Fuck Fest: Mako Adachi VS Love & Lust (For Ducky)

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Fuck Fest: Mako Adachi VS Love & Lust (For Ducky)

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2v1 Handicapped Match
Hentai Allowed
Win via Pinfall, Submission, or KO

Mako was facing too many men lately. Seriously. It was starting to become a problem. Sure she liked putting men on the ground and fucking them senseless like everyone else…but where were all the sexy amazons!? She wanted big FUCKING WOMEN who could bench press her! And snap her in half! But no she was stuck fighting all the men. Mako knew she shouldn’t complain about it honestly. Especially considering how much fun she had fucking guys up. So having already gotten dressed in her black wrestling briefs, strapless top, and kick pads, Mako would would head out of the changing area to make her entrance.
Mako Adachi
As her music began to blast from the speakers, all the eager fans in the crowd would roar out in approval as the shark came out onto the stage. Smiling as she came out with her arms spread wide to soak up all the cheers, Mako would make her way down the ramp. Giving a few high fives along the way and a kiss to a sexy woman showing off her abs. Clearly the fans were learning how to attract her to them. So as she made it to the apron, Mako would climb onto the apron and slide into the ring where she’d roll onto her back and do a kip up back to her feet. Smirking at the fans, the woman would then climb up into the corner to ask the good people a very important question.

“Who here's as horny as I am!?” Mako would shout at the audience members as she stood up on the corner ropes. Listening to all the fans roaring back a chorus of "ME" and "I AM"s...the shark could see everyone was feeling the same way. “Well let’s fucking fix that then! Bring out the fuck meat!!!” Mako would shout right back at them before jumping down from the corner. Now all she needed was her opponent (AKA the fuck meat) so that she could give the people what they came here for.

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Re: Fuck Fest: Mako Adachi VS Love & Lust (For Ducky)

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After the crowd had finished enjoying the loud and boisterous entrance of the busty wrestler Mako Adachi, the attention would gradually turn towards the top of the ramp, as the crowd watched closely for who would be coming down to meet her! However, it wasn't just one person that would be on the way following Mako's loud declaration, but as the curtain parted, those in attendance would see two figures step through, two curvy silhouettes that would begin a steady walk down to the ring to join the woman already inside! But as Mako already knew, it would be two curvy men that would be heading down to the ring, as Jamie Harper and Angel Agapi made their entrance for the handicap match they were set to take on tonight!
The pair would make their way down to the ring with a quick, yet confident walk, Jamie shaking his hips and flashing a smile to the crowd, while Angel more excitedly waved at those who cheered for them, the two arriving shortly! Climbing onto the apron, Jamie would hold the ropes open for Angel to allow him inside, before moving to stand at the corner, as both pretty boys would cast their gaze over to their opponent!

"Someone's awfully excited... I mean, 'bring out the fuck meat?' My my..." Jamie said with a smirk, while Angel took a slight step forward, making it clear he would be the one to start off for the men!

"Well, at least we know what she's ready for... but maybe she doesn't know who's the meat here..." Ange said, a teasing remark, though the hungry look on his face showed that it might not all be in jest! The curvy blonde would step forward, and get ready to clash with Mako, to start this match properly!

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Re: Fuck Fest: Mako Adachi VS Love & Lust (For Ducky)

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If Mako had to describe her opponent's in one word...she'd say...fuckable. Now admittedly a lot of people she knew could be described like that. But these two...studs(?) were dressed so erotically that nothing else came to the shark's mind. As the two pretty boys came into the ring, the hungry woman would lick her teeth as if she was ready to take a bite. The blonde boy toy looked like an ultra feminine male stripper with those heart pasties on his nipples. Honestly, she would be on the fence about whether or not he was actually a she if it wasn't for the huge bulge in his pink thong. And Angel's teammate was the same. The raven haired stud reminded her of the popular girls back in school. Luckily, she was VEEEERY popular with those ladies...and if history repeated itself...then she'd have Jamie head down and ass up as she pounded him from behind. Clearly these guys were going to be fun to wrestle around and fuck. And they looked so girly that the shark this was the next best thing to having muscular women to fool around with.

Chuckling as she heard their banter, Mako would walk right up to the men in their corner. It seemed like Angel would be her opponent as his partner waited outside. Smiling as she showed off her teeth, the shark would get up in the pretty boy's face as she pressed against him. Her breasts smooshing into his pecs as she pressed their foreheads together. "Oh I know who's the meat here baby~...In fact...I can feel some of it poking me right now~" Mako would say as she pressed her crotch against the cock in that tight pink thong. The ref girl would try to separate the fighters and get the shark back in her corner. But the woman wasn't budging. "Gimme a sec, honey...I'm checking out the goodies~" she would say before suddenly kissing Angel and grinding against him. Purring as she stuck her tongue down his throat, the shark would get a good taste of the femboy before breaking the kiss. A little drool trailing out of their mouths as the separated. "Mmm...not bad...Lemme try you too." Mako would say before suddenly reaching out and grabbing Jamie by the little back choker around his neck. The shark would start making out with her prey once again. Her tongue sliding around his mouth dominantly before giving his lip a little bite as she broke away. "Mmm~ I can work with this~" the woman would chuckle as she licked her lips.

