Katherine Hart

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Katherine Hart

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Basic Info:
Age: 29
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Weight: 175 lb
Height: 5’8”
Alignment: Face
Nationality: American
Epithet: "The Super Kitty" / "The Paragon of Pro Wrestling" / Kat Hart
Entrance Music:
(She began to use this special version of her tag theme's theme song as solo entrance music after it was used during The SWAT Cat's entrance at We Are LAW 5)
Twitter: @RealSuperKitty

Appearances and Attires:

Previous Matches/Encounters with her many rivals (not all of these are canon):

Wrestling Career, and History:

Before Wrestling
Kat was born in the Americas in the midwest to a modest family and grew up an only child. She didn't become a wrestling fan until she was in her early teens. But prior to this, she had always gravitated towards physical hobbies: afterschool soccer, martial arts, basketball, swimming, and so on, much to the dismay of Mr. and Mrs. Hart, who preferred that she focus on school. Katherine simply didn't have the interest. Instead of growing up to be a lawyer or a nurse, she focused on fostering friendships with boys and girls at school and finding rivals on the track, field, mats, or wherever it was she was training at the time. In the 9th grade, she had begun going out with her first crush, a boy who was a huge wrestling buff. Diving into her collection of old DVDs and tapes of classic matches and wrestling events helped her develop a love for the sport of pro wrestling that she never knew she had. She went through what her parents hoped would be a phase, asking to go to wrestling shows, meet the athletes and folks behind the scenes, and learn what she could about the business as a fan, all the way up until she was old enough to go to college.
Early Wrestling Career

Kat began her career when she turned 18, juggling wrestling school and college courses to the best of her ability, and quitting school 2 years in, after getting her associate's degree in philosophy (with a concentration on Ethics and Social Philosophy). The entire time she studied the sport both inside and outside the ring. When she wasn't at wrestling school swapping slams and chops with the coaches and the other trainees, she could be found watching matches on youtube on her phone or laptop. She sought to follow in the footsteps of the greats that she looked up to. Legends like Bret Hart, El Santo, Tiger Mask, Manami Toyota, The Jumping Bomb Angels, and more. Like many of her favorite success stories in the biz, Katherine chose to bet on herself and made the decision to wrestle and train full-time. She put in 40 hours a week at wrestling school for the better part of a year and a half before being recognized there in her spars and chosen to wrestle in the local/neighboring territories on the independent scene.

Having sized Katherine up to be ahead of the pack when it came to wrestlers of similar age/experience at this point, the head coach intentionally let the managers/bookers at her first wrestling promotion pair her up against local talent and lower card names. These circumstances facilitated rousing success for the earliest legs of Kat's career, earning her convincing victories, a fan following, and allowing her the chance to work her way up the card to a mid-card title opportunity. Despite being underestimated in this small-time local promotion, Kat's outgoing, altruistic nature helped her hit it off with all but the most bitter of opponents. She showed up early and stayed late, every day, paying her dues wherever she could. Whether it was lending an ear, buying lunch for the interviewers or refs, or standing up for a fellow rookie, Kat's personality and hardworking attitude saw to it that within just a few months, she'd win tag and midcard titles there before taking on the task of traveling to other states to encounter similar success in other C-list promotions on the independent wrestling scene.

Kat would get her first big break at 20 years old when she joined a third wrestling company. It was a major national wrestling promotion, and a place that helped Kat really kickstart her career through televised matches and contact with bigger names in the States. It took her a little over a year to try to climb the mountaintop there. And along the way, Hart would find the support of a manager who would become her lifelong friend: Mina Diaz. Mina acted as a manager and an agent for Kat, overseeing her growth at this company while making sure she could still attend events and make dates at the two smaller/local wrestling federations. Mina's representation of Kat backstage enabled matches and opportunities that would eventually lead to Hart winning a world title at her first major international wrestling promotion while still holding titles at the smaller promotions closer to home. Having become a recognizable name, she looked towards her manager Mrs. Diaz to figure out her next career move. And following her advice, Kat would move further south, down to Northern Mexico to explore a style of wrestling she had always adored: lucha-libre.

Katherine would take the same approach in Mexico. She'd visit multiple schools to train and adjust before signing with two major wrestling promotions there. It was her time in Mexico that really helped her hone a wrestling style that she could call her own. She developed a technical powerhouse style, but could still fly around the ring when she needed to. Some knew her as the woman of a thousand moves and counters.

The nickname "Kat" saw her get pigeonholed into a cat wrestling gimmick when she decided to grow closer to the culture by donning a mask of her own. Luckily enough, this gimmick took off, particularly with children and young adults. Her storied matches and bouts at the height of her career in Mexico inspired several aspects of her wrestling career that Katherine maintains to this very day. Her never-say-die attitude, her persistence, and her credibility as a top face earned her the nickname "Super Kitty". A name that any stadium she walked into would cheer upon her arrival. Her theme song, "Back2Back" was specifically requested by a group of fans at an autograph signing, who felt it was fitting because of her "back to back" victories during her winning streak at the time. Once she was established at both lucha libre promotions, Kat would make every effort to engage and give back, wrestling charity matches, doing commercials, attending events at toy stores and libraries, and whatever she could to leave a positive impact and expose more people to the beauty of professional wrestling.

