Karbon's day at the arcade! (Karbon and Gil - The saga continues)

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Karbon's day at the arcade! (Karbon and Gil - The saga continues)

Unread post by Mkmd13 »

Whenever Karbon isn't wrestling, there is only one other thing you can find him doing, and that's playing video games! At his apartment, Karbon has shelves all across his walls, filled with video games from all different types of eras. Ranging from the retro days of the NES all the way to the modern titles on the PS5. One night, when the knight was coming home from one of his matches, he passed by the arcade on the corner and saw a new poster out in the window that caught his eye. The poster read, "NEW! STATE OF THE ART VIRTUAL REALITY FIGHTING GAME! FIRST TIME USERS CAN CREATE THEIR AVATAR AND PLACE A MATCH FOR FREE!" Virtual reality games always piqued his interest, but one that was a fighting game? Now THIS is something he really needed to come check out!

Since Karbon had the day off tomorrow, he decided that he was going to make checking out the arcade his first priority. He was able to get a great nights sleep and, when he woke up, took a shower, brushed his teeth, threw on some street clothes, and headed right for the arcade! Luckily, Karbon had a weekday off and the arcade wasn't crowded at all. The line for the new VR game was relatively short and was able to get in while only waiting 5 minutes. This VR was unlike anything he's ever seen before! This wasn't your typical putting on a helmet and gloves, no, it was individual VR rooms! There were 6 rooms in total so a total of three fights can go on at the same time. The room that opened up for him was room 3 so his opponent will be entering room 4. The thing is though, you don't know who your opponent is going to be since the other 3 VR machines are on the opposite end.

Once inside, a tutorial would pop up explaining how the fighting works and helped him get started on creating his avatar. Karbon, since he was an actual knight before, decided to make his avatar modeled after that. Complete with armor and his broadsword that he used to use back in the day, "Yeah... This will do nicely! With my kind of experience, I feel really bad for my opponent today." He said to himself with a confident grin. Little did he know though, that his opponent today is going to be somebody very familiar to him.

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Re: Karbon's day at the arcade! (Karbon and Gil - The saga continues)

Unread post by Arista »

Gil found herself always into something, whether it was in the ring, and the gym, or doing something for L.A.W Magazine, she was always trying something new, and today, she was doing an interview with a big face of the company, it was sure to be exciting, but something caught her eye on her walk there...

"...An arcade...?" Gil wasn't much an avid player of video games, she played Animal Crossing all the time, but beyond that, there was little else she played, she much preferred to put all her eggs into one basket, but a sign for a new VR game caught her eye! She had never gotten the chance to try it out before, and this gave her a the perfect chance to do so...! "...Well, I'm sure it won't take too long, plus, I'm going to be way early anyway..." Gil said to herself, stepping into the arcade!

It was fancy, high-profile stuff! This must have been where all the pros went... "...There you are...!" Gil practically walked right into this new VR game! There was no head-set or anything of the sorts, this was a step-up from what she was aware of...!

Gil followed the tutorial, barely paying much attention to it before creating her own avatar! Modeled after herself, she was a witch! Capable of wielding all elements and using them in battle! She spawned in, still with a very loose understanding of things...

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Re: Karbon's day at the arcade! (Karbon and Gil - The saga continues)

Unread post by Mkmd13 »

With everything all set and the tutorial out of the way, Karbon was ready to face his first opponent! The knight was gitty with excitement as he watched all the peripherals started to appear all around him. First, his heath bar would show up, then his special meter, round counters, the fighting arena, and all the other bells and whistles, "This is insane! Technology these days is seriously amazing!" Karbon marveled at the sight, before looking down at himself and seeing that he was back in his full fledged knight outfit, "Oh yeah... This is what I'm talking about!"

The last thing to appear was his opponent and that, right there, is what turned his huge grin to a face of shock and confusion, "N-no way... Why the hell are you here!?!?" Even though Gil was in a different costume, there was no denying that it was her. He seriously just couldn't believe it. Out of all the places in the world, this was the very last place that he thought he would see her, "I can't believe this... My first opponent is going to be you of all people." The knight let out a pained sigh.

