Ursula Burns vs Kajetan: Power and more power

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Ursula Burns vs Kajetan: Power and more power

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Match Type: Qualification Match for the Heavyweight Title tournament

Winning Condition: Via pin, submission, KO, Count out or DQ

Fighters: Ursula Burns vs Kajetan

Special Condition: If Kajetan wins the gym Rats get a official LAW Contract (and connect with the fans)
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“Your damn lucky!”
would Barda say while slapping her partner onto the back. The big woman would stumble a bit forwards before catching herself again. She would smile shyly and look over her shoulder to see the black haired woman smile at her with a happy smile like a child before Christmas Eve. The brunet know just too well how her partner did feel right now. Because just a few hours ago she felt exactly the same way, like she does right now. But right now she didn´t feel so luckily anymore… it was more like the happiness that made her feel so light that she could swear that she could fly was changed with some pressure that could turn dust into diamantes. An all this pressure was on her own shoulders.
“We did it… that´s it! The big stage, where the big dogs play!” Barda would slap onto the next looker door with her flat hand, causing some extremely loud noise to hall through the long hallways, although the doors of the locker room were shut closed. “only one match is between us and the grand stage! Come on! This will be the biggest night of our night!”

Kajetan was smirking a bit while looking into the happy face of her partner… but after a few moments she would look away like a shy animal. Barda directly knew what was going on with her partner and would step up. She would grab the head of her friend and turn it around so the eyes of the two former modules would meet. Then she would press the foreheads of the two together. “Hey Ka-J. Everything will be alright. I know you are scared right now… and hell I would be too if I would be in your boots right now. The first night in LAW for us and everything is on your shoulders, if you win our dream comes true. But if not we have to leave again. We weren´t even allowed to write our names onto some lockers.”

Kajetan would look at her partner with a question looking. She didn´t knew what the woman with the black hair was going for, but if she wanted to take the pressure away from her shoulders she wasn´t doing it right… instead she would only increase the pressure on it. Kajetan would feel a bit uncomfortable and would let her shoulders circle for a moment. She would feel how some cold sweat would run down her skin, giving her little shaking.

“but you know why I directly backed out of the question who of us should go out there and fight for our place here?” Barda would stare into the eyes of her partner. “Not because I was scared of screwing up… not at all. No much more because I know there was no one better for this than you! You are the strongest woman I know! You the strongest woman there is! Hey maybe there are woman out there that are better in the ring then we are, we got beaten up a hell lot of times. But you were always a god damn rock. They throw everything at you to take you down, and you only stood there and took it. I bet no one out there has something on you, you’re at least as good as anyone out there who could step into the ring with you. And all you have to do Ka-J is the same thing you have done for years now, the thing we trained so hard for! We busted our asses for this and now it is the time for you to get rewarded for it!”

Kajetan would smile with a bit more happiness and confines. This didn´t go by Barda unnoticed naturally. The black haired woman would smile happily and put her hands back from the side of her partners and friends head. Then without any warning she would shove both of her hands against the chest of the brunet woman. “That’s more like it… and now come on show me some fire!” Barda would shove her hands against the chest of friend one more time, slowly making her back away. Then she did it one more time making Kajetan´s back hit the next locker. But before Barda was able to push her friend one more time, Ka-J was coming back at her. She would step back and shove right against her partner with all she got.

“Hands off me you slut!”, she would scream out. The shoving of her had enough power behind it to make barda bash backwards into the lookers behind her. The black haired woman would look more serious and get right back at the brunet shoving her into the lookers once more… But before Ka-J was able to return the favor the door would open and a young woman would poke in to see if everything was okay, where this loud noises came from and to tell them that miss Kajetan should get ready for her match she would be up next. The two girls would giggle while putting the arms around the shoulders of the other. They told the girl that they would be on the way. The girl girls put anything they wouldn´t need into a locker and left the room. They wouldn´t be official called down to the ring instead, they would have to enter with no lights on or introduction other than someone trying to read out the name of the Italian woman loudly into a microphone. When they reached the ring Barda would shake her head and roll into the ring and reached out with her hand asking for the microphone. The girl in the ring didn´t know what to do because this wasn´t planned. But after a moment of thinking she would hand over the microphone. Barda would turn around letting her cape fly.
“okay guys, sorry I come from the other side of the world but there we welcome a guest a little bit warmer… maybe I can introduce her to all of you!” Barda would cough for a moment cleaning up her mouth. Then she would raise the microphone again.