This positivity extended to coworkers. Kat worked tirelessly to learn from her predecessors, and to earn their respect. Listening to advice where she could find it and paying respects where she could. Whether it was carrying bags to lockers or to vehicles, making sure everyone was accounted for when people were ordering food, or even small things like being a spotter or offering company at the gym to swap stories and shoot the breeze, Kat assisted coworkers in whatever little way she could during her time wrestling in Mexico. And over time, these efforts bore fruit, earning her the respect of her fellow luchadors and luchadoras, and their approval as she rose through the ranks.

The seeds of her efforts as a luchadora would bear fruit after wrestling for a year and a half in Mexico, from the ages of 21-22. She'd win her first singles title then. Hart maintained a half-year-long reign before transitioning to the tag division with a fellow luchador who went by the name Mateo Pasion. The two managed to hang onto those titles for the better part of a year before Mateo turned on Katherine, costing them the titles and sparking a heated feud that ended in a "loser leaves town match" that Kat barely managed to win. From here, she'd transition back to being a singles wrestler and begin her world title hunt, winning it just before she turned 24.

At Mina's behest, Kathrine would juggle her responsibilities as world champion with tour dates and appearances Japan. The deal proved to be profitable for the lucha-libre company, Mina, the Japanese promotions, and of course Kat. She'd wrestle at major events in Japan sporadically while maintaining her world championship run in Mexico. She remained champion for just over a year. The championship run was highly arduous because she had announced her intention to sign with a Japanese wrestling company of and when she lost her world championship. All the while, Kat built her image and reputation in Japan on much the same way that she had in the States and Mexico, never losing her sense of humility or her moral compass. After finally losing her belt at the age of 25, she would begin making appearances in tournaments and major events in Japan, seeing strong successes as a finalist or a winner in each rumble and tournament, and remaining largely undefeated in singles competition. Kat kept at this for nearly a year before signing with AFW to try and cement her legacy there.
AFW (acknowledges AFW canon)
Kathrine was offered a contract and picked up as a highly promising prospect at AFW. Home to some big names that she'd come to know at LAW, later down the line. It was here that Kat forged many friendships and rivalries. Friendships with the likes of Erin Quinn, Tara Kwan, and a few others. Rivalries with Alaina Sanders, Navi Florges, Karen Starring, and others as well. Katherine exploded onto the scene with an impressive showing, winning her first several matches and rising through before running into trouble. Her success saw that she came into the conversation for championship contention, as well as sponsorships. But at the height of her success, a jealous competitor, Navi Florges, cheated her out of a win and avoided a rematch like the plague. Enlisting the help of Mina Diaz helped her pull strings for a huge "I Quit" match with the arrogant Frenchwoman. But after an extremely gritty and hard-fought battle, Navi showed she was too stubborn to verbally submit, suffering in Katherine's Queen of Harts finisher before finally passing out and sustaining a spine injury at the hands of The Super Kitty. While maintaining her signature finishing hold, Katherine demanded that the referee stop the contest before she had to inflict greater injury upon Navi to come away with a win. And instead of a referee stoppage victory, she was instead greeted personally by AFW owner and general manager Cassandra Sellers. Sellers did not hesitate to screw Kat out of her payback win. She ruled the match a draw in front of the live crowd and had her security detail attack and "escort" Katherine out and her manager (Mina was injured by Navi's friend Melody in the match) out of the building. Kat later accosted management about this BS ruling and her treatment at AFW. And when she did, she was handed a pink slip the morning after. The nepotism and corruption at AFW from the top down was more than any one wrestler could challenge. News of Kat's firing made waves online. Promotions raced to interview her and offer her contracts. And the most prestigious among them was LAW.
Building a legacy at LAW

LAW was the latest international wrestling promotion to prop up in Japan. The company was securing TV deals and streaming deals left and right, but it was still in its infancy. In the CEO's efforts to acquire cornerstones and mainstays, ladies who could serve as the face of the company and carry it going forward as the organization made its mark on the world of pro wrestling, scouts and executives reached out to Katherine personally, visiting her home with a blow-away deal to secure her position as a sure-to-be top star at LAW.

Thus far, Kat's signing has been a massive success. In addition to performing well in matches and getting over with crowds, she's paved the way for wrestlers like Tracy Canon and Aurora Estrella to join her in carrying the tag division and the company. Katherine has gone on to do several things of note, finishing as a finalist in the Last Woman Standing tourney, as well as successfully defending her mask in a mask versus mask match. The success of her career as a whole and her resume has many believing that she's a future world champion in the making.

Along with her success as one of LAW's first huge signings came many opportunities for publicity. Katherine is a top merch seller at LAW, and frequently attends autograph signings, picks up endorsements/sponsorships (mostly fitness/wellness related, as well as action figures and the like), and appears in commercials at LAW management's request. She also attends school functions, and community centers, and visits wrestling schools and gyms to help men and women train.

