Golden Sun: Darina Daybreak [D] vs. Bianca Jean Miller

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Golden Sun: Darina Daybreak [D] vs. Bianca Jean Miller

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Standard Match
Victory by pinfall, submission, or count-out. Standard disqualification rules apply.

The report of a vacuum, like hot air after ignition, swept through the lower bowl! Slowly but surely, a sliver of gold rose up the entrance, tempoed by a rhythmic clicking. With each tick, both light and sound sped their ascent. A silhouette came into view: Arms up, hooded, and standing tall!

Then the clicking broke into bouncing synths! As the verse began, the golden backlight dropped, and Darina Daybreak came into view!
Darina Daybreak
She flipped her hood down and swaggered down the entrance ramp. The LAW faithful roared as the much-anticipated debutante made her way to the ring. Darina pointed at a few lucky fans here, dapped a couple up there, and even blessed one with a few thumps of her chestplate. She slipped into the ring, cupping her ears and beckoning the crowd for more. Along with her debut promo, this was a hell of a first impression.

And they hadn't even seen anything yet. Once Darina's debut opponent made it out here? The real show was gonna begin.

"You ready, LAW? The stars are gonna shine tonight, baby!"

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Re: Golden Sun: Darina Daybreak [D] vs. Bianca Jean Miller

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After Darina made her entrance, the lights dimmed as her opponent for the night made her entrance. As Jean stepped out onto the entrance ramp, the crowd let out appreciative cheers, loving how the powerfully built blonde showed up for her fights in the skimpiest and most exposing bikinis. Jean struck a few poses, flexing her muscles and showing off her body, which shone under the ring lights. The cameras zoomed in, putting her abs, her back, her thighs, her boobs, and her ass on clear display over the titantron screens while the crowd went wild.
After posing for a few moments, Jean made the rest of her way down the ramp, waving to the crowd the entire time as she did so. She climbed into the ring, stepping between the top and middle ropes, then went into her corner to quickly warm up a bit. Since this was a regular match, Jean felt a bit more confident, as she didn't have to worry much about getting lewded like in her past few matches. It was time for her to really show her strengths by crushing her opponent's with power and skill!

After taking a few deep breaths, she turned around to face her opponent, stepping to the center of the ring with her head held high, holding out her hand to offer Darina her greetings and a fair handshake

"Let's have a good match!" she said with a confident smile on her face.

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Re: Golden Sun: Darina Daybreak [D] vs. Bianca Jean Miller

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Darina's opponent came out onto the entrance ramp, and goddamn was this place different. Jean came out wearing... well, almost nothing at all, and she owned it. The girl walked up, flexed and stretched, showed off every inch of herself... and she did it all with the range and precision of motion that suggested she knew how to use that body of hers.

The Starmaker limbered up, hopping lightly on the balls of her feet while shaking out her arms. When Jean entered the ring and offered her hand, Darina took it with a smile and laugh.

"Damn. They really let you wear that?" After the handshake, she stepped back. "I might have to get like you for one of these matches. Let's make it a fun one."

Then the bell rung, and the match was on!

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Re: Golden Sun: Darina Daybreak [D] vs. Bianca Jean Miller

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Jean blushed slightly at Darina's comment. While she wasn't adverse to showing her incredible body off (she did have to pose in similar outfits for bodybuilding competitions after all), the nature of wrestling at LAW did make her feel more embarrassed about it. She wasn't about to let it get to her though, not when she needed to focus on fighting and defeating this opponent!

"I'm sure you'll look great in it!" Jean replied, noting how her opponent had a firm grip and a tightly muscled body as well. After that friendly handshake, Jean took a few steps back, settling into her fighting stance as she got ready for the match!


And with that the match was on! Jean moved forward with her arms raised, offering a grappling challenge to Darina. She wanted to see just how strong her opponent was, extending her hands and offering her a test of strength to get things started!

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Re: Golden Sun: Darina Daybreak [D] vs. Bianca Jean Miller

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The bell rang, and all of a sudden, they were off. Darina Daybreak's second act had begun. The Daybreaker clapped her gloves together and squared up. Darina bounced from foot to foot, all but hopping towards Jean. Instinctively, she prepared herself to close in and strike. Check a few kicks, maybe trade on her feet a little before closing in for that killshot. But Jean wasn't doing the same. Instead, she was sidling up to her, arms raised and hands open.

Right. She'd heard wrestlers did the whole "test of strength" thing. It wouldn't be hard to surprise her and use this opening to smack her down, but something told her that wouldn't be the best first impression. Maybe next time. Besides, it was good to learn what Darina would be working with here in LAW.

Darina took the test of strength up with a grin, but she wouldn't make it easy on Jean. No, she pushed and pushed as hard as she can, MMA-trained muscles flexing as she attempted to push Jean back!

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Re: Golden Sun: Darina Daybreak [D] vs. Bianca Jean Miller

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Jean could tell Darina was taken aback a little by the test of strength, which made sense since it wasn't a practical.way to start a fight. But wrestling wasn't all about fighting, it was about putting on a good show, or so her sister would say. She was glad though that Darina got the message, moving in and locking hands with her. Jean gave the fighter an appreciative smile as she flexed her muscles and began to push, confident that she would be able to overwhelm Darina with her superior power.

"Hrrrngh!" Jean grunted. She could feel Darina straining, her opponent had powerful muscles as well that rippled across her body as she struggled. But Jean knew she was stronger. She was bigger after all, and she had trained her strength for years at this point to build up her incredible physique. She let Darina ramp up her strength to the maximum she could, matching her pound for pound, until she felt Darina reach her limit.

"Not bad!" Jean said through gritted teeth, "But not enough!" With that, she would flex hard, going all out for just a moment to overwhelm Darina, hoping to drive her opponent all the way back into the ropes!

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Re: Golden Sun: Darina Daybreak [D] vs. Bianca Jean Miller

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As she ramped up in this test of strength, Darina quickly realized: She'd never fought anyone as physically strong as Jean. Every damn bit of her, from her grip up high to her stance down low, was downright immovable. It took everything Darina had just to stop herself from skidding all the way out of the ring! And the worst part? Jean wasn't even close to at her max.

Then the pump came. It was like Jean had just gotten done doing her warmup sets, and now she was ready to power through the rest -- the rest being Darina Daybreak! Darina's eyes widened as she started to lose ground, slipping and sliding backwards across the canvas. "Guuhhh...!" She groaned through her teeth.

There weren't many options here. Jean's grip was too tight to slip out, and there was no way Darina would be able to turn this around and beat Jean straight up. That left one choice. Thankfully, it was the one she'd come into the ring most ready to use. She didn't need to find another gear and stay in it. All she needed was one last burst of power, just enough to pull a rabbit out of a hat!

"RRRAAH!" Darina summoned all the strength she could and lunged forward, pressing her arms as hard as possible just to stop Jean's onslaught! Then, with her foot planted firmly on the mat, she raised her other leg, firing a trained Muay Thai knee right into Jean's core!

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