“Good evening everyone. My name is Barda Free! And is my pleasure to introduce to you the first fighter of the evening! Making her way here from Rom Italy. She is a one of best European fighters and maybe the strongest! What do I say here she is surly the strongest! Standing tall at an impressive 6´2” and bringing a weight into the fight from 220 lbs… please clap into your hands for KA-J!” Barda would lower the microphone and step backwards leaving the stage for her partner. Kajetan had blushed a bit when her partner screamed out her weight into the world. But still she needed to step up now. She would slowly walk up the stairs to enter the ring before getting inside. She would walk around for a moment not knowing what to do… she would look over to her partner and see that Barda would show her that she should maybe flex a bit. And Ka-j would do it. She would lift her arms and started to flex her muscles showing them off in the burning light of the headlights. She would do a few poses showing off every side of her body before Barda would step next to her… the two girls would raise the microphone together. And screamed into it together: “Bring IT!” calling out their unknown opponent. Both girls would now leave the ring to let the other fighter enter without a problem.

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Re: Ursula Burns vs Kajetan: Power and more power

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Ursula had been in the back stretching and doing squats to warm up in preparation for her match tonight. It was a big day for her. Getting into the Heavyweight Championship Tournament was a feat in and of itself. To get there, she'd need to make it past the qualifiers. And that meant takng on whoever it was LAW management put up against her, tonight. Ursula had just finished her set of squats and grabbed a towel. Clad in gym gear that she used as wrestling gear, the barefoot bodybuilder looked to a monitor while in the backstage area and saw Barda and Katejan really play up their entrance. Barda seemed especially excited. After Kajetan was given a rousing introduction from her tag partner and posed in the ring, Ursula smile and expressed her approval.

"Ohhh they found someone promising!" She said whilst putting her hands together. She began to feel very conflicted upon considering the match stipulations.

"If I win, I get to compete in the tourney, but if they win, they get to work here...I don't like that only one of our dreams can come true in this match..." Ursula would pat her face and instill herself with confidence. In that short moment, she had already made up her mind! She was going to go out there and kick butt, enter the tournament, AND fight for Kajetan and Barda's right to compete as LAW wrestlers. Though, she didn't need to be that up front with her opponent about it. Burns began to walk towards the arena. She signaled to stage hands to cue her music as she walked out.

The dark skinned heavyweight would make her appearance. She'd extend her arms and waved as her entrance song played. Ursula wasted no time trotting towards the ring and sliding under the bottom rope. She was just a couple inches shorter than Kajetan, a little lighter than her, too. But she seemed unfazed. Ursula walked up to the blue clad woman with a smile and extended her hand out for a handshake.

"Ready to show me what you're made of, rookie? Ready to prove that you belong here?" She said in an effort to hype up both herself and her opponent for tonight. This match was gonna be a good one, Ursula could feel it. And it would have to be the first good one of many if she were going to claim that LAW Heavyweight Title!
Last edited by winner3 on Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ursula Burns vs Kajetan: Power and more power

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Kajetan would look over to her partner and she would look back when the music hit. Seems like their opponent didn´t want them to wait a single moment, because just when they reached the cold arena floor, the lights changed and he music would start to play. It was something a bit more into the direction of fast rock than the two would have expected from a heavyweight. And then someone started to sign and Barda needed to fight the need to giggle or straight up laugh loudly. The voice sounding through the arena out of these speakers was way to adorable and cute to be taken seriously as a warning for a monsters righter. But Barda would stop giggling when a person showed up on top of the ramp right in front of the entrance area.

Both Italian women would stare up there for a moment, looking at the woman with the taunted skin and the perfectly trained body. Both would say at the same time: “WOW HOT!” Quietly so only they could hear it. Then the other heavyweight was coming down to the ring. She was hurrying up and wasting no time. Kajetan would smile when she saw this and start to speed up as well. Somehow she was suddenly all fired up when she saw with who she would clash in the next moments. The Italian woman would slide into the ring at the same moment as her opponent would so both girls would meet each other in the center of the ring. Before the Italian woman could say anything her opponent would speak up first and reached out with her hand. The woman in the blue suit wouldn´t waste and instead would take the handshake and would press the hand of her opponent with a determent in confident amount of pressure. While doing so she would look right into the eyes of her opponent.

“I am ready! And I promise I will give my very best, so I am asking you to give your best as well! Please don’t hold back anything, hit me with all you got and more! Let´s give our best so the best woman is the one standing tall in the end!” Kajentan would smile a bit before going on. “By the way my name Is Kajetan, but don´t worry. I know that it is almost impossible to speak out loudly, so calling ma KA-J is more than enough! What is your name?” After her opponent had introduces herself KA-J added. “Nice to meet you Ursula!” And then she would let go of the hand going back into her corner getting ready for the match.  