Kat's position as a LAW mainstay had earned her something of a target on her back. Before, during, and after her rise to success and championship contention at LAW, many wrestlers, usually heel women, have set their sights on her. Many have attacked or ambushed her, with varying success, while looking to make a name for themselves. Despite this, in true Super Kitty fashion, she always finds a way to take the high ground, bounce back, and continue her ascent towards cementing her place in not just LAW history, but the history of professional wrestling as a whole!

Wrestling Style

Katherine is a very accomplished wrestler in her own right. Over the course of about a decade, she has wrestled for independent promotions in various parts of the world including Mexico, the States, and Japan. She initially started off as an all-arounder when she was green and has since blossomed into a technical powerhouse wrestler. Katherine typically defaults to intricate submission holds and flashy throws and strikes to overwhelm opponents. Her experience and technical ability have had her learn a vast array of moves. She almost never uses the same move twice in a match, often opting for move variations and her own adaptability in the ring to keep opponents on their toes and catch them by surprise. Her quick reaction time, wits, and vast knowledge of moves have made Kat quite adept at countering.

While Kat isn't the greatest aerialist, she's proficient enough to use springboard moves and suicide dive variations, often chaining them with her other offense and using them as transitional moves to keep things fast-paced and explosive. While she is on the lighter end of the heavyweight spectrum, she is quite strong for her size, surprising many a foe. The Super Kitty is by no means perfect or undefeatable, but her moniker of "Super" is quite well-earned. And she's become something of a "target" among LAW wrestlers for a reason. For many, defeating the famed Katherine Hart is a big deal and a worthwhile goal. And she will only become more highly sought after as she continues making her mark at LAW


Katherine likes to go by "Kat". She can be rather honest and cheerful, and she enjoys conversation. She often gestures when she speaks. Although she is a hard worker and trains diligently, it doesn't come across in much of her interactions with others. The truth is outside of wrestling, Kat really just wants to eat, sleep, and have a good time.

Katherine has a strong moral compass, and will often go out of her way to do what she feels is the right thing. Whether it's standing up for someone that needs support, lending an ear to a friend, giving advice, or shutting someone up when they've stepped out of line. Katherine's naturally altruistic nature outside the ring, and strong, competitive spirit inside the ring and in competitions spurs her forward and inspires fans and other wrestlers alike.

She can also be something of a flirt when prompted, but tends not to get down and dirty, and strays away from matches that are straight-up hardcore hentai and the like.

Finishing Moves
The Queen of Harts
A Crossbow Hold also called a Bow and Arrow where Kat crosses an opponent's legs and grabs them by the chin either from behind or from the side against a prone opponent. She extends the opponent's back across her shins and knees and pulls down on their chin, stressing the opponent's spine and legs to force a submission! Aptly dubbed "The Queen of Harts", this move has earned Katherine quite a number of victories via submission.



An elevated version, dubbed "The Ace of Harts" used against particularly stubborn foes to get them to tap! Performed on Golden Liger below
Sheer Hart Attack
A Gotch Style Piledriver. Kat executes it with a more exaggerated jump to really spike the opponent


Typically transitions into a pin by keeping the opponent between her legs, keeping their legs spread, and sitting out into a sitout pin

The K.C.M.
Inspired by the SWAT Cat's Aurora Estrella, each member of the Cats has a shared submission finisher called the K.C.M., which stands for Kitty Combat Maneuver. Also known as The Tequila Sunrise, the move is essentially a Single Leg Crap with an Armbar, straining an opponent's arm, leg, and back.

Aurora had previously used this as one of her finishers and Katherine and Tracy adopted it into their own arsenals. They can tap someone out individually with the move, or two Cats can double up on one opponent, taking an arm and a leg each to apply double the pressure and double the pain!

Critical Finisher
Promise of Tomorrow
Aspiring to be the best, Katherine adapted this finisher from the great Manami Toyota, The Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex. Some veterans even say her execution of the move is on par with Manami. Kat only ever uses the move when she feels she needs to finish a match quickly or when she's exhausted all of her other options[/size]

Signature Moves
The Hart Dungeon (Scorpion Crosslock)
The Jack of Harts (Indian Deathlock into a kneeling position, allowing her to target the opponent's core, usually with punches)
The Kat Special
The Gory Special - a bodylock that can tie up all of the opponent's limbs if successfully locked in, similar to a Romero special, but standing. Another finishing hold that's very useful in tag matches (because Kat can still walk around with the opponent in tow) and earned her a few submission victories in singles.

