Looking For A Challenge

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Looking For A Challenge

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JJ was smiling as she strut her way through the halls backstage, appearing as confident as can be as she was heading towards the ring.

Her music began to play as rhe surpruse appearance of JJ caused quite the uproar as she came out flexing, posing waving and blowing kisses to the crowd. JJ sauntered down the ramp swaying her hips and even slapping her own backside while winking at the crowd as she got to the ring, climbing up onto the apron then through the ropes with a mic in hand.

"Good evening everyone! I know you are surprised to see me and I couldn't be happier to be here. Now... what the first sister of slam really wants is a challenge! No one on that roster is at my level and I am looking for someone... anyone... who thinks they can handle a strong sister between the ropes to come on out! I want to shownyou all just how dominant your inaugural rumble winner can be! So ladies! What do ya say? Who wants to come down and get her ass beat down by the best woman on the roster!?"

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Re: Looking For A Challenge

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Allison, in ring gear, as her purple knee-length entrance jacket draped over the backrest of the chair; was stretching her long, toned legs as she saw JJ enter the curtain and proceed down the ramp to the ring from the monitor of her locker-room. The crowd was ecstatic and she received an overwhelmingly positive response as she strutted down the ramp with confidence, her muscular body and six-pack abs in all their glory. Her interaction with the front row fanatics, the butt-slapping and winking, indicated comfort in her own skin and the New-Yorker could see the confidence radiating thorugh her body. Her retro-style outfit, apart from her ripped and sculpted abs particularly stood out.

"Janella Johnson...The First Royal Rumble Winner...Heh, she looks fit and fine. Those abs look fabulous and now I am itching to get my hands and pound them hard" A sly smirk appreared on her oval face as she watched JJ get into the ring and was about to speak. Allison didn't know her personally, and hadn't interacted with her before, but she respected JJ, and how could she not? Competing in a Royal Rumble entering almost at the beginning and winning the whole thing is no small feet.

As JJ began to speak about her being the best of the roster and that there wasn't any competition anymore, Allison's slight sly smile faded and was replaced by a demeanor of intent.Janella's remarks did not sit well with the brawler."This is my chance to make a statement... " Allison grabbed her jacket and stormed out of her locker room to the backstage. As JJ called out the roster for an open challenge, Allison's music blared; sending the already pumped crowd into a frenzy.
Entrance Music
Allison entered thorugh the curtain and sauntered down the ramp, swaying her hips and gazing both sides, scanning the crowd and winking at the few lucky gals and guys, while slowly pulling her jacket away, to reveal her toned midriff, which was for all to see. This was the moment that would elevate her status in the company and an opportunity to test herself against an established and tough opponent.
Entrance Attire
As the jet-black haired woman, with mic in hand approached the apron, her eyes locked with Janella as she climbed the steel steps and entered the ring, all the while not breaking eye-contact with the ebony powerhouse.

"Whoa! whoa! whoa! whoa!....whoa!... first of all, congratulations on the Royal Rumble win. What you achieved is a great feat"Allison spoke clearly, confidence emanating from her voice."And, second of all....Whoa! whoa! whoa! whoa!....whoa!....you really think that you're the best girl on the roster? you ain't even the best in yo own division!". Allison always had this urge to go up against people who claimed too big and ran their mouths, claiming to be the best there is or thinking themselves as perfect; and try to knock them down a peg. When JJ made those wild claims in the centre of the squared circle, in front of the LAW Universe, the brawler couldn't digest it and confronting her felt like the only option. This has been going on since her teenage and she had her ass handed to her multiple times, but stubborn as a mule she was, wouldn't back down.

Allison eyes narrowed as she sized JJ up, in a confrontation that promised to be a treat for the fans and for LAW as a whole....
Last edited by Hitman45 on Sun Jul 21, 2024 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Looking For A Challenge

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JJ heard the music and watched as Allison came out. She stood with her hands on her hips raising an eyebrow. "Honey... who the hell are you?" JJ asked as she sighed. "I was expecting someone to come out so I could put down a big name and move up the ladder to a title shot not some no name bimbo." JJ said with a shrug before stepping up and flexing. "No way some fake model muscles can handle an actual strong woman like me. If you want to step up to get knocked down that is fine but how about you tell me who you are?"

JJ settled and looked more annoyed than threatened by this arrival. She dozed confidence and the ebony muscular beauty seemed to eagerly await the answer of the woman in front of her.
Last edited by Highfly on Mon Jul 22, 2024 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Looking For A Challenge

Unread post by Hitman45 »

As JJ flexed in front of Allison, she cautiously approached her and poked her biceps and then her sculpted and well maintained abs.Her head slowly turned to the audience as her face shrugged and nodded in acknowldgement that JJ indeed had a strong and fabulous body. The athletic women then casually stepped back and brought her mic in front of her mouth to talk.

"I am Allison "Avalanche" Ford, but....that's not what is the most important and pressing matter right now. The major issue at this point is.....You still don't have a Title Shot!?" Allison eyes widened before she feigned stoicism, slowly breaking into a snickered laugh holding her mouth; but still her laughter was audible to JJ and audience, who were eager to listen to what the brawler from Brooklyn had to say to her fellow countrywoman.
"Sister, Sister, Sister, Sister....you poor thing.." she spoke, her lips slightly curved downward and her voice dripping with fake sympathy.

"You achieved an incredible feat by winning the First Ever Royal Rumble! You eliminated competitor after competitor, throwing their hopes and chances out of the ring with them! And the most incredible part? YOU WERE ONE OF THE EARLIEST WRESTLERS TO ENTER!" The crowd was hanging to every word that Allison spoke as she slowly circled around Janella.

