Rules: The first wrestler to be left in her underwear will be disqualified. The Rope break is valid, but it inhibits if the defender is pulled into a hentai move e and the ropes are part of the manoeuvre. The match must be continued inside the ring; the referee may make a count to encourage them to go up. Losing clothes under the ring does not count, so they may put them back on if they lose them outside the ring (and if they are still within reach). Objects and toys are allowed for the sake of sensuality and libido.
Victory via: First to leave her opponent in her underwear wins!!!
She would still have time in her dressing room to put on the finishing touches and define herself as ready to give her first semi-hentai match in law. What would those missing details be? Ponytails and some eyeliner because Sonata was going to have to step into the ring as she entered the federation today.
The young wrestler was so used to stepping into the ring in more fun, cosplayer-esque wrestling attire that she would find it very strange to have to step into the ring dressed as she normally would. It was as if her personal life and wrestling were being mixed up for one night, and that made her a little uncomfortable.
Of course, it wasn't the norm to go out to the ring in the same clothes she had entered backstage in, but it was her penance for having forgotten the extra change of clothes in her flat. Now Sonny would have to wrestle with what she had been wearing for several hours: a T-shirt rather loose in the chest and narrow at the waist with short sleeves; personalised by a dark stripe running from one shoulder to the other. Elbow-length, rather loose-fitting mittens sleeves. A plain skirt of fabric as light as her T-shirt. And some very discreet touches to her hair more her thick dark choker.
Which sucked because she had something better planned for this flirtatious match...
Sonata's attire
She hadn't done much more than play on her mobile phone, warm up, throw a few kicks in the air and try on some mundane outfits she found on the dresser, but nothing convinced her; nothing looked more interesting than what she already had on, anti-climatically; she wasn't going to tell Alice about this either for fear of being scolded, again, and she couldn't ask Vin for succor because the copperhead was busy on the other side of the world. Hopefully, no one would question this foulness and find it acceptable considering her clothes wouldn't last more than ten minutes on her. That part made her blush with embarrassment.
"Ouh...Erm...I'm coming!" she replied when the knock finally came at the door. The young ash doe raked her hair a little and inspected herself one last time in the mirror before hopping out of the dressing room.
When the announcer made their call and introduced her as a member of the pub&club faction, the ash bunny walked through the entrance to the upper ramp quite energetic and shaking her arms, jumping in place and with her cheeks puffed out from the fun she wanted to come and deliver.
"YOOOYYYY...JAPAN!!!" She greeted in a loud shout to join in the cheers. Energetic and willing. She began to shake any hands she could find on either side of the ramp; trotting like a cheerleader as she made her way to the ring to enter it, diving underneath the bottom rope. She wouldn't be too slow from there to climb up to her corner, what she thinks is her corner, and keep shaking her hands above her head.
She could keep it up until she heard the entrance of her playmate, of whom she only knew the name. Collei.