After locking in the move for a while, if a submission is not earned, Kat will often transition into a Widow's Peak/Gory Neckbreak by reaching for the opponent's chin and pulling on it before dropping down.
Discus Lariat/Clothesline
Pendulum Hold/Baby Swing Hold/La Campana

The Famouser

LAW Achievements/Accolades

• Double Main Evented Fight The LAW 2 in a World Tag Team Title Defense against The Superstars and a Triple Threat Match for The Heavyweight Title against fellow challenger Alaina Sanders and champion Astrid Ostberg
• Former Number One Contender for the LAW Heavyweight Championship
• Main Evented We Are LAW 5 alongside Aurora Estrella in a World Tag Team Title match against The Thundergirls
• Inaugural LAW World Tag Team Champion alongside Tracy Canon and Aurora Estrella as The SWAT Cats
• Finalist in the first-ever LAW Last Woman Standing Tournament
• Has appeared in the Ladies of LAW Calendar
• Participates in endorsements, sponsorships, commercials, and autograph signings on LAW's behalf. Kat has well as over 100 wishes granted for children in need
via the make-a-wish foundation and other non-profits
• Featured in the Ladies of LAW Calendar
• Has never been submitted in her 12+ year pro wrestling career
• Held various tag and singles titles in the indies prior to coming to LAW
• Went on a historic 21-match win streak in a major wrestling company in Mexico after becoming "The Super Kitty"

- Despite the fact that images exist of her unmasked, she has yet to be unmasked publicly in or out of the ring.
- Kat isn't good at keeping up with chores. And frequently has Tracy or Aurora over to help out around the house when she can
- She has a huge appetite and compliments her diligent training with hearty meals
- Has granted more Make-A-Wishes than any other LAW star
- Frequently attends conferences, stars in commercials, appears at autograph signings, and does whatever she can to get the company more exposure and to get more people exposed to pro wrestling
- She hates it when people call her "Cathy" or "Kathy"

-Eating (she has a mean sweet tooth and can be talked into hanging out with someone when she's offered food)
-Working Out/Sparring/Training and adding moves to her repertoire
-Hanging with friends
-Kat is not much of a drinker, and can't hold her liquor very well (this is not public knowledge)
Last edited by winner3 on Mon Aug 19, 2024 12:53 am, edited 94 times in total.
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General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Katherine Hart

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Overall Match Record: 15/4/1 (W/L/D)

Match Outcome
The SWAT Cats vs The Thundergirls The SWAT Cats O - The Thundergirls X
via Pinfall
The Imperial Russian Empire vs The SWAT Cats The SWAT Cats O - The Imperial Russian Empire X
via Pinfall
Erin Quinn vs Katherine Hart - Best of 3 Falls Erin Quinn X - Katherine Hart O
via Submission
The SWAT Cats vs The Thundergirls The SWAT Cats X - The Thundergirls O
via Pinfall
Katherine Hart vs Susanna Kin - LWS Tourney Quarterfinals Katherine Hart O - Susanna Kin X
via Knockout
Melody Serperior vs Katherine Hart - LWS Tourney Semifinals Melody Serperior X - Katherine Hart O
via Knockout
Karen Starring vs Katherine Hart - LWS Tourney Finals Karen Starring O - Katherine Hart X
via Knockout
Alaina Sanders vs Katherine Hart Alaina Sanders O - Katherine Hart X
via Pinfall
Gato vs Katherine Hart Gato X - Katherine Hart O
via Pinfall
Alaina Sanders vs Katherine Hart Alaina Sanders X - Katherine Hart O
via Submission
Katherine Hart vs LEA at We Are LAW 1 Katherine Hart - LEA
No Contest
Katherine Hart vs Ducky Williams Katherine Hart O - Ducky Williams X
via Submission
Tag Team Championship Gauntlet Match at We Are LAW 2 The SWAT Cats O
via Submission
Katherine Hart vs Moa Katherine Hart O - Moa X
via Pinfall
Natasha Rostovik vs Katherine Hart - Special Stipulations Match at LAW of the Jungle Natasha Rostovik X - Katherine Hart O
via Pinfall
Lara "Silver" Abreau vs Katherine Hart - Special Stipulation Bedroom Match Silver O - Katherine Hart X
via Knockout
Golden Liger vs Katherine Hart Golden Liger X - Katherine Hart O
via Submission
The SWAT Cats (c) vs The Ashford Family at We Are LAW 5 The SWAT Cats O - The Ashford Family X
via Submission, The SWAT Cats Retain
The SWAT Cats (c) vs Sweet Lust The SWAT Cats O - Sweet Lust X
via Submission
Kat Hart vs Karen Starring II Kat Hart O - Karen Starring X
via Pinfall

Complete Character Timeline and Detailed Match History

Katherine Hart and Alaina Sanders reconnect
Other Areas/Beach Thread - Having had much history from wrestling each other on the United States wrestling circuit, world-renowned pro wrestlers Katherine Hart and Alaina Sanders catch up with each other on the beach. After the pleasantries, a slam contest on the beach ensues and ultimately, Kat wins it!
WiP Bar Crawl
Other Areas/Bar Thread - Kat meets up with her old friends. The WiP stable shares some feel-good moments together as a group.
The SWAT Cats vs The Thundergirls
Match Thread - The SWAT Cats and The Thundergirls meet for the first time as the LAW Tag Division starts up. Competitive tension builds between these building blocks of the LAW tag wrestling

Result: Win via Pinfall
Sheer Hart Attack Piledriver (by Katherine on Alaina) -> tag to Tracy -> Top Rope Elbow Drop -> Pin
Kat/Karen Backstage faceoff
Backstage Thread - Soon after signing with LAW, Katherine has a run-in with career rival Karen Starring, who's been at odds with much of the top names on LAW, including Kat, herself!
The Imperial Russian Empire vs The SWAT Cats
Match Thread - When LAW's newest premiere heel tag team calls out the division, The SWAT Cats answer the challenge!

