal. Annie has potential but she's new at being at the tip and it shows. The SWAT Cats couldn't hang with me if it was a 3 on 1 and Tina's little friend Alaiana already learned what happens when you try to beat me. Earlier this year we had a contest and the only thing she was able to prove is that she's a old meathead. Her body was considered inferior to mine, she was barely able to lift more than I was and in an oil wrestling matches he was outclassed and outmaneuvered until I pinned her for 3 in the middle of the ring. So you tell me how good of a year I've had when I've had the best reign in LAW and even champions are falling at my feet. You. Tell. Me." Kyoko finished, having completed an impressive amount of boasting.

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Re: The Year of the Champ

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Alaina was back stage when she heard Kyoko begin to grand stand. While Kyoko was an impressive wreslter at this moment it seemed like her strongest muscle was her mouth... not to different than most other occasions. Clad in her two piece tiger print wrestling attire Alaina held the LAW Heavyweight Championship over her shoulder as she walked to the arena grabbing a mic on the way.

Her music began to play and she came out to a loud cheer from the crowd. She pointed to the fans and high fived a few on her way down the ramp before climbing into the ring looking at Kyoko and clapping her hands.

"That is an impressive year for sure but there are a couple.... mischaracterizations in your description. You have big wins and anyone who can beat Tina clean is a hell of a champion to be sure but I lift quite a bit more than you, certainly different from your description of events. You also did manage to pin me in an oil wrestling exhibition where you abandoned the grappling to land some big moves." Alaina said giving Kyoko a nod. "Honey, your 2024 pales next to mine. 2024 was the year of the Amazon! I am almost 50 years old and wrestled the most demanding match load of anyone e in LAW. I have won 100 matches in LAW, the only woman to come close to that mark. I have now defended my title 13 times, and have handed five undefeated women their first loss when they challenged me for my title and I have not been beaten in my last 50 matches. Honey that streak by itself is longer than your career total. Now you tell me how my 2024 isn't the best year of any wrestler.... ever." Alaina said flexing her biceps and stepping right up to Kyoko.

"Talk is cheap though even if my achievements are above and beyond even your impressive accolades which I admit are undeniable. You are an unstoppable force in the ring but I am THE immovable object. To that end I think we need to have us a champion vs. champion match, standard rules so pure ability determines who the best woman of 2024 really is!"

With that challenge the crowd damn near blew the roof off the arena!
Last edited by Highfly on Fri Dec 27, 2024 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Year of the Champ

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Kyoko was waiting for an answer from the interviewer when she was rudely interrupted by the champion she mentioned last. Alaina wasn't going to let Kyoko get the last word in it seemed, even though she had a chance to shut her up and failed already. Kyoko slowly turned around to face the champion with an annoyed look on her face as she, like many others talked down to the champ who stood above all. She felt her anger growing with every second, wondering when she would shut up or if Kyoko would have to be the one to do it while she brought up all of her accolades. Even her challenge managed to get on her nerves, she not only demanded validation but that Kyoko battle her in a champion vs champion battle for her own pride. It's only when she was done that she spoke up.

"If 5 wrestlers have undefeated streaks it sounds like it's mostly cowards running through losers to stat pad, I mean if they were so great you could name them and name the people they conquered...but you didn't. Instead you're here trying to tell all of these people during my interview how great you are because I have the biggest spotlight and you can't stand it's not on you! While I was toppling greats and the best in my division, you were workhorsing any challenger who came your way because you're having a midlife crisis and need to pick up a bunch of names before you fade out of existence, so it's understandable that you see me, someone who's already had a more impressive career than you at 28 while you're still trying to find your relevance at 50, that you get a little jealous. Understandable but annoying." Kyoko talked down to the fellow champ getting the crowd back to booing. "My 2024 pales compared to yours? Says who, you? You think anything you say about my year matters? This year alone I beat your friend, I beat you, I beat people who beat you, I beat people who made other champs struggle and fight for their lives and I did it while hardly breaking a sweat. You don't get to tell me how our years compared because you are below me, that's why you're here challenging me, not the other way around." Kyoko finished getting closer to the champ as she continued to insult her.

