Horns and Thorns - First Blood match (Taurus Mask v Viola del Verde Rosa)

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Horns and Thorns - First Blood match (Taurus Mask v Viola del Verde Rosa)

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First Blood Match -Taurus Mask vs Viola del Verde Rosa-

A pin, knockout or submission can only count after a wrestler has made the other one bleed. No dq, anything goes.

Viola was surprised. She had not expected that there were many luchadora’s in LAW, but she had expected an even smaller number of luchadors. Her debut had been against one, and now her second match was with another. After the technical victory over Eduardo, she had expected something similar.. but her opponent was.. well he was different. Taller, muscular, but less refined than her previous opponent, his picture and history showed that he was indeed rather bullish as his name suggested.

Viola placed a hand on her forehead, laughing lightly as she reread the rule sets for the matchup she had signed up for.

“Ay ai ai.. I get myself into lots of trouble, don’t I..? LAW is lucky they pay very well for these matches.. that, and that it gets my blood pumping to be in such a dangerous encounter.”

But that was enough talk. She slipped her mask back on, straightened her hair and walked out into the arena to the sounds of cheering fans and her theme playing across the stadium! Raising her hand, she waved at the crowd, even so gracefully clasping hands with some of her more eager fans. She would step into the ring, raising herself across into the apron, clutching the ropes and flexing her body, showing it off to all her admirers!
Wrestling Outfit
Eventually, miss Viola settled down into a corner. She awaited her foes arrival eagerly, hoping that his muscles were not just for show and she could squeeze a good match from his body before disposing of him in a glamorous and domineering victory!
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Re: Horns and Thorns - First Blood match (Taurus Mask v Viola del Verde Rosa)

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"HEY YO PRIMO!!!! Uh, Donde...esta...El Locker...Roomo?" Reggie emphasized every syllable with a booming inflection towards the thoroughly confused backstage personnel he just yanked by his wrist out of his daily routines, as if vocalizing his request would make it easier for the beset upon Spanish native. LAW's newfound promotion of lucha-themed wrestlers within its federation running the gamut from hiring expert announcers and officials in this hallowed and time-honored aspect of wrestling tradition. So it's a major bummer was thoroughly unfamiliar with any of the bullshit, and didn't know a lick of Spanish. In fact scarcely squeaking out a D+ in Senorita Vargas' class back in high school. Which he felt was bullshit considering all of her screeching and swatting him on the head whenever he found him catching some Z's. The bewildered backstage worker thankfully being much more understanding to his plight and piecing enough together to point Reggie in the right direction. He hoped anyway, cause he was ready to showcase that whichever federations signs up The Bull-man...signs up wrestling excellence and an absolute badass...
The Raging Bull
Several seconds later and after what sounded like a cassette tape being loaded, a veritable explosion of a theme rocketed out of the speakers to mainly perplexed reactions with not many knowing what to make of it. Spotlights bearing a bull-themed insignia spiraling all about the arena with an emerald green hue before TAURUS MASK burst out from behind the curtains with a testosterone fueled "WOOOOOOOOO!!!" bellowed out from deep within the fire in his belly. Afterwards shadow-boxing with some jukeing side-steps before shooting one fist towards the ring to the explosion of flicking pyro on both sides of the stage. Reggie confidently marching down the ramp as a small smattering of audience members started bobbing their heads to the side and at the very least enjoying the spectacle of his presentation and rockin theme. Taurus stomping up the steps and into the ring, cape billowing behind him as he stood on the middle ropes at a corner turnbuckle. Flexing and showing off the gunz before hopping back down and centering his eyes across the ring. "MMM!!! Fires of hell ain't got nuthin on how blazin' hot you are, Senorita. Shame Imma haveta make you a blood red rose before I pluck you myself~..."

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Re: Horns and Thorns - First Blood match (Taurus Mask v Viola del Verde Rosa)

Unread post by Aeri »

Viola placed a simple hand on her cheek as she stared at her opponent for the night, a genteel smile crossing her face as he entered rather rowdily. It was funny, he was rather muscular and tall, had a mask but she didn’t get much sense that he was a proper luchador. In fact, she was willing to bet that he hadn’t even seen a proper one wrestle seriously.

Well, she thought.

He was going to today.

“Why senor, your temperament is nothing like what I expected. However your body seems well enough equipped for the ring, so I will have to stave my disappointment deep down in my heart until this battle has concluded.”

She said with a little smile. Viola, in all actually found his words flattering. She was weird like that.

“I apologise, but the only one to lose blood.. will be you, senor.”

She said. Viola thought that while she may have found him fun, her sister would absolutely hate this brazen and brash fighter and want to do nothing more than to break him.
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Re: Horns and Thorns - First Blood match (Taurus Mask v Viola del Verde Rosa)

Unread post by killcarrion »

Unfortunately, Reggie's familiarity with the hallowed traditions ingrained within lucha-style wrestling was about as shallow as his grasp of the Spanish language. Of which he only retained whatever Senorita Vargas could hammer into his head or from random telenovellas he caught on television. Reggie only donning a wrestling mask in the first place because it matched the bull aesthetic of his wrestling name and easy merch sales. Not to mention that all kids loved masked superheroes. Witnessing an entire arena wearing his bull-themed apparel while chanting his name would not only be dope as fuck, but a sign that he was making bank while at the same time getting to wrestle with some fine mamacitas in the process ~...

"Oh, I'm well equipped for more than just the wrestling ring, Senorita~...You play yer cards right and you might just be given the privilege of experiencing that firsthand yourself. Cause whether in the ring or the bedroom, I leave all the ladies weak in the knees."
Exuding masculine bravado, Taurus unfurled his cape and handed it off to ringside personnel. Reggie limbering up with a cocksure smirk as the bell rang off in the distance. Cracking his neck from side to side before beginning to approach Viola, his massive mitts spread to his side as he lurched forward in a wide-armed stance. Reggie stomping towards her in an attempted pounce intended to be adjusted into a tightened side headlock if he managed to get his hands on her.

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