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Re: Ursula Burns vs Kajetan: Power and more power

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Ursula loved the look in her opponent's eye. KJ had all the makings of a star. From Burns' perspective, she was looking at a diamond in the rough, one that could use a little extra pressure. And Ursula was prepared to give it to her. After hearing out what one half of the gym rats had to say, Ursula nodded in approval and responded.

"I like your spirit, KJ!" Ursula would say while meeting her opponent's gaze and tightening her grip on the brunette's hand. "That's what this tournament is all about, right? There can only be one LAW Heavyweight Champ! I'd be disrespecting the championship and you if I gave you anything less than my best!" Ursula would pull her opponent close and offer one last final word before turning her back and heading for her corner. "So you come at me with everything you got, too! Cause I'm gonna put you through the wringer. You're gonna earn that LAW contract tonight, girl!" With a reassuring smile, the dark skinned body builder would make way for her corner. She'd stretch and roll her shoulder while the fans clamored in anticipation of what was sure to be an amazing Heavyweight Qualifier match!

Despite the fact that Barda seemed to remain close by, Ursula senses no ill will from either of her fellow bodacious babes. She would make eye contact with the red clad heavyweight and nod to her as well just before the bell sounded. And when it did, Ursula would come at Kajetan full speed. She'd sprint out of her corner, the sound of her bare feet hitting the mat would echo out as she cleared the distance of the ring with impressive speed! Burns would attempt to grab Kajetan around the waist and push her into her corner with a high speed Spear to start things off!
Last edited by winner3 on Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ursula Burns vs Kajetan: Power and more power

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Ka-j was watching her opponent closely, while both heavyweights were standing in their corners. The Italian woman was feeling how her knees were getting weak again and she wanted t nothing more than to roll out of this ring and run. But the time for running was over, she was here and she had to fight with all she got. She had to win this match. She had to beat Ursula, no matter how nice she seemed to be. The tension was almost fellable in the air, like before a summer storm. Then finally the ring bell would ring and break the tension up. Kajetan was pushing herself out of the corner and tried to make some steps closer to the center of the ring. She planned to meet her opponent there, But it seemed like Ursula was thinking about another way to start off that match. The woman with the white hair was running towards her with a full head of steam. Ka-j was only ripping her eyes wide open when she saw how her opponent was running right at her. Although she would had a moment to do anything, she was just standing there like she was turned into stone, not moving a single muscle in her body. All she could do was stare as her opponent was approaching her. And she hit her like a train on full speed. Ka-J was lifted up from the mat and dragged in front of her opponent backwards right back into the corner she just left. The Italian woman would scream out in pain while leaning forwards trying to push her opponent away. But Ursula was like a angry bull… squashing Kajetan in the corner like a bug…

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Re: Ursula Burns vs Kajetan: Power and more power

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When the sound of the bell echoed out, Ursula gave her foe no quarter. She rushed at KA-J with a full head of steam and tackled the woman, propelling her into her own corner, with few options for escape! As the Italian screamed out, Ursula would grab the middle ropes on both sides of the corner, one with each hand. She'd back up slightly and leave a small space between herself and the brown haired heavyweight before charging forward and forcing her shoulder into Kajetan's chiseled core!

Should this work, Ursula would attempt three more shoulder rams, grunting forcefully with each one as she worked away at Kajetan's core. "RARGH! GRAAAH! HAA!" The bodacious Miss Burns would finally let up. She'd stand up straight before reaching for the Italian's shoulders and trying to pull her close. She'd attempt to wrap her strong arms around her foe's torso before trying to bend back and throw her backwards and overhead for a Belly to Belly Suplex!

Should the momentum of the match continue to swing in Ursula's favor, she'd comment while getting up after hitting the Suplex. "Come on, KA-J! I'm not pulling any punches! I'm not going easy on you! So show me what you got!" The white haired heavyweight would demand.
Last edited by winner3 on Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ursula Burns vs Kajetan: Power and more power

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Ka-J was driven against the corner once so hard that the whole air was pressed out of her. But luckily for her she would feel how Ursula was backing away, creating some free space for the Italian woman. Ka-j would walk, almost fall, forwards a bit trying to get away from the turnbuckles that almost broke her back a moment before. But suddenly she would notice that Ursula hasn´t gone back to far. The Italian woman would look down to see that the hands of her opponent were holding on to the ropes tightly. KA-J Was thinking one moment to long what to do about this and then it already too late. Her opponent would shoot forward again and ram her shoulder into the midsection of the Italian woman once again, lifting her up from the mat before squashing her into the corner once more. Luckily this time it wasn´t as impactful as the last time, but it was still hurting like hell. The Italian bodybuilder would cough out for a moment and bend forwards over the back of her opponent, hopping quietly that it was done. But then the shoulder of Ursula was drilling her way into the abs of the Italian woman once again, smashing her back against the turn buckles again.