But then, it suddenly dawned on him. If he wasn't able to get one over on her in real life, maybe things would be much different in the virtual world! His frustration suddenly turned to glee as his thoughts began to wander to a vision of him getting the win over her, "Wait, you know what? I'm actually glad that you are here! This is the perfect opportunity for me to get my revenge!"

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Re: Karbon's day at the arcade! (Karbon and Gil - The saga continues)

Unread post by Arista »

Gil appeared second, right before Karbon's eyes! She did a little twirl, looking down at herself and her outfit, outside the ring, she was mostly pretty modest, but inside the ring, and even in the game world, she was anything but, her outfit was barely enough to cover her, one small breeze or movement would expose her!

Her eyes shot up, looking to a familiar voice, and a rather angry one at that...! "...Oh, hey, Karbon! It's nice to see you again, what are you doing here?" Gil tilted her head, as if it wasn't more odd that she was here!

Gil listened to Karbon ramble on, at first upset to have to take on Gil, then, seeing it as a chance to do what he wanted to in the ring, and in Gil's apartment that night; take his revenge, and humiliate Gil for once...!

"...Revenge? But..." Gil didn't bother, maybe he was just roleplaying, getting into the character...! "...O-oh, right! Yes, do your worst...!" Gil got herself ready into battle position, suddenly, twin flames shot up from her hands, begging to be shot out...!

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Re: Karbon's day at the arcade! (Karbon and Gil - The saga continues)

Unread post by Mkmd13 »

The adrenaline was flowing back into Karbon now that he forced his mind to see this as a chance at revenge against Gil. Maybe it was fate that brought them together once again and he won't let this chance slip by! It sounded like Gil understood as she asked him to do his worst and to his reply, "Oh, I'm going to do more than just my worst..." His smile got wider and a creepy laugh would emanate, "I'm going to send you to hell!"

With those words, Karbon lifted up his sword and slammed the tip of it into the ground. As soon as it hit, blue flames engulfed the bladed end and then the knight pointed it right at Gil, "Come, and taste my blade!" Karbon commanded, but it looks like Gil has an idea of her own going on. He noticed her get into a battle position and then twin flames shot up from both her hands! "Oho! Looks like someone knows how to play with fire too."

Karbon lowered his head a bit and smirk, "That's okay, let's see if you can handle MY flames!" With that, the knight raised his broadsword high into the air and then slashed the air in front of him as hard as he could. The blue flames encapsulating his sword would then shoot off in a straight line, heading right for Gil!

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Re: Karbon's day at the arcade! (Karbon and Gil - The saga continues)

Unread post by Arista »

Karbon was getting really into this, he must have done this some on the side... "...Oh, so you're playing the villian- Wait, sorry, no more immersion breaking...!" Gil swiped her hand over her face, focusing in, looks like she'd be the good girl witch...!

"...I sure do, and you know what they say, you play with fire, you're bound to get burned...!" Gil teased, watching on as Karbon sent a slash her way, blue flames soared toward her at a highspeed...! "...Wa!~" She whined out, putting her hand in-front of her, but she was sent back stumbling! She absorbed some of the damage, but was dealt a great blow to her health as well, about 1/6 of it from getting hit straight on with such a heavy blow...!

"...Sheesh, looks like you aren't holding back, huh?" Gil smirked, the flames she held growing larger, she then slung them, one after another like a pitcher throwing a fastball, she intended to pelt Karbon with them as much as she can and give him little to no breathing room...!

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Re: Karbon's day at the arcade! (Karbon and Gil - The saga continues)

Unread post by Mkmd13 »

Gil let out a lame joke to him in which he just had to roll his eyes at, "Really? Playing with fire and getting burned? Everyone has heard that line before..." He said inside of his head as he released the blazing hot slash right at her. By the looks of things, this should have been easy to dodge with the amount of space between them, but Gil was hit with it dead on! Luckily for her though, she was able to get her hands up in front of her to lessen the impact.