Result: Win via Pinfall
Sheer Hart Attack (Katherine to Natasha) -> Double Pin by Katherine and Tracy
Erin Quinn vs Katherine Hart - Best of 3 Falls
Match Thread - Erin and Kat look to test themselves against each other. Their friendly rivalry continues to build over the course of this best of 3 falls match!

Result: Win 2 Falls to 1
First Fall (Erin via Pinfall) - Northern Lights Suplex
Second Fall (Kat via Submission) - Romero Special/Dragon Sleeper Combo Hold
Third Fall (Kat via Submission) - Kat Special
WiP recruits Lauren Fredericks
Gym Thread - While training with her friend Tara Kwan in the gym, Lauren Fredericks bumps into them and introduces herself. The two get acquainted with her and invite Lauren to join WiP!
The SWAT Cats vs The Thundergirls II
Match Thread - The Thundergirls look to avenge their previous loss to The SWAT Cats in a heated back and forth. Tracy shows signs of growth as a wrestler and as a person by apologizing to the Amazon tag team.

Result: Loss via Pinfall
Amabomb(Alaina on Tracy) -> Pin
Learning about the Last Woman Standing Tourney
Backstage Thread - After a routine gym session with one of her closest friends in Erin Quinn, the two stumble upon an advert for the Last Woman Standing Tournament. Both women resolve to enter in the hopes of taking each other on!
Quarterfinals of The Last Woman Standing Tournament - Katherine Hart vs Susanna Kin
Match Thread - Round 1 saw The veteran Super Kitty taking on the formidable newcomer Susanna Kin. After a good back and forth, Kat manages to secure the win decisively

Result: Win via Knockout
Queen of Harts
Between Rounds - Last Woman Standing Interview
Other Areas/InterviewThread - Interviewer Elena Vandersteen reaches out to Kat and gets a chance to interview her on her feelings on her quarterfinal match, as well as The Super Kitty's feelings on her opponents in future rounds like Melody Serperior. Kat also announces her intention to become inaugural tag team champs with her partner Tracy.
Semifinals of the Last Woman Standing Tournament - Melody Serperior vs Katherine Hart
Match Thread - Kat faces the best friend of her old foe Navi Florges in a heated and emotional match!

Result: Win via Knockout
Steiner Screwdriver -> Romero Dragon/Sleeper Hold combo hold
Finals of the Last Woman Standing Tournament - Karen Starring vs Katherine Hart
Match Thread - Career rivals Kat and Karen get a chance to face each other to determine the winner of the first-ever LAW Last Woman Standing Tourney in their biggest singles match yet!

Result: Loss via TKO
Avalanche Endgame/Powerbomb from the Top Rope
Fallout from the Last Woman Standing Tourney
Promo Thread - After suffering a tough loss to Karen Starring, Kat calls her out to demand a rematch and a heated altercation ensues.
Alaina Sanders vs Katherine Hart - Steel Cage Match
Match Thread - Kat and Alaina continue to cement their status as career rivals when Alaina put in a request to challenge Kat to a steel cage match. Alaina looks to prove herself after Kat's impressive showings against The Thundergirls in their tag matches.

Result: Loss via Pinfall
Avalanche Amabuster from the Top Rope
Gato vs Katherine Hart - Mask vs Mask Match
Match Thread - Kat answers a challenge from enigmatic and eccentric wrestler Gato, a fellow cat-themed luchadora.But Gato demanded that they put their masks on the line!

Result: Win via Pinfall
Avalanche Brainbuster from the Top Rope -> Cover
Alaina Sanders vs Katherine Hart II - Oil/Submission Match
Match Thread - Kat looks to avenge her loss against Alaina. Now that Alaina was completely free of her ring rust from coming back to wrestling, The Super Kitty wanted to prove she can go toe to toe with the new and improved Amazon Alaina Sanders!

Result: Win via Submission
The Hart Dungeon
Road to We Are LAW 1
Promo Thread - After learning that she had been booked to take on LEA at the big PPV coming up, Kat shares her thoughts on it. She invites the woman of few words out to the ring to sign the contract for the match
Contract Signing at We Are LAW 1
PPVThread - Rival tag team Imperial Russian Empire demand a match between Natasha Rostovik and Katherine Hart at the next PPV. A contract signing at We Are LAW ensues to seal the deal. But foul play from the Russian tag team see them force The SWAT Cats into a corner to get her to agree to a match with special stipulations
Katherine Hart vs LEA at We Are LAW 1
PPV Thread - Kat and LEA square off in a physical contest, both looking for a PPV win!

