Kitty N vs Hitomi Rose - Step To The Floor

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Kitty N vs Hitomi Rose - Step To The Floor

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Match Rules: Standard

Kaori would have to admit one thing, she hadn't been expecting to end up in a pro wrestling scene during her time as an actress. The greenette had been doing amazing in her first ever major gig, that being one of the protagonists in the hit show Love Love Senshi Miracle 5. Which revolved around a team of rookie dancers becoming sentai heroes who defeated monsters with the power of song and dance, with the odd fight thrown in for good measure. That was the part that led to her signing up for LAW actually, Kaori did all her own stunts, there wasn't a bone in her body that she hadn't broken and did some proper martial art lessons for the show. Now in order to promote her own spin off Kaori would don the mantle of Kitty N for her debut match, against a person called Hitomi Rose.

The sentai heroine would look herself over in the mirror, running a hand thoughtfully over her head there. For the sake of in ring action Kitty N's headgear was more akin to a luchador mask than an actual sentai helmet, however it looked just like the real deal still. Giving a confident smile Kaori strode out to the entrance ramp. The arena would be bathed in pink lights with a fluffy cat symbol on the entrance ramp, as the opening track to her sentai show known as Aozora No Knfe and the crowd roared in approval. Many in attendance knew what this song was, sure enough Kitty N came out with a mic headpiece on and began singing out the lyrics to the song as she did the exact same dance she did in the opening!

Eventually Kitty N would stride into the ring there and pose dramatically as she concluded the song, then after a few moments she'd point to all in attendance and say "Everyone! Thank you for your support! I'll do my best in my debut for you all!" in true sentai fashion Kitty N struck her pose once more before waiting in her corner with a look of focused determination on her features!
Kitty N On The Scene!
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Re: Kitty N vs Hitomi Rose - Step To The Floor

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Hitomi feeling a bit defeated after a long string of losses has cut her once long purple hair making it more shoulder length. part of it was the feeling of disappointment in herself for her poor performance but she also wants to debut a new cosplay.

as she walks down the ramp debuting her new cosplay the crowd boos her and says things like she sucks or she's a jobber or she's weak.

her new cosplay is The Tornado of Terror Tatsumaki from One Punch Man. Since her opponent was a sentai hero themed wrestler Hitomi dressed as a hero too. Image

As Hitomi entered the ring and looked at her opponent the feeling of inadequacy set in.

Hitomi: Let's get the over with.

she said with a defeated tone. almost like she'd already accepted her fate.
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Re: Kitty N vs Hitomi Rose - Step To The Floor

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Kitty N wouldn't have long to wait for her opponent to arrive, the sentai heroine would see Hitomi make her way down the ring. Rocking a sleek black dress that looked akin to what another hero from a manga might wear! Great! This would be a fine clash between two seekers of justice, like a sentai red ranger duking it out with a kamen rider! Still Hitomi seemed rather forlorn, as if she didn't even want to be there in the ring to perform for the fans in attendance!

"Greetings Hitomi-san!" Kitty said, pointing a heroic finger at her opponent for the evening as she then continued with "I hope you give me your best effort, I shall accept no less!" with the bell ringing there shortly. Kitty N had considered going out the gate with a full sprint and leaping knee strike. However instead she'd stand in the middle of the ring and point to Hitomi and say "Hitomi-san, I'll even give you the first move! Come at me!"
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Re: Kitty N vs Hitomi Rose - Step To The Floor

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Hitomi looked up a bit at her opponent.

Hitomi: You want me to attack first? Don't you wanna just smother me and humiliate me like everyone else? that's why you picked me right? to have a turn humiliating LAWs Bottom Bitch?

she asked with a defeated tone as of she was used to losing in this manner. the sentai hero themed wrestler seemed to be nice but she's been burned by people who seem nice but are really cruel deep down so she doesn't by into the act. Hitomi grabs her right arm with her left causing her breasts to squish together.

