Bill "The Crusher" Vs Jason "The Jobber" - First To Three Falls.

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Bill "The Crusher" Vs Jason "The Jobber" - First To Three Falls.

Unread post by WrestleGuy »

Jason stretched nervously backstage while waiting for the ring announcer to call his name. The cheers and Jeers of the packed arena gave him butterflies. He was used to small town wrestling; a ring shabbily set up in a bar with about two dozen fans... This was the big leagues. Suddenly the speakers crackled: "Jasonnnn The Jobberrr!!!" The young man gritted his teeth, one day he might just earn himself a new name...

Jason confidently strutted into the spotlight, his oiled-up muscles glistened brightly, showing off impressive physique... He felt pretty cocky for a second... "Maybe I could win... If I'm fast I could wear him down..." Or maybe Bill turn the flexible jobber into a pretzel!? Jason shuddered. He soon found himself at ringside. Though instead of getting into the ring he waited anxiously outside.

He wanted to get face to face with his opponent as soon as possible! Maybe Bill was just a big softie... Jason would simply shake hands with the giant and stay on his good side...
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On LAW I like to focus on MVM and MVF wrestling. I'll also write my own standalone stories at times. Feel free to hit me up if you've ever got an Idea for me. (Discord is WrestleGuy#7894)

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Re: Bill "The Crusher" Vs Jason "The Jobber" - First To Three Falls.

Unread post by Lycanstar »

You couldn't see it~ But Bill rolled his eyes behind his mask. "The Jobber"? Really? Obviously LAW was just filling time for him with a match like this, and a first to 3 falls match would almost seem cruel given what Bill was capable of. But if they wanted him to have some fun; then so be it. Its not like he would complain about having a fresh plaything~ His last one was pretty feisty.

Bill emerged through the curtain to a erupting crowd- His massive stature towered over the rampway as he stood to observe the arena. The thickness of his muscles glistened from the lighting; Every thick curve on him was pronounced as he breathed in and out heavily causing his whole chest to sway. He wore only 2 articles of clothing; a flesh coloured set of revealing wrestling trunks and a black mask with a skull pattern on the front. And it seems his opponent had opted for similar attire.

Slowly he stomped his way down the ramp to ringside; each step of his bare feet bringing him closer and closer until he was face to face with his opponent at the side of the ring. Bill did not say a single word. He simply looked down at the shorter figure with a empty stare; studying his body for what was to come. He looked more than primed for what Bill had in store; and judging by his package it looked like the smaller man was equally looking forward to it.

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Re: Bill "The Crusher" Vs Jason "The Jobber" - First To Three Falls.

Unread post by WrestleGuy »

Jason craned his neck to look back into the giants' eyes. Big Bills empty stare made the Jobber audibly gulp. Yet he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist... "I've faced big meatheads like this before! My chances are low but NOT ZERO!"

Irritated that he wasn't being taken seriously Jason would try testing his Hunky opponent's patience. With a mean scowl, he would march up to the Giant and poke him in the chest repeatedly. "Haha! You can't touch me! The bell hasn't rung yettt!" Though technically true, in this arena the rules were VERY flexible...
I have a Fanbox where I post FVF wrestling Manga. Access is very cheap and there's a lot of pretty fun content 😉

On LAW I like to focus on MVM and MVF wrestling. I'll also write my own standalone stories at times. Feel free to hit me up if you've ever got an Idea for me. (Discord is WrestleGuy#7894)

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Re: Bill "The Crusher" Vs Jason "The Jobber" - First To Three Falls.

Unread post by Lycanstar »

As Bill stared down at Jason he already could read this rookie like a book. His cocky demeanour was merely a facade to hide his fear and inexperience; The way he presented himself even showed very little regard for his own dignity as he was dressed just to be putty in the hands of somebody like Bill. As he poked Bill's chest, the big man gave 0 reaction. His meaningless words and taunts only existed to delusionally hype himself up into thinking there would be a single chance this match could go in his favour. Unfortunately for him Bill had pure facts on his side. And the fact was he was going to destroy this Jobber.

"Get in the fucking ring before I throw you in myself."

Bill made no motion with that statement. His empty gaze simply stared into Jason's unsure eyes as he kept steadily breathing; his mind racing with the possibilities of what he would like to do to this pathetic Jobber as his manhood already started to begin hardening slowly. If he did not get in the ring shortly; Bill would have to get started with his fun on the outside of the ring.

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Re: Bill "The Crusher" Vs Jason "The Jobber" - First To Three Falls.

Unread post by WrestleGuy »

Jason knew, Just knew, that this was a huge mistake... But having already set out to look brave in front of the crowd he couldn't back down now! He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. "Of course Big Guy... Here I go..."

Jason would turn towards the ring, take a few steps... Before suddenly turning about and try sucker punching Big Bill. Was today his lucky day or would his little trick only earn the giants wrath!?
I have a Fanbox where I post FVF wrestling Manga. Access is very cheap and there's a lot of pretty fun content 😉

On LAW I like to focus on MVM and MVF wrestling. I'll also write my own standalone stories at times. Feel free to hit me up if you've ever got an Idea for me. (Discord is WrestleGuy#7894)

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