Kajetan wasn´t the fastest woman or the smartest but even she would learn with the time. So after the second attack; KA-J would start to tension up her abs as much as she could, to prevent her opponent to make her puke her breakfast. (Luckily she skipped dinner). At the same time the hands of the woman in the blue body suit were shooting forwards, grabbing a hold on the top ropes to her left and right, above the back of her opponent. She would pull herself forwards as good as she could right at the moment when Ursula was throwing her shoulder into her midsection. That should prevent her from being smashed into the corner again so brutally.
When the two women now collided to the third time, KA-J was still pushed backwards and she felt how her hands were sliding over the top rope. But at least she wasn´t hit as horrible as the last two times. For the fourth time Kajetan tried to prepare herself the same way as she did before but it wasn´t working out so well and again she was squashed into the corner, making her scream out in pain.
Now Ursula was really backing away from her, making the Italian woman stumble out of the corner and right into the arms of the woman with the white hair. Ka-j would try to push her opponent away but wasn’t able to capitalize enough strength in her dazed status and so her opponent could easily pull her out of the corner and closer to the center of the ring, while holding both body’s close together in a hug.
Barda would watch in shock from outside what would go down next, She wouldn’t see that too often. Her opponent was lifted up from the mat and this Ursula was throwing her right over her in German suplex. Seeing such a massive figure as Kajetan flying through the air, send upwards with such a ease was something you wouldn´t see any day. Not wanting to believe her eyes Barda would watch her partner fly through the air and spinning around before landing on her back making the whole ring shake. Barda would jump back a bit covering her mouth for a moment, seeing her partner getting handled like that…

Ka-j would slowly roll onto her stomach after a break on her back. She would take her time to get back up to her feet. “you know… I just wanted to let you have your way for a moment… after all the fans should see what you can do!”, the Italian woman would say as soon a she was standing again. She would rub her stomach for a moment, and she thought after a good abs training this was hurtful!

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Re: Ursula Burns vs Kajetan: Power and more power

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Ursula was on a roll! The dark skinned bodybuilder was able to get off to a great start against her debuting opponent. After forcing KA-J into the corner and working her abs with repeated shoulder thrusts into the corner, Ursula didn't let up. She stood up straight and wrapped her arms around the Italian's waist. With a firm embrace, she planted her feet and showed off her size and strength by easily throwing Kajetan backwards and overhead with a Belly to Belly Suplex! The crowd roared and Barda on the outside of the ring expressed shock as her fellow gym rat was sent sailing through the air and across the ring. Burns only needed a moment to rise after hitting the move. The barefoot wrestler would begin to approach her downed opponent, and as she did so, KA-J rolled onto her stomach and began to speak up.

As Kajetan finally rose and began to speak, Ursula had gotten close, only about a pace or two away. When the brown haired woman claimed that she was only letting the pink clad woman have her moment, Ursula frowned and moved in. She'd place a hand on KA-J's shoulder and ball her other hand up into a fist before attempting to target the Italian's abs yet again. and sink her first into them with a stiff punch while protesting: "Did I ask you for excuses?! Or did I tell you to give me your best?" If her punch connected and forced her foe to bend forwards, the white haired heavyweight would reach for Kajetan's head and attempt to pull it between her thick thighs. Ursula would attempt to follow up the punch by setting KA-J up for a Powerbomb!

If Ursula was able to keep her momentum going, she'd lift KA-J up onto her shoulders for a second before bending down and throwing back first into the canvas with great force! Ursula would put much of, if not all her strength into that Powerbomb! The sound of her foe crashing into the canvas would be heard throughout the arena and Ursula stand over her foe for a moment while breathing heavily. The barefoot fighter would take a moment to recover from having exerted herself in an effort to chastise the rookie for giving her an excuse.