Result: No Contest
Ref calls off the match after a run in by Navi Florges
Sparring with Friends
Other Areas/Sparring at Rena's House - Having learned of Rena and Tracy's match, Rena invites Tracy to her house to spar and Kat tags along. Eventually, Rena asks Kat to join in on the fun.
The Tag Division Rises Up
Promo Thread - Many teams begin to stake their claim to the upcoming LAW World Tag Titles, and The SWAT Cats intend to get in on it
Submission Supremacy
Promo Thread - Looking to get back on track after a chaotic PPV match at We Are LAW, and after narrowly losing the finals of the Last Woman Standing tourney Kat takes to the ring. The Super Kitty acknowledges her status as perhaps the best technical/submission wrestler on the roster and lays out an open challenge for a submission match! A challenge answered by none other than popular newcomer Ducky Williams!
Katherine Hart vs Ducky Williams - Submission Match
Match Thread - After having her open challenge to a submission match answered, Ducky and Kat square off to determine the top submission specialist at LAW really is! This match quickly becomes a one-sided affair!

Result: Win via Submission
Boston Crab/Headscissor Combo Hold
WiP Grows!
Other Areas - While hoping to find food and train more together, the WiP stable makes yet another friend and stablemate in Katherine's friend Ducky Williams!
The Smother War (ongoing story)
Other Areas/Various Places - A prank from Cerberus stable member Kate Conners pulls on Tracy in the LAW locker room results in Tracy retaliating ten-fold with a smother attack. Kate and the rest of Cerberus seek retribution via a series of jumpings that see Aurora get caught in the fray. She bands together with The SWAT Cats, becoming their third member to even the odds against the canine trio!
Tag Team Championship Gauntlet Match at We Are LAW 2
PPV Thread - The time had finally come to determine the inaugural LAW tag team champions! Having drawn the last seed in the tag gauntlet match, The SWAT Cats pick up the win. While they do celebrate the championship victory, the trio looks forward to proving themselves quintessential champions and cornerstones of the division.

Result: Win via Submission
K.C.M. on both Ducky and Black Swan at the same time
The Comeuppance of Karen Starring at We Are LAW 2
PPVThread - It's open season Karen Starring at We Are LAW 2. Her past grudges and beefs have caught up to her, and Katherine Hart made sure to get in on the opportunity
Mauna Loa vs Lauren Fredericks
Match Thread - During a heated rematch between Moa (Mauna Loa) and Katherine's friend Lauren, Moa enlists some outside help to run interference to try to secure the win. Kat runs in at the end of the match to even the odds and level the playing field, allowing Lauren to close out the match!
Gore Galore vs The Jaeger Sisters
Match Thread - The tag team of Moa and Dread make short work of the Jaeger Sisters and then call out Katherine Hart and Lauren, a call which Kat answers, setting up the eventual Kat vs Moa showdown
Katherine Hart vs Moa - Ironwoman Match
Match Thread - Kat and Moa finally face off! Kat faces her largest opponent yet in a battle of heavyweight vs titan in an Ironwoman Match!

Result: Win 2 Falls to 1
First Fall (Kat) - Sprinboard Canadian Destroyer -> Pin
Second Fall (Moa) - Krakatoa's Eruption (Running Power Slam) -> Pin
Third Fall -> Sheer Hart Attack Piledriver -> Pin
Natasha Rostovik vs Katherine Hart - LAW of The Jungle - Special Stipulations and tag partners at ringside
PPV Thread - Natasha and Valentina force Kat into a high profile PPV match where Kat can only win via pinfall and Natasha can only win via submission. Foul play from The Russian tag team ensues, and Katherine tries to weather the storm with an assist from her tag partner Tracy at ringside!

Result: Win via Pinfall
Countered Natasha's Putin Powerbomb finisher with a Hurricanrana into a Schoolgirl Pin with Natasha's arms trapped
The Kuretsky Crew Comes after Kat!
Backstage/Promo Thread - Moments after her big PPV match with Natasha, resident entitled princess Madeline Kuretsky looks to make a statement by jumping Kat with the help of her hired goons Dolce and Gabanna during a post-match interview!
Lara "Silver" Abreau vs Katherine Hart - Bedroom Match for the Silver's Bedroom Queen Championship
Match Thread - Friend and regular sparring partner Silver intends to make a big deal out of her unofficial bedroom queen championship. And to do so, she introduces it by putting it on the line against the LAW's famed Katherine Hart in a bedroom match with special rules (Strikes disallowed, victory by submission or knockout only. The match takes place on Silver's queen-sized bed)

Result: Loss via Knockout
Smother Hold -> Three Silver Press Splashes in a row -> Smother Hold
Calling out the Top Kat
Promo Thread - Struggling LAW star Golden Liger seeks to turn around a losing streak by seeking advice and a match with the one and only Super Kitty!
Golden Liger vs Katherine Hart
Match Thread - Golden Liger does her best to impress her senpai and turn her loss streak around, but she ultimately comes up short and leans on Kat for advice and guidance