Hitomi: Let's just do this...I'm used to it.

she says looking down to her left not even looking her opponent in the eyes.
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Re: Kitty N vs Hitomi Rose - Step To The Floor

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Well......Kitty N wasn't expecting that response from her opponent, she had expected some sort of taunt or an eager admission to commenced combat just like in her show. The fact that Hitomi basically did neither and instead encouraged Kaori to go first as if she was already giving up confused the greenette quite frankly. Was this some kind of attempt at playing a mind game? If so it was actually kinda working there on Kitty N, not to unnerve her but frankly it confused her.

Raising an eyebrow Kitty N would then say "Nyah? Your just quitting before the first punch has even been thrown! I'll not be having that." as she then made to put her hand on Hitomi's shoulder and get her to look at her in the eye. "Now get yourself together, sink or swim!" Kaori then sought to Irish Whip Hitomi right to the ropes there and would attempt to deliver a clothesline with her left arm if the Rose didn't duck. Perhaps Hitomi just needed some direct motivation to get into this!
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Re: Kitty N vs Hitomi Rose - Step To The Floor

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Hitomi took the clothesline full force getting knocked down hard.

Hitomi: Ugggghn...I'm not quiting just...I don't have to drive to get humiliated every few weeks by people who only wanna fight me because they see me as an easy target.

she says trying to get back up. Hitomi tries to kick kitty in the head still looking like her hearts just not in the fight.
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Re: Kitty N vs Hitomi Rose - Step To The Floor

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Kitty N was a practised fighter there, but something was telling her that this fighter wasn't what she seemed. was it said in shows like hers? Fighting spirit, yeah that seemed to be it. Perhaps Hitomi was one that had her fair share of bad foes in the past that damaged her confidence. Kitty felt that arm of hers connect with her opponent at least, the ball had been rolling now at the very least and after landing the clothesline Kitty N would spin in place and strike a heroic pose briefly before turning to face Hitomi there.

The kick came in there, Kitty N's acting training also kicked in. She jerked her head back by a few inches to avoid the blow, yet even that still felt half baked. The sentai heroine would then backflip away and land in a crouched posture pointing at Hitomi. "Easy target? The fact you can deliver an accurate strike like that tells me otherwise, no. I think you merely just need to get invested into this fight, tell you what. Impress me and I'll see about getting you a role in my next episode." Kitty N said as she got into her fighting stance again and rushed forward to try and mix some right and left handed blows aimed at Hitomi's chest.
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Re: Kitty N vs Hitomi Rose - Step To The Floor

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Hitomi jumps back to avoid Kitty's strikes at her chest.

Your new here so you might not have heard but I'm a jobber here. just a rag doll for everyone to smother and kick around till they've had their fun. that's all I's all I'll ever be...

she says hanging her head down ashamed of herself.
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Re: Kitty N vs Hitomi Rose - Step To The Floor

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Kitty N was no stranger to foes that felt like they needed to have their weaknesses assessed, like that one time she had to stop a monster that transformed into a pair of high heels that made any lady who wore it make people explode if they danced with her. In that episode Kitty N tricked the possessed individual to trip down some stairs when they were focused on dancing, shattering the heels and revealing the monster to let her beat it up and win.

This was seeming like one of the sentai cat's episodes alright, with Hitomi talking about being a jobber yet she dodged those strikes of Kitty N who was a practised martial artist in her own right. Kitty N settled into a wing chun stance there as her opponent spoke of being pushed around once again. "Well your ability to move there speaks to someone who's been in fights still. Kitty N said, she'd then pivot on her hips and seek to leap forward with a lunging, leaping spinkick aimed at Hitomi's midriff and yelled "Take this! The Kitty Kick!" which popped the crowd as those who watched her show knew this as a trademark opening attack of hers!
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Re: Kitty N vs Hitomi Rose - Step To The Floor

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the kick slammed into Hitomi's stomach knocking her back falling on her plump rump.

Hitomi: Ugggh...yea I've been in fights. I've lost most of them though.

she says struggling to get back to her feet.
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