Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

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After much preparations LAW management finally books Rio for a match. This was big for her as she knew other Berserk members including Misaki was watching so she had to make a good first impression. Hearing her music she had on her mask and jacket as she walks out of the gorilla position and the crowd cheering for her being Berserk fans. She smiled and let some fans fist bump her or high five her but she wasn’t going out of her way for it. She was focused on the task and that’s wrestling. The four year experienced woman soon got into the ring and tossed aside her mask and jacket letting the purple attire shine through. It left little to the imagination and showed off her well toned body, she was ready to put someone to sleep and leans against the corner smirking her signature smirk as she waits for her opponent.

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Re: Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

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Shylily was finally getting her change to debut in the big league, after many negotiations her LAW manager was able to book her for a fight with a well known fighter that kinda took wrestling very seriously.....oh how she was gonna enjoy playing with her. As Lily approached the stage her song would start playing.


As she entered the stage she would loudly shout "WOMP WOMP" while posing holding her hands up with peace signs, as she walked down towards the ring she would high five her front row fans as the chanted 'womp womp'. As she reached the ring she would look at Rio before sliding under the ropes and give her a smug smile....."womp womp~"
Last edited by Phoenixgamer312 on Sat May 04, 2024 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

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To say Rio wasn’t expect this for her first opponent would be an understatement. She knew wrestling had some out there personalities but a girl who has a German accent going Womp Womp with a whale theme? She had to admit that’s a new one for her. She tried not to let it get to her and kept in her corner.

“So little whale? What makes you think you got what it takes to be in the ring with me?”

She asked trying to see if she could get in her head early or test if she’s just a joking comedy wrestler and not legit like she is.
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Re: Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

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Shylily would look at the tan wrestler with a confused look "Womp?....Machst du dich über meine Heigh lustig? sich betrogen fühlen? (Are you making fun of my height? feel cheated?) Womp~" Lily would shake her hip trying to look menacing and angry but failing do to her cute appearance and her anger looking like a pout.

"Womp womp~" Lily would head to her corner, waiting for the bell to ring and attempt to charge at her tan opponent to hit her with a spear

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Re: Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

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Well that only got Rio more confused. She tried to talk smack only to get German and Womping as a result. Not to mention the fact ShyLily tried to get angry but resulted in a pout, not wanting this to get in her head Rio shakes her head and as the bell rang she got into a grappler’s stance and slowly approached Lily wondering how she’d respond.
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Re: Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

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As the bell rang Shylily would look at Rio as she approached her, Lily would rush her with a spear but do to Rio's stance she was put in a grapple struggle with her being at a disadvantage ".....Oh Scheiße (oh shit)...womp?~" Lily would try to hit Rio's shin and try to get away from her hold

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Re: Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

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Rio smirked as Lily seemingly ran right into her and tried to out grapple her. Rio looked to try and get her to the mat but then Lily kicks her right in the shin. This made Rio hiss in pain and back up a bit allowing Lily to better plan out her offense while Rio shakes her leg where Lily kicked her.
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Re: Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

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Shylily would take the advantage and get behind Rio as she would wrap her arms around her waist "bereit für den Tropfen (get ready for the drop)" she wouldattempt to lift her up and drop her in a german suplex, if successful Lily would follow up with a rear naked choke hold

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Re: Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

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Well Rio cursed herself as Lily got behind her and dropped her but what was worse was Lily decided to use one of Rio’s own chokes against her, this being the rear naked choke. Rio grunts and gagged a little as she tried to shuffle herself towards the ropes. “Gah, what the hell? That’s my move you copycat!” She yelled at Lily in both pain and annoyance unknowingly to Rio there was a bit of cat in Lily’s design.
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Re: Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

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ShyLily would giggle a bit knowing that she was succeeding in annoying the hell out of Rio as she hear her calling her a copy cat she couldn't resist using the ammunition she was just given "womp womp~ ah, Also denkst du, ich bin ein Kopierer?~ Oh das ist lustig~ (ah, so you think I'm a copycat?~ oh that is funny~)" Lily would squeeze a bit tighter and whisper into Rio's ear "Wenn du denkst, dass ich ein Kopierer bin, gebe ich dir eine Katze~(if you think I'm a copycat, ill give you a cat~)....Nyaaa~"

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