"Get up, KA-J!" Ursula would demand. "You're better than this! Get up and stop making excuses!"
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Re: Ursula Burns vs Kajetan: Power and more power

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Ka-j tried to keep a good and happy mod in the match but it seemed like her opponent wasn´t finding any liking in this. Instead it was making her kind of angry. The woman with the darker skin would stump right over to the coughing Italian. Ka-j wanted to pull her arm up getting ready to defend herself against the incoming threat. But when she was abot to pull her hands on front of her she would suddenly feel a hand grabbing and squeezing her shoulder. Wow… that hand had some power. Ka-j was turning her head to see that Ursula had already a grip on her and wasn´t letting go of her in the next time. The Italian woman would try to back away but wasn´t able, it was like an iron claw had her and with no intention of letting her get away ever. Then to make matters worse, something like a fucking sledge hammer hit her right into the midsection making her eyes almost pope out of her skull and making her bend forward’s . She would hold on to her stomach while coughing heavily and loudly. That was a pretty painful punch… maybe Kajenta should have flexed her abs a bit… but she didn´t got any time to think about what she had done wrong or what she should have done. She was pulled forwards and right between the thgiths of her opponent. In panic she would teast around and tried to push against the legs of her opponent that felt more like solid trees then legs. But she wasn´t able to get free in time and then it was going upwards with Kajenta. But not the good way. Her opponent picked her up from the mats and lifted her right onto her shoulders. The Italian woman would start to scream out in panic and throw her arms around like crazy. No one ever done that to her before. She was feeling a fear of highs suddenly.

Barda would not believe hr eyes. If she wasn´t standing there right at ringside she would think it was a trick or something. She would lean forwards until she was pressed with her chest against the mat and scream. “KA-J!”, being scared for her partner.

And then it was going back down for the woman in the blue swimsuit. She was thrown downwards and send flying downwards with the final destination being a crash into the mat. And she couldn´t do anything to stop it. So the big body of the body builder would be slammed into the mat and the whole ring was shacking at once. The body of the Italian woman would bounce of the mat one time before it flopped right onto her front. She would lay down for a moment not moving.

Barda would bit her lips… was she alredy done… “Come on!” She would scream trying to motivate her partner, clapping onto the ring with both of her hands.

It would take a moment, but suddenly Ka-j would slam both of her fists into the mat, slowly rising onto her hands and knees, staring down onto the mat. No this wasn´t over, not yet and no any time with her on the mat! The Italian woman would start to breathe in and out more and more intensive. Then she would look up staring right at her opponent. Without saying a word Ka-j would press her legs against the mat trying to go for a low running start, speeding up as fast as she could. She would try to rush right towards the dark skinned fighter. Building up as much speed as she could she would stare the whole time at her opponent. But when she was close enough she would throw her whole massive body Forwards, while screaming out as loudly as she could. She would reach out with her arm trying to go for a clothesline, but she wasn´t attempting to hit it against the chest of Ursula, instead she would try to put enough power and momentum behind it to go straight through the other woman. When it all went well for the Italian woman she would drop forwards onto her belly as well thanks to the fact that she put as much power behind it that she couldn´t stop herself anymore.

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Re: Ursula Burns vs Kajetan: Power and more power

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Ursula was continuing to work over the debuting woman. She moved in and chastised KA-J for her earlier comment, hammering the Italian with a stiff shot to the abs, targeting them get again! The force of the blow forced an audible grunt and coughing out of her foe. From here, the bodybuilder was able to easily follow up by positioning KA-J and transitioning into yet another powermove! The white haired heavyweight would show off her strength yet again when she lifted her fellow heavyweight onto her shoulders and threw her down into the mat with a ferocious Powerbomb! Fans in the arena would cheer when Burns hit the move on KA-J. And Barda would look on with concern. But rather than try and pin the woman right away, and try and finish the match, Ursula demanded that KA-J got up. She knew that the rookie had more to give - that she was better than this. She was determined to bring more out of her opponent. And sure enough, KA-J would at least begin trying to deliver.

Ursula would look on with a smile as KA-J banged her fists against the canvas and started to rise up. Her breaths grew heavier as she dug deep and began to dart at Ursula with alarming speed. KA-J would extend her arm out and nail Ursula with a harsh clothesline! While holding nothing back, the Italian hit her foe with enough force to send them both falling towards the canvas! Ursula would go down wordlessly! It was the first hit she took all match. She held her chest for a moment and winced. The strike hurt, but it wasn't going to keep the pro wrestler down for long. Ursula would soon roll onto her stomach. She'd force herself up to all fours and begin crawling towards her foe. If KA-J stayed down, Ursula would attempt to climb onto the woman's back. She'd try to hit her with three or four punches to the back of the head before planting her feet by KA-J's head and reaching for the rookie's arms. Ursula would try to follow up the short barrage of punches by securing the lady in a camel clutch submission!

"That was good! But you're gonna have to do better than that!" You give?" Ursula would ask should she lock in the hold with no issue.
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