Black and White Feathers vs. Evergrowing Time: The Fabled Ravens [D] vs. The Steampunk Revolution [D]

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Black and White Feathers vs. Evergrowing Time: The Fabled Ravens [D] vs. The Steampunk Revolution [D]

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Theme Song
The light started to dim as the crowd turned around hearing the beginning beats pop off. Two mechanical contraptions started appearing on the stage shined by bright lights as Sarabeth appeared from behind the curtain donning her ring attire, a black trench coat, and bronze goggles. She went over to both machines and grabbed their big levers pulling them down as the machines whirred to life and pointed up above her to a big clock house that descended from the rafters on tight wires. The clock hands went crazy and time was going by so fast that the audience couldn’t tell when it would stop. The hands would soon stop on midnight as a gong sounded and a yellow cuckoo bird popped out shouting “CUCKOO! CUCKOO! CUCKOO!” Gold pyro appeared from the top of the titantron raining down on Sarabeth before she snapped her fingers and they ceased instantly.

Jessie would come out next holding her staff and tipping her hat to the audience as well as to her best friend/tag team partner. They started down the ramp getting cheers from the crowd for their spectacular display.

This contest is a tag team match set for one-fall! Introducing first, making their LAW debut, representing the Young Lioness Program, the team of “The Cuckoo Clock” Sarabeth Chummers and “The Steampunk Princess” Jessie Alexander, The Steampunk Revolution!

Jessie came down slapping fives with fans reaching out to her and shook hands with her left glove. Sarabeth got crazy hyping the crowd up as she took off her goggles in order to take pictures with the fans before she made it ringside. Jessie set her cane near the steel steps and took off her hat brushing her blonde ponytail behind her. Sarabeth stomped up the steps and got inside the ring climbing the nearest corner raising her fists as gold pyro shot out of the turnbuckles. She took off her coat dropping it outside as Jessie rolls in waving to the fans as Sarabeth clapped her back excited to be teaming with her friend for the first time ever in Japan.
Jessie Alexander
Sarabeth Chummers
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Re: Black and White Feathers vs. Evergrowing Time: The Fabled Ravens [D] vs. The Steampunk Revolution [D]

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Tonight was the night. Their debut. Years of training, fighting, blood, sweat and tears, all leading up to a massive stage. One that would put their mettle to test, make or break as they sa- "YO MAR YOU STILL BROODIN?!" Blonde haired Marne's blue eyes shot open, her focus immediately broken as her loud and obnoxious friend Hilde suddenly yelled to get her attention, or as the dark haired girl would say, end her brooding. "Grr Hilde! I was getting myself ready! This is a big night after all!" She snapped back at her friend only for Hilde to give a sardonic smirk and sarcastically place an arm over Marne's shoulder. "Mar, Mar, Mar, you're bein a worry wart. Trust me, we got this, 'sides this is a new tag team, we can totally kick their asses, make a good impression, and eventually start racking up wins, then KICK THOSE GOD DAMN WINGS OF WRESTLING GIRLS ASSES!" Hilde said, forgetting her motivational speech halfway through in favor of ranting once more about the people both girls were eager to beat.

Marne meanwhile just sighed and dragged her face in embarrassment for her best friend. Looking at the time she would shake her head before grabbing Hilde by the collar and dragging her with her. "Yeah yeah, lets focus on one team at a time, new or not." She said bringing things back to earth as Hilde began walking normally again and the two made it to the guerilla position. As they did so both Marne and Hilde would put on long feather cloaks with hoods up. Nodding to each other once more the music would soon start up, signalling their que to go out.
Marching out onto the entrance to the slow, dramatic beats of the viking anthem they had picked Hilde and Marne would make an in sync flourish of their feathery cloaks, waiting for just the right moment of the song, when the sounds would swell... Before suddenly throwing their cloaks off, revealing their white and black ring gear and face paint to the crowd, earning a fair amount of applause for the dramatic flair and unique looks, especially as Marne and Hilde both struck a matching pose with their arms up flexing at an angle, sowing everyone they meant business!
"Making their LAW debut, from Stavanger Norway, Hilde Havik, and Marne Ostberg, The Fabledddddddd Ravensssssss!"

As their name was officially called, Marne's surname in particular getting them a lot of attention, the two would break out into a run, leaping onto the apron and turning to look out at the crowd proudly before leaping into the ring to turn their attention to their opponents for the first time. Marne for her part gave a respectful nod, Hilde meanwhile gave a teasing punch motion before heading to their corner, Hilde exiting the ring so that Marne can be left to start the match off for them once the bell rang.

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Re: Black and White Feathers vs. Evergrowing Time: The Fabled Ravens [D] vs. The Steampunk Revolution [D]

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Sarabeth smirked at the Ravens making their own entrance and had to admit that it was pretty cool seeing wrestlers adopting looks from the medieval times. Ancient History was her personal favorite elective in high school back home. However, when Ostberg was named, Jessie gasped a little bit and her partner noticed this falling into her side to see what was up.

You okay, Jessie?” Sarabeth asked.

Ostberg….I think I heard that name in one of my documentaries. About the territories. They are an esteemed wrestling family. We’re facing a third-generation superstar here, Beth,” Jessie replied.

What a chance to put our names on the map then. I think the heavyweight champion of this company has that last name. Alania told me about her,” Sarabeth explained.

When the Ravens came into the ring, Marne would nod friendly and Hilde would make a punching motion as Sarabeth ran right into the middle to meet Marne. Jessie figured her best friend wanted first dibs so she slipped onto the apron and grabbed the white tag rope waiting for the opening bell.