"Of course not! This is my chance to prove to you that I'm the best!" Karbon looked up at their life bars to see how much damage he inflicted to her and was pleased by the result, "Look at that... Someone didn't put many points into defense or health huh?" He smirked at her. But, it appears that she wasn't deterred just yet. The flames in her hands grew larger until she began to sling them all towards him!

The thing was though, that space was still the same distance as it was before and gave Karbon ample time to dodge each one. Then, the knight started to make his way closer and closer to her while deflecting the fireballs now with his blade until he was in about sweeping distance. At that point, he deflected the last fireball away before spinning around and slicing her right across the chest with a blistering horizontal slash!

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Re: Karbon's day at the arcade! (Karbon and Gil - The saga continues)

Unread post by Arista »

After taking a nasty hit, Gil figured her best defense would be offense...! Don't Let Karbon get a hit off, give him so little time that she could just pelt him with fireballs...! That plan worked out in her head, but putting it into play, she quickly found out that it didn't work...

Karbon had no trouble dodging her projectiles, quickly closing the distance between them and hitting her right back with an unguarded slash to the chest, sending her flying back, landing on her butt...!

"...Ah- Oof...!" She hit the ground hard, her gaze turned up, not wanting to leave Karbon unaccounted for...! "...Y-YOU COULD DO THAT? I THOUGHT HEALTH WAS THE SAME FOR EVERYONE!" Gil sounded panicked, in all honestly, she spent most of her time making sure her avatar was athletically pleasing...

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Re: Karbon's day at the arcade! (Karbon and Gil - The saga continues)

Unread post by Mkmd13 »

"Of course you can do that. Didn't you watch the tutorial?" Karbon sighed and put his free hand up to his forehead, "It would be a pretty dull game if everyone had all the same stats you know?" The knight then glanced up at their health bars to assess the situation. Right now, he was at 100% while Gil was down to 60%. If things kept on going this way, it's going to be an easy victory for him! But, that wasn't all he noticed... Right underneath their health bars was the special gauge and Karbon already had a bar filled up.

The knight looked down at Gil with sharp eyes and then laughed evilly, "Well, would you look at that." He said while now pointing up towards the special meter, "Seems like someone is about to get a front row seat to my special move!" He then cocked a smile while making the gesture to activate it. A box then appeared above them that read the name of his special move, "Cyclonic Inferno"

Placing the tip of his blade down on the ground, Karbon would then spin it around his body. As the tip of the blade cut along the ground, fierce sparks would fly until a blazing flame would encircle around him. After he completed the 360 degree motion, the knight would then raise his blade upwards to hit Gil off of the ground and into the air. He then chased after her as the circle of flames erupted upwards into a flaming tornado! Gil started to take damage from the intense heat of the flames before the knight would unleash a combo of slices onto her body before hitting her with one final blow back down to the ground, squashing the flames, and Gil, all in one go! Gil was now in a critical state when it came to her health bar.

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Re: Karbon's day at the arcade! (Karbon and Gil - The saga continues)

Unread post by Arista »

"I-I mean I did but..." Gil blushed slightly, she didn't really pay that much attention to it, she was more so intrigued by the character customization than anything else, but that didn't mean she didn't know how to play...! It just meant she wasn't the best at playing it, not yet anyway...

"...Huh?" Gil couldn't see what Karbon saw, but what she did see was him executing what looked like a rather heavy-hitting move! She could hardly stand, the game must have made her movements more labored, it took more real life strength to push forward now! Before she could even get out of dodge, she was hit, caught in a whirlwind of flames and slashes...!

She was shot into the air, caught up in the flurry that was Karbon's special move! She took chunk after chunk of damage, her clothes began to tear and tatter, but the time she hit the ground again and the flames had gone away, her health was all the way down to 15%...!

"...Sheesh..." Gil whined, looking down to see her skirt in tatters, many cuts and pieces of missing fabric on her top, the buttons that held her top together were now gone, leaving her chest barely covered as well as holes scattered across her thigh-highs...!

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