Result: Win via Submission
Queen of Harts
Training in Progress
Gym Thread - The WiP stable is back at it again training! In order to try and bolster Lauren's confidence and give Ducky and Erin a chance to show off the fruits of their training, Kat teams up with Lauren in a tag team spar against Erin and Ducky. Ultimately Kat and Lauren lose when Lauren is isolated by the other ragtag pair.
I Am The LAW - Collection of Promos concerning the World Openweight Championship
Promo Thread - A collection of promos LAW has put together regarding many wrestlers' intent to go for the World Openweight Title when the time comes. Kat says her piece.
Another Interview Interrupted
Other Area/Lexy's Lexinomicon - Lexy Alan is entrusted with the task of presenting The SWAT Cats with their newly updated tag team belts. She does so in an interview during her show while hosting the champs! Sadly, the show is hijacked by one of Tracy's fiercest and most stubborn and competitive rivals: Camie Young!
Utterly Ruthless and Madley Resentful
Other Areas/LAW Parking Lot after hours - After becoming a champion, the interviews and commercial deals kept coming in. One day, after finishing up a late interview with the rest of the team, she is approached by LAW newcomer Picofalena, who poses as an interviewer after finding Kat alone in the parking lot. Kat learns the hard way that this girl has a passionate hatred for her and her beloved legacy and career, and a harsh beatdown ensues.
The SWAT Cats Tag Team Open Challenge Begins at Fight The LAW
PPV Thread - The SWAT Cats make it their mission to cement their reign and the tag team division by committing to open challenges and they lay one out at Fight The LAW! The cat luchadora trio quickly get much more than they bargained for, however, when multiple top tag teams answer the call and declare their intent to come after the titles!
The Second SWAT Cats Tag Team Open Challenge - We Are LAW 4
PPV Thread - Making good on their promise as champions, The SWAT Cats lay out an Open Challenge at We Are LAW 4. They are answered by the curious and capable pair of Toni and Mara Ashford, only for their mother Dana to run in while the champs are distracted! A very one-sided beatdown ensues! Despite suffering heavy losses and having Kat sidelines, the champs do not back down and commit to defending the titles against the Ashford Family trio in a 2 v 3 match on the PPV with the odds stacked heavily in the challenger's favor!
The SWAT Cats (c) vs The Ashford Family at We Are LAW 4
Match Thread - Mara Ashford, Toni Ashford, and their mother, the famed Dana Ashford steamrolled the champs and took Kat out before their title match. Now The SWAT Cats face dire odds against some of the coldest and most calculating women in the tag division! The Ashfords threaten to stop The SWAT Cat's reign before it ever really got started!

Result: Win via Submission, The SWAT Cats Retain
Hot Tag from Aurora to Kat -> Rolling Thunder Senton -> Forearm Blow to Mara to knock her off the apron -> Enziguri Kick to Dana to knock her off the apron -> Queen of Harts on Toni transitioned into the Ace of Harts
The Second SWAT Cats Tag Team Open Challenge
Promo Thread - As they continue trying to elevate the tag titles and the tag division as a whole, the Open Challenges continue, too! This time, The Dangerous Double Tatsumi sisters, DDT, step up and request a Ladder Match in the Yokohama Arena in their hometown!
Declaration of War: The SWAT Cats Rebuttal
Promo Thread - The stable Cyber Legacy has executed a string of violent and unprompted attacks on fans while calling out The SWAT Cats. The champs tend to Cyber Legacy's victims and respond.
Interview on Lexy's Lexinomicon with Alaina Sanders
Promo Thread - Kat joins her longtime friend and rival in the industry Alaina in an interview that sees the two discuss their desires to throw down with each other again and their desires to become the next LAW Heavyweight Champion by taking on Astrid Ostberg. Tensions rise when it becomes apparent that they'd need to get through each other in order to get a shot at Astrid.
Falling Out With Lexy Alan
Interview Thread - In an interview with Lexy and The SWAT Cats covering very many topics. Kat goes into great detail on her thoughts regarding her dynamics with Alaina Sanders and Astrid Ostberg, and her quest for the Heavyweight Championship.

The segment winds down with news of the We Are LAW 5 card reaching them all at the same time. News of Aurora and Katherine main eventing over Lexy's love interest Rose Gold drives a wedge between Lexy and The Cats, putting a half to the regular interviews they used to do together.
The SWAT Cats vs Sweet Lust
Match Thread - The fledgling team of Jenny and Rose set their sights high by having the Rodouko gym work with LAW to arrange a 3 v 2 non-title handicap match against the world-renowned tag team champions.

Result: Win via Submission
Belly to Belly Suplex into the corner(Kat to Rose) -> Tag to Aurora ->
Superkick/German Suplex Double Team (Kat and Aurora on Rose) -> Tag to Tracy -> KCM Finisher (Tracy and Aurora on Rose))
The Third SWAT Cats Tag Team Open Challenge
Promo Thread - After laying out their formal challenge at Fight The LAW, The SWAT Cats make good on their promise to lay out open challenges to the tag division over and over until they lose. This open challenge sees The Booty Princesses rise to the occasion for a shot at The World Tag Team Championships!

After some fun back and forth, The Princesses choose a match that fits their forte! They take on the champs in an elimination-style tag team smother match for the titles!
Raise The Stakes
Promo Thread - Recounting the events of The SWAT Cat's first title defense against The Ashfords, Kat looks to apologize for her comments about the family dynamic between the Ashfords.