"You're welcome boys~...Looks like those pythons are ready for action~" Mako would laugh as she noticed the pair of boners she'd caused. Then, backing off, the shark would turn around and give the slutty femboys a good look of her ass as she walked to her corner. Once there, she'd lean back against the turnbuckles and look at her opponent's like a hungry predator eager to devour its prey. Once the bell rang, the shark would make her way to the center of the ring to meet with Angel as she circled him like her namesake. Her eyes already undressing him as she licked her teeth. "You know...I've never really thought about pegging a guy...but you two kinda make me want to try it out." Mako would say as she circled her opponent. She'd fucked tons of women with dildos and strap ons. But a guy? She usually used them like a riding bull. Depending on how this match went, though...maybe she'd ride these pretty boys doggy style instead...

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Re: Fuck Fest: Mako Adachi VS Love & Lust (For Ducky)

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With Angel entering the ring and Jamie standing back on the outside for now, the two men stood across from their opponent with sly smiles on both of their faces, taking a long look at the woman that they were going to be taking on, though it seemed Mako was eager to do the same! Only, she didn't want to simply observe them from the other side of the ring, but walk over to the two of them, getting up nice and close to Angel in spite of the referee's protests, as she looked over the blonde pretty boy! And sure enough, seemingly far too eager to get to the intimate teasing, she would grab hold of him and suddenly pull him into a kiss, rubbing her busty body up against him as she wrestled his tongue with hers! Jamie watched with an amused smirk as Mako got nice and intimate with Angel, who was more than happy to go along for the ride, but Mako was not done with only kissing Angel it would seem!

After doing so to the blonde, she'd soon move to the black haired male, grabbing hold of him and leaning over the ropes to kiss him, with Jamie swinging a hand around to slap Mako's rear end as she did so, pushing back against her tongue with his own! And when they finally separated, Mako would turn and walk back to her corner, with Angel and Jamie exchanging a silent, but very amused look between one another, before Angel would take a quick step forwards to show that he was ready, the ringing of the bell alerting everyone to the fact that the match began!

"I'm going to take that as a compliment, but also, you're gonna have to beat us first before that happens!" Angel teased with a smile on his face, before stepping forwards and trying to close the distance between himself and the shark! Angel looks to reach out and grab hold of her in a classic lockup, looking to begin things in standard fashion, though given how unorthodox Mako seemed, it would hardly be that way for long!

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Re: Fuck Fest: Mako Adachi VS Love & Lust (For Ducky)

Unread post by Caborn »

Mako enjoyed kissing the two femboys. Angel was sweet and yummy, while Jamie came off a little naughtier. The fact that he smacked the shark’s only reinforced her opinion. Causing the lusty would to growl eagerly into Jamie’s mouth. After they broke apart, Mako would watch the two boys with hungry eyes as she watched Angel step forward. Chuckling at response comment, the shark would continue to circle her prey and lick her teeth. “Yeah I’d say it’s a compliment…and a promise~” the horny woman would add before both fighters went for a lock up. At least Mako made it seem like she was. Ducking under one of the blondie’s arms, the shark would try to swing around the femboy and hug him from behind. Her tits pressed against his back while she took a second to hump his ass, Mako would play with her food as she took thing nice and easy.

“You’ve got a nice ass on you too…can’t wait to sink my teeth into it~” the horny shark would growl into his ear before giving it a lick. Then, squeezing Angel’s waist tightly, Mako would attempt to lift the blondie up for a standard German suplex to start things off.

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Re: Fuck Fest: Mako Adachi VS Love & Lust (For Ducky)

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

The actions of bold woman standing across from Jamie and Angel would bring a smile to both of their faces, Jamie offering a naughty smirk as he clapped a hand against Mako's plump rear end, while Angel offered a more genuine smile to his opponent! However, as they parted for a moment, it would be so that the match could actually begin in earnest, as Mako and Angel would both approach one another at the sound of the bell, looking to lock up together in order to begin the contest in earnest! However, as quick as the met up together, Mako would suddenly duck underneath one of Angel's arms as she got behind him, grinding against his plump rear end as she whispered into his ear! However, as she went to german suplex him, Angel would suddenly drop his weight to try and thwart her attempt to lift him up, trying to stop her from getting him off his feet!

"I don't think so!" Angel chirped in a very sing-songy voice, before trying to suddenly get her off of him by swinging his hips backwards, thrusting his plump rear end hard against her hips to force her off of him! If he succeeded in getting Mako's suplex thrown off track, he would look to further frustrate her by grabbing one of her arms, twisting his hips, and attempting to toss her over him, and onto the mat!

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