"So to get to the important part of my little chat...your challenge.." Kyoko said, finally addressing what everyone was waiting on and the crowd started to cheer again expecting the Queen to say yes, or at least hoping she would. "I'm not really seeing the benefit of saying yes. I mean all you did was come out here, tell me that all of my accomplishments are lame and inferior and all of your accomplishments are big league because your old or something. I think it's very silly that the big hero wants to humble me while having an ego that would make a narcissist cringe. I would ask you to try and sell me on it better but we both know you can't sell coffee to a caffeine addict." Kyoko said, the crowd going back to jeering at Kyoko after seemingly turning the offer down. "Calm down, calm down, just because Alaina is a poor sales pitcher doesn't mean I'm going to immediately say no. It's just important that she understands how this works. Listen granny, here's something that you clearly don't get by now. You need this match, not me. I'm the only chance you have at making something of your career and I will continue to thrive, because one thing you said that is true...I am an unstoppable force, my career will be made before I'm 30 and from this point on I'm just playing with house money seeing how many times I can make history and I can do all of that without beating you a second time. On the other hand it's your time that's running out, these fans may wonder who would win your big challenge if I turned it down but no one will think I was scared because I've proven I'm willing to fight everyone and will continue to prove it for decades to come. You may not be ready to go in a
year or 2 years hell maybe in a few months time will catch up with you and your body will start to fail you. And when that happens it won't be me sitting around wondering if I could've won over you it will be you wondering what could've been....You can avoid finding that out Alaina but you have to do it right...Get done on your knee and kneel before the Queen of LAW and demand your match and then I can accept it, but don't ever pretend that this is a fight that I need...This is something you want bitch, so earn it.
" Kyoko finished standing in front of the champ proudly.

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Re: The Year of the Champ

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Alaina heard Kyoko call out Alaina for not mentioning the women she beat by name, and then proceeded to talk about Alaina's career next to hers as well as how she didn't break a sweat. Alaina's face changed as if she was holding back something, perhaps anger? Was the amazon going to slap Kyoko? Was she going to make her sales pitch that Kyoko wanted?

Alaina instead broke out in laughter as Kyoko finished. A long, hearty burst of laughed as she slapped her thigh and shook her head wiping tears from her eyes. "Kyoko... hot damn, you may be the best stand up comedian in womens wrestling!" Alaina finally said. "Everyone here knows who I beat. I've wrestled more and defended more than you so naming people gets tedious at that point honey. I also know you not breaking a sweat is a lie. Myself and everyone here in the crowd saw your matches and you fought hard to come out on top, scrapping and digging deep so if you think you can lie to us like that when video of your matches shows otherwise is an insult to our intelligence. Also my career early on dwarfs what you have done which again is great comedy material." Alaina said shaking her head and crossing her arms and laughing again as she mentions Kyoko talking down about Alaina's hall of fame career.

"Now I have to sell you something? You need to be convinced? You don't need it, but I do? There is no benefit? Girl, I issued a challenge for a match of the year if not match of the decade. You and I, champ vs. champ. If you are a true fighting champion a challenge like that speaks for itself, and it is the kind of challenge a true fighting champion is hungry for, begging for. It doesn't need to be sold. You are just going on because you are scared. You are afraid. You know you can't win so you are trying to scramble to find excuses to dodge me while making it look like it isn't your fault for ducking out. You know what? Forget about it. We all saw how you reacted to me challenging you and you are running scared. See ya later Kyoko and to all you fans I am so sorry she backed out and is denying the wrestling world of a hell of a battle!" Alaina said pointing to the fans and shrugging. "I guess I can find someone else who isn't scared." Alaina added before turning away to head to the ropes and head to the back.
Last edited by Highfly on Fri Jan 03, 2025 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Year of the Champ

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The Belly Queen made her terms known and let them hang in the air while Alaina had her chance to think them over, and the heavyweight champ decided to laugh at them. Another person, laughing at her. Worse a champ. Kyoko wasn't sure what Alaina planned by doing so and continuing to talk down to her but it did one made her angry. And now it was the heavyweight champ who had made her offer who was seemingly about to rescind it and leave which most of the crowd didn't really want. As she turned Kyoko took a second to speak seemingly stewing in anger at everything the champ said before she finally brought the mic to her face.