What she gets instead is a standoff with Dana. Things escalate until the two agree to face off again one on one at LAW Apex!
The Fourth SWAT Cats Tag Team Open Challenge
Promo Thread - The Champions continue their Open Challenges as they seek to give every tag team that will step up the best tag match of their career! This time the premiere team of Alaina Sanders and Tina Armstrong step up and quickly state their business!
Kat Hart vs Karen Starring II
Match Thread - Kat takes on career rival Karen in a hotly anticipated rematch! These two throw everything at each other as they fight for what would be a pivotal, career-defining win for either of them!

Result: Win via Pinfall
Exchange of Strikes between both women -> Bearhug ->
Sheer Hart Attack Piledriver -> Avalanche Sheer Hart Attack Piledriver from the middle rope -> Pin
The Fifth SWAT Cats Tag Team Open Challenge
Promo Thread - This Open Challenge sees The Superstars answer The SWAT Cats for their crack at the tag titles! Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster demand a World Tag Title Match at Fight The LAW 2! And they do so remotely, all the way from Harmonia's yacht in this fun back-and-forth promo!
A Long Time Coming
Promo Thread - Tensions are high going into this interview segment with The SWAT Cats and The Pom Pom Punchers! The Punchers, particularly Amber Skye had been accusing The SWAT Cats of ducking them for quite some time! Now the time has come for the two teams to hash things out either with words or with fists!

AFW Match History/Character Timeline: 5/2/1 (Wins-Losses-Draws)
AFW Character Timeline
1) Shortly after arriving at AFW, Kat is quickly booked to fight her first match. Having been accustomed to wrestling in various promotions, she doesn't emphasize it being a debut match

Outcome: Win (via Pinfall after a Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex)

2) Kat's fan base catches on about her signing with AFW. As such, she attends an autograph signing at the beach. There, she is challenged by to a No DQ Public Humiliation Match by Keiko Muramoto

Outcome: Win (via verbal submission/humiliation)

3) Kat takes on her next challenge in the form of the stubborn and eccentric Zoey Hamilton

Outcome: Win; 2-0 Falls (First Fall via Pin after a Northern Lights Suplex, Second Fall via Pin after Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex)/b]

4) Kat ventures into a library and is challenged to an impromptu match by the librarian: an AFW wrestler who has yet to debut!

Outcome: Win (Pin after Belly to Belly Suplex)

5) After racking up some wins, Kat is booked against her most formidable foe yet: Rainbow Mika!

Outcome: Win (Pin fall via Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex)

6) An old friend and fellow Luchador join Kat at AFW, tagging with her to create the Tension Tag Team of: Heart and Passion!

7) Having built up a good reputation for herself as a formidable wrestler, Kat's Manager seems to have set her up against a fellow undefeated rising star in AFW: "The Wonder Babe", Selynda Star in a Last Woman Standing Match! The winner will break the loser's streak and have their way with them immediately after the match!

8) Kat finds herself booked in a match against a cocky rookie.

Outcome: Loss (Pin after Popup Powerbomb and referee's failure to call a rope break)

9) Furious with her loss to Navi due to a bad call, Kat confronts the woman backstage in the locker room and demands a rematch.

10) Due to the controversial outcome of her previous match, Katherine is asked for an in-ring interview. An interview that goes south when someone shows up uninvited.

Status: Completed

11) Katherine challenges the unwelcome guest to a submission match! She fights her second match of the night in an attempt to teach them a lesson.

12) While hanging out backstage, Kat runs into former Entropy Champion Alaina Sanders. The two become friends and agree to do a costume match for charity at a later date.

13) During a training session in the gym, Kat encounters a struggling Kawaii wrestler. She attempts to empower the young woman with some kind words and a day's worth of training sessions before formally teaching the kawaii her Bow and Arrow Finisher. Afterwards, the two grab dinner together

14) After a while, with the help of her manager, Mina, Kat discovers Navi's address. The wrestler and manager pay a visit to her in an attempt to hash out terms for a rematch.

15) Katherine and 2 other friction girls receive an invitation to meet in a gym on the outskirts of town. They get acclimated to each other and become fast friends. Together, they formed a small group that refer to themselves as Work in Progress (WiP).

16) The day has come for Kat to face Alaina Sanders in a Costume Match. Herself dressed as She Hulk and Alaina dressed as Wonderwoman!

Outcome: Draw (via double Countout)

17) After fighting Alaina to a draw and giving her a bit of a tongue lashing after the match for feeling down, Katherine meets the Amazon backstage for a near-immediate rematch! A Falls Count Anywhere match!

Outcome: Loss

18) Kat meets up with her WiP friends at a local bar to hangout, unwind, and have a fun time.

19) After pursuing Navi twice, now (once in her own home) Katherine finally got the woman to agree to a rematch! The two seek to end their feud by doing whatever it takes to win in an I quit match, with Navi's friend Melody and Katherine's manager/friend Mina at ringside.

Outcome: Despite knocking Navi out, and nearly forcing a referee stoppage, the owner and general manager of AFW made an appearance specifically to screw Katherine by ruling it as a draw. Upon confronting AFW management about this incident behind the scenes, The Super Kitty was released.

Last edited by winner3 on Sat Apr 08, 2023 10:49 pm, edited 33 times in total.
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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