"You fought almost the whole roster, kept on going until the last minute, showing to your broken opponents that you wanted this more than them; An incredible achivement"Allison stopped in front of Janella,almost staring into her soul." But...All That For what? You see, you have been in this company mare that I am, and I probably don't know how any of this wrestling thing works..." The jet-black haired woman's tone dripping with sarcasm as she spoke the last part of the sentence, while rotating her free arm above her in a circle to emphasize her point. "but, when a wrestler wins a Rumble, that too against so many odds, they have the right to challenge for a Title Shot and can demand a match for any of the titles in the company.."

The invested crowd gasped as they processed this information and they broke down into murmurs and conversations. Allison raised her free arm, indicating that she was going to continue to talk. "And yet, here you are, practically begging in front of the LAW Universe for someone big to come and face you so that you can "MAYBE" get a title shot ?! Pardon me for my language, but my question to you is... and this is something that you should be concerned about...What, on God's green Earth was the whole point of you winning the Rumble?" Allison emphasized every word of her question while her free hand was on her hips as she stood, relaxed and a smirk plastered on her face, ready to hear the powerhouse's reply.

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Re: Looking For A Challenge

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JJ stood there listening as Allison kept talking and she stayed silent until the woman was done making her point.

"Girlie, I won because I am that damn good. I won to earn my keep and rise up. I didn't show up demanding anything without earning it unlike some women around here." JJ said. "Sienna and I are gonna take this whole thing over and show ya what a couple sisters can do when they build up some momentum. So... if you think you got what it takes to step between the ropes with me I am more than happy to prove you wrong. I am gonna send ya crashing to the mat so hard that little booty of yours bounces halfway to the ceiling!" JJ said tossing the mic away and standing there with her hands on her hips glaring at Allison.

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Re: Looking For A Challenge

Unread post by Hitman45 »

Allison's gaze remained fixed on JJ as the ebony powerhouse clapped back at her jibes with her reply. The brawler from Brooklyn intently processed every word that the first Rumble winner uttered , her chocolate-colored eyes never leaving Janella who made some huge claims about taking over the division and kicking the jet-black haired woman's rear in the process before tossing the mic away and standing in posture indicating that she was ready to walk the talk, as the crowd began to get noisier, anticipating a probable scuffle or an impromptu match!

But Allison didn't back down as she paused until the noises somewhat died before she began speaking, her mind composed. "You talk a big game, building momentum, dominating the competition, taking over a whole freaking division...but you are looking and dreaming so far ahead that you that you can't see an AVALANCHE moving towards you, about to bury your hopes six-feet under the cold snow of pain and punishment!"

The crown went wild, chanting Allison's name and her moniker. They were enjoying this back-and-forth between the two formidable fighters.

"And don't you worry about the state of my booty JJ, because it's gonna bounce, and bounce hard....as I walk up the ramp to backstage after I leave yo butt in a broken and crumpled heap in the centre of the ring.." Allison meant every word she said, as she tossed her mic upward and as it came spinning down, she leapt up slightly, one of her feet in front of the falling mic and using the inner heel of the other leg to perform a Backheel-Kick and send the mic flying out of the ring and into the hands of one of the crew members, who gave her a thumbs up. The audience cheered at this football trick move , before they grew wilder as Allison then stepped closer to JJ, her face smug and she looked into the glaring eyes of her opponent. Both of their shapely breasts touched with Allison's slightly above JJ's due to their height difference. Their midriffs came in close proximity and the brawler could almost feel the blood pulsing through the ebony beauty's body though her sculpted abs.

This was now either going to be a match or a full-blown brawl and both of them were itching to beat the shit out of each other...
Last edited by Hitman45 on Tue Jul 23, 2024 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Looking For A Challenge

Unread post by Highfly »

JJ smiled as Allison kept talking. "You talk more than I do and what do you have to show for it, hmm?" JJ asked as she stood there keeping her eyes on Allison. She wanted to keep getting this woman riled up. "What have you done thst is so impressive?"

JJ waited for a moment, already having her mind set in regards to Allison. She was ready to look over at the time keeper telling them to ring the bell. Shutting this woman's mouth was going to be oh so sweet.

"I am ready when you are girlie, let's go!" JJ wpuld say ready for the bell to ring and the match to begin!
Last edited by Highfly on Thu Jul 25, 2024 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Looking For A Challenge

Unread post by Hitman45 »

The mic were tossed away and both were in each other's faces, their bosoms touching and abs in close proximity to each other. The arena was charged as a scuffle was expected anytime now.
Allison was shot daggers with her eyes as Janella raised questions about her LAW career so far. She wanted to beat JJ to a pulp them and there, but she controlled herself, curling her toes inside her boots and balling her hands into fists behind her back.
The brawler from Brooklyn was taught by her father to never throw the first punch in a fight and if she got hit, don't back down and mess them up, which Allison has heeded till date and wasn't planning to go against anytime soon.
Janella's stopped throwing shade at Allison's career, waiting for her reply, when Allison got so close to her that their heads butted together and their ample breasts got mashed.
"You're right, JJ.I don't have a distinguished career like you....yet. I haven't won the rumble and didn't participate in high-profile matches till now.But at least I ain't bragging my career like I am the freaking gold-standard or a seasoned veteran. I know where I stand."Allison's nostrils flared.

She leaned forward, looming over JJ's smaller frame"And you know what? knocking you down a peg or two might actually be a huge step in my path of greatness.."The brawler's voice cold and menacing.

The crowd was on the edge of their seats, hoping to witness both of them coming to blows....

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