"Go ahead...leave them, and tell everyone here the truth that it's you who is scared." Kyoko said her voice growling. "I gave you simple conditions, get down on your knees and make the offer, show some humility after trying to cut down my accomplishments because you're a sore loser. And rather then do it you try to tell them that I turned you down and am too scared. Not how that works honey. You came here you tried to tell people that you're so above me in accomplishments that it's not even close, a lie by the way. You did all that and continued to treat everything I've done as distant second, then you walk off because you don't want to kneel. Clearly Match of the year or Match of the decade, whatever you called it doesn't matter to you that much if dropping to one knee is too much for you. I will not jump and bark for you when it's you who wants to fight me. And you will not disrespect me just because you're a sore loser. We all know the real reason you tried to frame that match this way, because you want me to be hot, you want me to accept it while full of anger because you think throwing me off balance is your only chance to win, you're scared to death of facing me with a clear mind and clear focus. The reason you won't kneel is because it's you who is scared. I already beat you, and the part of you knows that it's far more likely that I'll do it again if we meet again, so you're scared because in your dumbass head kneeling to make your challenge makes you think I beat you, not knowing that if that's what you think you're already beaten because you're focused on your image than on your opponent." Kyoko said, mocking the champ at every turn.

"So go ahead, find someone else like a good little puppy, because unless you get down on your knee and kneel like I said It won't be me. I'm sure you'll find someone pathetic enough to take that garbage you spewed and decide they should degrade themselves by fighting you right after, but again it isn't me who turned down this match. It's you, all because I gave you one condition and you couldn't do it. Now get lost I have an interview to get back too." Kyoko finished, content to let Alaina walk, it was clear at this point she was dead serious about wanting the other champ to kneel, no matter who liked it or how much the crowd wanted the match and disliked Kyoko's decision. After the crowd got the idea in their heads it was starting to look like the match might not actually happen....
Last edited by Fairy Dragon on Sun Jan 05, 2025 10:54 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Year of the Champ

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No one could say so many words yet say nothing of substance quite like Kyoko. No sane, rational mind could think Alaina was scared when Kyoko hid behind only accepting if Alaina debased herself kneeling in front of Kyoko as if Kyoko were actual royalty. Alaina never bent the knee to anyone. However, kicking Kyoko's royal ass around had to be done.

Alaina stopped as she climbed through the ropes, getting back into the ring. She smiled right at Kyoko walking up slowly like a confident predator before clearing her throat. If Alaina was doing this she was going to go all in and be as ridiculous as Kyoko was with her demands instead of simply accepting a challenge.

Alaina dropped to her knees, hands in the air as she began speaking in a horrible British accent over-acting every gesture and word. "Oh great queen Kyoko royal majesty of the abdominal area! Will thy great sweet queen humble herself and accept a match with a lowly peasant like me oh so amazing queen Kyoko!" Alaina said her had on her forehead as if she was woozy simply being present in front of Kyoko. "Oh benevolent queen Kyoko surely a queen of the people would grant this as thy subjects hunger for it, and surely thou would want to treat thy subjects to what they desire oh great queen Kyoko! Quuuueeeeeeeeeeen Kyoooooooooooookoooooo please accept my humble challenge!"
Last edited by Highfly on Sun Jan 05, 2025 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Year of the Champ

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Kyoko saw Alaina turn around making her smile as she sat back and waited to see how badly the champ wanted to fight her, when she got in the ring and dropped to her knees before she started to beg for the chance to fight her....In the most comical way possible. Kyoko started at her the entire time with a face of growing annoyance as the pleading went on, watching her continue until she reached peak annoyance that Kyoko was prepared to slap her I it meant she stopped. After she was done Kyoko kept staring at her before bringing the mic back to her face.

"All I said was kneel..." Kyoko said clearly irritated, still she tried to brush it off and continue. "Pathetic pleading aside my conditions were made clear and they were met so...I'll think about it." Kyoko said before she smirked and walked out of the ring, leaving her interview and Alaina there for everyone to boo, wondering if Kyoko would back out anyway. Kyoko allowed it to happen before she reached the ramp and stopped, turning around and looking at the Amazon in the ring. "I've thought about it...I look forward to making you kneel twice bitch." Kyoko said, making it clear she accepted much to the approval of the crowd before she left the arena completely.

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Re: The Year of the Champ

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Alaina bolted up to a standing position, a giant smile on her face. "Oh Kyoko, my precious little lady you just made my day with that acceptance. I know you made the fans day too because we all can't wait to see you humbled enough to actually shut up for five minutes." Alaina added, her smile still etched seemingly permanently on her face. "See you in the ring Kyoko." Alaina said before turning to leave, her mission accomplished much to the satisfaction of all the fans who were anticipating this upcoming battle of champions!

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