Never thought our first opponents came from a wrestling family, but I dig it. Nice to meet ya!” Sarabeth greeted Marne as she stuck out her left hand for a friendly handshake to show sportsmanship and good faith.
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Re: Black and White Feathers vs. Evergrowing Time: The Fabled Ravens [D] vs. The Steampunk Revolution [D]

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With Hilde on the outside apron and Marne inside the two watched their opponents who seemed to be whispering frantically. "What do you think they're talking about?" Marne whispered to which Hilde just chuckled. "Probably yer last name makin em freak." Hilde responded to which Marne would roll her eyes.. but she couldn't outright deny the plausibility of it.

Instead she would shake her head and walk forward while the Steam punk girls sent their member in. Sarabeth if Marne remembered correctly. Meeting the girl in the center of the ring Marne internally winced at what Sara said. Not cause she brought up her relationship with Astrid, but more so just cause it meant that Hilde was right.

Regardless Marne would smile respectfully before extending her hand out to grap Hilde's hand and shake it firmly. "Same to you. I look forward to showing you how different I am from my cousin though." Marne responded with a small smile before releasing her opponent's hand and stepping back, getting ready for the bell to ring.

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Re: Black and White Feathers vs. Evergrowing Time: The Fabled Ravens [D] vs. The Steampunk Revolution [D]

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Sarabeth rolled her shoulders circling Marne and hoped to disturb her concentration zig-zagging across the ring to keep her opponent guessing. The name Ostberg may be renowned in the wrestling world, but legacies can die in an instant and while Sarabeth didn’t want to tarnish the name, getting the win over a third-generation wrestler would give her and Jessie massive press for their debut match. Sarabeth would try to go under Marne’s legs and get on her back going for a Handspring Dropkick into the blonde’s back to move her forward. If that worked, Sarabeth rolled back to her feet running to go for a Slingblade maneuver to draw first blood in this tag match!
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Re: Black and White Feathers vs. Evergrowing Time: The Fabled Ravens [D] vs. The Steampunk Revolution [D]

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The bell would ring, getting things off to a fast paced start as Marne's opponent would start zooming towards the blonde! 'She's fast!' Marne thought to herself, moving too late to try and kick her opponent as the girl got too close and slid under her legs to end up behind her, popping to her feet and kicking marne in the back!

"Gah! Grrrr..." Yelling in pain Marne would soon grit her teeth in determination. While Sarabeth was fast, Marne was tough, and strong, especially compared to your average lightweight. So after taking a few steps forward from the kick and hearing her opponent coming from behind Marne would turn and show off her power as she swung her arm up for a European uppercut aimed to knock Sarabeth out of the air!

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Re: Black and White Feathers vs. Evergrowing Time: The Fabled Ravens [D] vs. The Steampunk Revolution [D]

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Sarabeth started her run towards Marne in order to hop right in the air and go for the killing blow of a Slingblade move hopefully to get the Ostberg down on the canvas. What she didn’t count on is the uppercut nearly about to flip her out of the ring. As Sarabeth jumped and spinned in mid-air, Marne reared back her arm and extended it just in time to catch Sarabeth in the chin with a European Uppercut! This launched Sarabeth down on her back as she held her jaw and hissed violently spitting out some saliva as the referee stepped in to make sure she was okay. The rookie waved her off and the referee stepped back to let the match go on as planned with Marne now taking control.
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Re: Black and White Feathers vs. Evergrowing Time: The Fabled Ravens [D] vs. The Steampunk Revolution [D]

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Marne despite her status as a lightweight was only barely considered such, and in truth the Ostberg genes were quite strong within her, granted her impressive power that dwarfed most girls in her same weight class, and at the very least contested her with middleweights and even some heavyweights. So taking Sarabeth's attack wasn't too difficult, nor was countering. Now she sought to make the most of the opportunity she had before her as she reached down to grab her foe by the shoulders and haul her up to her feet. If successful in doing so than Marne would bend down, wrapping her arms around the girls waist and aiming to lift her up, bending her through the air before trying to slam her down with a northern lights suplex!

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Re: Black and White Feathers vs. Evergrowing Time: The Fabled Ravens [D] vs. The Steampunk Revolution [D]

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Sarabeth groaned as she rubbed her chin and felt like she got slapped out of the air by a flying brick. For a smaller gal, Marne hit like a rhinoceros barreling towards a lonely gazelle. She was a bit worse for wear, but able to get back to her feet stumbling around. Marne was about to unleash some pain on Sarabeth as the clockwork rookie got grabbed by the waist gasping. She would be lifted through the air and dropped down on her back as Sarabeth screamed in pain from the Suplex!

Jessie bit her lip and smacked the top turnbuckle pad trying to get the crowd on Sarabeth’s side for this one. She needed all the cheering and support she could afford.
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Re: Black and White Feathers vs. Evergrowing Time: The Fabled Ravens [D] vs. The Steampunk Revolution [D]

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Marne smirked softly after knocking Sarabeth out of the air, that feeling of raw power being displayed in her first match on such a grand stage definitely making her feel good. Thankfully that training would only grow as she lifted her foe up, and hit a successful Northern Lights Suplex on the girl that seemed to do some significant damage! 'Perfect.' Marne thought as she got up and pulled Sarabeth with her.

Once both were on their feet Marne would grab hold of her opponent in a head lock and force her to walk with her to her corner where Hilde eagerly awaited with an outstretched hand that Marne eagerly accepted, tagging the black bird in. "Bullseye?" Hilde asked excitedly to which Marne offered a rare grin that matched her friends energy.

"Bullseye." The blonde confirmed as she adjusted her hold on Sarabeth, one leg in front of hers while her hands held the girl's own, forcing them up and bending her body at an angle for what seemed like a odd abdominal stretch but with Marne at her side rather than behind Sarabeth. But this was only to hold her down while Hilde quickly got onto the middle rope before leaping forward, shooting her legs out for a middle rope drop kick right into Sarabeth's rump!

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